All Chapters of The Woman From Hell: Chapter 2651 - Chapter 2660
2759 Chapters
Chapter 2651
Judging from Theo's tone, it was obvious he had known Neil since a long time ago.Yet none of them mentioned anything when I first introduced them. I frowned. This matter did not seem like a simple one.I did not mean to eavesdrop, but their conversation and expressions made me want to listen in further.Neil raised his head, there was a flash of complication in his quiet eyes, but his tone was gentle and sincere. "Believe it or not, I truly didn't come back with some other purpose. I just didn't want to stay abroad alone anymore.""Alone..." Theo repeated. He lowered his gaze slightly as if thinking about something. When he looked up the next second again, his eyes were stern. "Haven’t you been alone after coming back too? What are you planning?”Neil replied the instant he heard Theo’s question. “Nothing, of course. At least you’re here. Knowing that we’re in the same city makes me feel a lot more secure.”The corners of Theo’s mouth turned up slightly. There seemed to be some
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Chapter 2652
I was looking at him, but Theo’s gaze stayed on my wound.He did not answer me.He was not ready to answer me.I lowered my gaze and did not ask again.Neil returned after a while, panting. "He got away, but I’ll find him. Don't worry." When he saw my injury, Neil quickly crouched down and asked, "Wanda, are you okay? You’re bleeding. We have to deal with your wound.”Theo pushed him away. With his side profile facing Neil, he said, "We don’t need you meddling in our affairs. I’ll look for that person just now.”Theo picked me up after saying that and went toward the entrance.I looked back at Neil. He was standing there, alone as his eyes trailed in the direction we left. He looked so lonely that it made me feel sorry for him.I redirected my gaze to Theo's face. The chill to his usual indifference was much more intense now as he exuded a ferocity everywhere. Even I dared not ask him any more questions.He carried me to the car and fastened the seat belt over me. "You were dr
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Chapter 2653
Theo tended to my wound with much care but did not respond to my question.Could it be that he did not want me to know about it…After hearing their conversation, however, I would find it difficult to hold onto my curiosity without asking anything.I looked at Theo. His expression was calm, his anger likely already seeped away. "I heard Neil call you brother. Are you two… brothers?” My tone was calm, and my question was careful.I noticed Theo's actions slowing down, but he continued to treat my wound. The expression on his face was a little cold, and his tone was even colder as he replied, "No."“Why would he call you that if you’re not brothers?” I asked again.Theo’s handsome face was sullen, and he exhaled heavily. "He’s just a child born to a vain woman. There’s nothing else to say.”Vain woman… Was he referring to Neil’s mother?Could Theo and Neil be siblings from different mothers?My mind supplied me with a feud between the giants, but I had no idea what the truth was
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Chapter 2654
Seeing me silent and deep in thought, Shannon leaned over as if she had read my thoughts. "What's wrong? Do you feel sorry for Marius?”I did not deny that. "His liking me is more of a heavy burden on me. I can’t give him an answer, yet I’m still reaping the benefits he brings me. That’s unfair to him.”Shannon nodded in understanding when she heard that. Then, her eyes lit up as if she had thought of something. "Have you ever heard that the fastest way to forget someone in the shortest time is to get them to fall for someone else?”"You mean to say...""Let’s help Marius find a girlfriend." Shannon snapped her fingers. She then fished out her phone. “I know someone who has a lot of resources for us to reference.”I leaned over and looked at the caller ID she pulled up. “The matchmaker? Why would you save a number like that?”"I saved it back when I had trouble looking for someone and didn’t want to get nagged. I never deleted it. Who would’ve thought that it’d come in handy toda
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Chapter 2655
My leg wound no longer disrupted my walking. Tonight also happened to be the day I scheduled the dinner with Marius.It was, to put it bluntly, a blind date. Would Marius be furious after finding out?I could call Shannon to cancel it.I was about to call her but she beat me to it. "Wanda, I'm at your door. Come out. I’ll give you a ride.”"Oh okay. Wait for me."Hanging up the call, I went back to my room to change my clothes before heading downstairs. I looked at Theo who was reading a magazine on the sofa. "I’m going out to dinner with Shannon.”"Okay, come back early.""Alright.”When I exited the villa, I saw a car with flashing lights not far away. I went up to it and opened the car door before seeing Shannon greeting me excitedly. "Let's go, it's almost time."I got into the car, my heart flip-flopping. “Shannon, I think we should just call it off. It’s not good that we didn’t tell Marius anything.”“It’ll be fine. We already invited them out. It won’t be nice for us t
