All Chapters of The Woman From Hell: Chapter 2591 - Chapter 2600
2759 Chapters
Chapter 2591
It had to be said that the aftereffects of white wine were intense. My head felt heavy and muddled as I allowed Shannon to bring me back to the apartment.“Oh, slow down you. Slow down!”My legs did not feel like they belonged to me. I was a little shaky when I stood and needed Shannon to support me to force myself to walk.Spread out on the soda, Shannon grabbed a blanket and covered me.She took a seat to the side while waving her hands. "I can't carry you anymore. I already told you not to drink, but you still wanted to force yourself.”I felt more comfortable leaning against the sofa. "I'll just sleep. You go home.""Can I go back with you like this?""It's really alright. You’d better go back soon. I'm already home. What are you still worried about?”I did not want her to go back too late. She had not even had dinner yet.Shannon looked at me doubtfully. “Are you sure?”“Of course. I’ll be fine after some sleep. You shouldn’t stay here and disturb me.” I waved my hand,
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Chapter 2592
Neil’s gaze swept over me, an awkward smile lingering on the corner of his mouth. "What do you think?"I lowered my eyes. I was rather tired, but when I mulled over his words carefully, I could not help but look up and ask with surprise, "Could you be interested in me?"A word spoken was an arrow let fly. Even if I wanted to take back my question, I could not.He smiled first and then nodded as if he had just realized it. "You’re right. I'm interested in you. Why would I care so much about you otherwise?""I'm divorced with three children. You have such good prospects. You should consider other women." I could not afford the so-called love anymore.Neil smiled at me. "I know. Don't think too much about it. I don't expect any results. It's fine like this."His bright smile also relieved me. "That's good.""I heard Yards are going to participate in the bid for Astral Garden today. They probably designed your win over North Courts yesterday since they’ve set their eyes on Astral Ga
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Chapter 2593
I could understand Brian's impatience at the moment. Life would be difficult for him now that he had won the land in North Courts at such a high price.After a moment of silence, I slowly started, "Chairman Wagner, trust me one more time. We won't develop this land for now. Instead, we'll sell it at a high price when the market picks up."Hearing this, Brian's face turned blue and white in alternation. He looked like he was in disbelief.He wiped his face. "Wanda Lane, do you know what you’re talking about?"“I do. I also know you won’t be able to take in any of this now, but I would like for you to trust me again.”Brian lowered his head, a whisper of a smile on the corners of his lips. Immediately after, anger flashed across his face. "I'd be stupid to believe you again. The market price of land in North Court is at most no more than 100 million. We already won this land by a whole lot more than that. Who will be stupid enough to buy it from us?"I remained calm in the face of
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Chapter 2594
The bidding for Astral Garden was undoubtedly won by the Yards.The next day after the successful bidding, Yard Group announced the start of its development.In the dining room, Nibel watched Yard Group’s official announcement on the tablet with an obvious smile on his mouth. He then put down the tablet and looked at me. "They’re too high-profile. I don't like it. I still prefer you, who do big things without saying a word.”I took a sip of my drink and shook my head lightly. "You flatter me. I have to thank you for your help in our bid for North Courts.”Hearing this, Nibel spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders. “I didn't do anything. I just distributed a few messages. It was all planned by you,” he said casually."Those messages were not only spread throughout Whaldorf City but also became a hot topic abroad. You’ve helped us a lot, Nibel."Nibel raised his eyes to look at me before suddenly approaching me. "Miss Wanda, I think you should go star in a movie. You’ll defini
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Chapter 2595
Two months later, in Green Orange. In the office, I was looking at the news on the computer with a satisfied smile.Then, Shannon's voice came from outside the door. "Wanda, Wanda?" This was how she was. She was someone who one would hear before seeing. She was already married and had children, yet she seemed like a child herself. Pushing open the door, Shannon could not hide the smile on her pretty face. I looked at her with a happy expression, and she could already guess what was up. "Did you see the news too?" I nodded faintly. "Yes. Pack up. We ought to be heading out." Airport. The press was already there waiting when we got onto the scene. Earl Argylle, a famous investor from Yogire Nation, had a unique vision. The projects he invested in had all practically been stable, and their value even doubled. Rumor had it that he was even a member of the royal family of Yogire and that he was rich and powerful.When he came to Whaldorf City, he told the media that it was f
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Chapter 2596
Private room.When Earl and Nibel saw each other, it was like a meeting between long-separated friends. Seeing how close they were, I trusted what Nibel said before even more. Shannon and I stood to the side. Nibel noticed us and asked us to sit down together. "My apologies, I got a little excited because I haven't seen Earl in so long," Nibel explained. I immediately shook my hand, expressing that it was alright. Smiling, I said, "I get it." The light in Shannon's big eyes swirled before she tapped my hand. "They look like they have a pretty good relationship with each other. We might have a chance."I did not reply to Shannon. I just watched Earl with scrutiny. Food was soon served, and Nibel graciously greeted his friend from afar, "Earl, you must try these. They're delicious. You won't be able to have them after you leave." He led Earl through this feast while Shannon and I did not know what to eat.As we watched time pass by, it did not seem like Nibel was about t
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CHapter 2597
When we left the hotel, Earl and Nibel walked behind us.While saying our goodbyes, we made an appointment to meet tomorrow.I could not hide our excitement when I was sending Shannon back to her place."We’ll bring Earl to visit North Courts tomorrow. He’ll definitely be satisfied. He wants to build a soho-type building. He‘ll definitely build shopping malls and other facilities nearby. Next, we only need to release this news and the market value of North Court will definitely rise.”Ditching the dark clouds of bleakness from a while ago, Shannon looked as if she had been reformed."There's no rush. It won’t be too late when Earl finishes his visit tomorrow.""Alright!"After sending Shannon home, I also went back to my apartment. Just when I opened the door, I heard Neil's voice behind me. “You’re back. I just cooked hot pot. Do you want some?"“Alright.”I did not eat a lot just now and was still a little hungry now.Neil had thrown a lot of ingredients into the hot pot. H
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Chapter 2598
The next day, I showed up in the northern suburbs with Earl.I kept paying attention to Earl's expression throughout the visit, but his expression was always heavy.Was he not satisfied?Unease lingered in my heart. I accompanied Earl through the whole journey while feeling perturbed.Finally, we reached the point we started, and I looked at Earl with eyes full of expectation as well as a trace of uncertainty. "Mr. Earl, what do you think?"There was silence after I voiced my question. Earl turned his gaze away and looked around. A sense of oppression enveloped me, and I was quickly forgetting how to breathe. After a moment, Earl returned his gaze to me and immediately smiled. "Excellent. Much better than I imagined. I've already gotten people to take photos of the place and send them back. I trust everyone will be very pleased." I covered my mouth in surprise, my entire state revealing how I felt. "Thank you for your confirmation. So, our cooperation...""Is smooth sailing
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Chapter 2599
Earl looked through the development blueprints with great detail, and it would be a lie to say it did not make me panic. My heart was fluttering at the moment as I watched his every move. Even every subtle expression of his was throwing a wrench into my emotions.Sylvester was so sly with how he had intercepted us halfway!Just when I had collected myself, Earl was also done looking through the blueprints and glanced at Sylvester. “It looks great.”That praise… Could he have been persuaded?"Perhaps you’d like to come and have a look at it with me, Miss Wanda?"Earl's abrupt words surprised me.“Together?” My eyes widened without me noticing. I thought about shamelessly following them along, yet Earl had actually extended an invitation to me. This was not what I had dared expect.At the side, Sylvester was surprised as well. He obviously did not think that Earl would invite me along.I did not know what Earl was thinking, but it was beyond great that I could go along with him.
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Chapter 2600
Facing Earl's expectant eyes and Sylvester’s own piercing ones, I fumbled over my words for a moment.Clearing my throat, I looked around again before pursing my lips and smiling politely. "Astral Garden is indeed in a much better location compared to North Courts, but in terms of development potential, North Courts’ is greater. What do you think, Earl?”Knowing that Earl already had a plan in mind, I did not offer too much so as not to overwhelm the host.A bright smile appeared on Earl's face with strong features. "You’re right, Miss Wanda. I’m sure you understand as well, President Yard.”Sylvester only came back to his senses after being referred to all of a sudden. "Sir, you...""I’ve already had a look at the place. I'll think about it when I get back. I still have matters to attend to, so I shall take my leave now,” Earl said to Sylvester.Sylvester nodded. "Okay, I'll be waiting to hear from you.”He stood there watching Earl leave while I stood beside him and smiled. "N
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