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Chapter 2656
I saw Marius and Luna chatting pleasantly, but the smile on Marius’ face seemed more like a storm to me.I regretted doing this.Time slowly passed, and Marius finally escorted Luna out of the restaurant. I followed Shannon, and we only showed ourselves after seeing Luna get into a cab.Shannon placed a hand on Marius’ shoulder and smiled. “What do you think? Miss Blanche is pretty good, no? I noticed you two talking pleasantly just now.”He did not answer Shannon but set his gaze on me who was behind her. He walked to me, the smile disappearing from his face. "Did you set Miss Blanche up for me?”"Didn’t we already say with did it together—”"You, quiet. I want to hear her speak.” Marius cut Shannon off and turned his gaze to me, expression serious.I knew I failed to handle this matter properly. Opening my mouth, I said a little nervously, "I just thought how nice it’d be if you had someone with you.”Marius cast his face to the side, only looking back at me after a long time
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Chapter 2657
As I made my way back, the wind blowing against my face woke me up.It had indeed been wrong of me to arrange a blind date without Marius' permission, thus angering him.His words lingered in my mind. "It seems that you really don't understand what I want.”I truly… did not seem to know what he wanted.Lowering my head, I stared at my feet as I walked and fell into deep thought.Despite knowing him for so long, I knew nothing about him.I always felt a sense of debt toward him.My feet came to a standstill, my mind in shambles. Could I still have a friend like Marius?Sighing, I continued on. I passed an alley where I heard the sound of fighting. I had not wanted to stop, but then I heard a familiar voice."Did Walter Waters send you?"This voice. Neil?I took a few steps forward and heard it even clearer. "What about it? You’re the one who offended President Waters. I’ll make sure to beat you up good today!”"I called the police. If you don't want to get caught, leave quic
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Chapter 2658
Neil turned his head to look at me. "I can tell you about it, but please promise me not to reveal that you already know about this if President Grant doesn't bring this up with you, alright?" I nodded. "Alright. I promise. As long as Theo says nothing, so will I." Hearing me promise him, Neil slowly began to speak, "We're actually brothers. The kind who share the same father but have different mothers." I had actually guessed it. I noted the somewhat complicated expression on Neil's face. Things did not seem that simple. Neil took a deep breath and slowly continued, "But things are not as you think. They weren’t in love with each other, and my mother used all kinds of means to conceive me. She even asked the Grants for money after giving birth to me and then left me to go somewhere else. I probably wouldn't be alive today if it were not for my father's soft heart." So that was why Theo said Neil's mother was a vain person. My heart ached slightly for Neil. "So, you've been
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Chapter 2659
I reached the villa and entered the living room only to see Theo sitting on the sofa, magazine in hand. Recalling what Neil said, I could only hide it away even though I had a thousand other things in mind."I'm back."Theo put down the magazine when he heard me and looked at me. "Why so late?""That's because we rarely ever go out together." I looked at Theo, my gaze somewhat unnatural.He instantly caught onto it and asked, "Did something happen? Your expression is a little off."His words instantly struck me, and I stuttered. Looking at Theo nervously, I replied, "Nothing happened." Theo approached me and reached out his hand to brush away my hair from my temples. There was a look of concern in his eyes. "Obviously, something happened. Tell me what happened. Don't forget what you said yourself. There shouldn't be secrets between us."I pursed my lips. I knew I could not tell Theo what happened with Neil or else things would get out of hand.Inhaling, I raised my gaze to l
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Chapter 2660
Upon returning to Green Orange, the first person I saw was Nina. She looked back at me with a bright smile. "Wanda… Ah, no. You're back, President Lane.""Yes. Now that the project over at Grant Corporation is on track, I thought I should come back and work." I patted Nina's shoulder, signaling her to go back to work before entering the office. Unlike in the past when I would hear Shannon's voice the moment I entered through the door, I only heard murmurs throughout the quiet environment this time. I went toward the source of the sound. Shannon was buried under a pile of documents, and she was muttering, "Marius, you bastard. I'm gonna beat you up when I see you."I smiled and then greeted her. "You don't miss out on cursing the other while working, don't you?" Shannon seemed to be in disbelief when she heard my voice and smiled after ascertaining that it was me. She stood up and asked, "Wanda, are you coming back to Green Orange now?""Yes." "That's great. I'm ecstatic." Shan
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