All Chapters of Will You Unmarry Me?: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
97 Chapters
At the end, Neil just shook his own head, disagreeing at my decision. He seemed so untamable, as if no matter if I told him all the reasons existing in this world, he would not still like to let me go."I have a plan. Just go with the flow," he said and sipped on his coffee for the last time. He also invited me to take my breakfast and I just followed him. For minutes, I did not have any strength to speak."How's your day yesterday?" I heard him asking me.I stared at my own plate, finding for an answer in it. "My day was okay--""Another lie again," he cut me off. "As what as I said, I will take care of Felicia. If possible I wll visit her everyday. But that doesn't mean I will not come back you, alright?"I was still unconvinced. I could already imagined my Mom's scolds because I failed in encouraging Neil."She's sick. Why can't you just accept their favor?""How many times do I have to tell you that I do not care about her conditi
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I could not blink anymore. I wanted to make sure if I was just in a terrible nightmare or what but when my heart thumped so hard inside my chest, I instantly got the idea that everything was real, and that included of Neil in my front wearing the kind of expression that reflected as how disappointed he was on me.I knew that kind of expression was all about that land. And this time, too bad, but I prepared nothing to defend my side because I myself could not even understand myself why an obnoxious idea formed in my head these past few days."Hey, you are awake. What do you want?" I asked to break the tension. Good thing he smiled a little bit."I already fed myself before I came in here. Thanks for asking," he uttered with formalism. His hands on his pockets, he locked my eyes using his. "So, why did you sell that land?""I have the right to because... That's not even yours!" Goodness! Please, anyone, gave me strength because it seemed like there's still
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I never planned to stay in this place for too long because Neil might come in here and it's possible for him to notify me that's why it was better for me to be sure. I took a one-minute rest and that meant of sitting all alone in a sofa thinking for my next plan. Damn. I should have made for a plan B. Coming in here without any backup plan was one of the dumb moves I had ever done for this day. Having a plan B, C, D was crucial for someone like me who had lots of doubts and second thoughts."Are you planning to go back in here again, Ma'am?" the maid asked me as she saw me standing up with finality."Not anymore."Too bad but I could not find any reason to come back in here. Unless I would plan something to steal from here-- kidding."Sir Neil is not always in here. It's impossible for him to be in here for hours. Aside from he is busy, I guess he really does not want this place anymore."That's what I received from her again, and it marked in my s
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There were many times that I tried to surrender, but I knew that I was almost in there... I thought everything was finally settled since Felicia and I were becoming friends, but that what was just I knew, because the truth was, the exchange of becoming closer to her was starting in losing my connection to my own husband.I again, tried not to mind what's happening, but it's so painful to the core... Everytime I heard Felicia on the other line calling my husband's name, not to mention that Neil would answer her with so much adoration in his voice... I felt like there was no reason to be happy anymore.And Marixa's words were like a curse, for she once said that I one day I would really regret selling that land, and it really was now happening. Words were powerless to describe how I wanted to go back in the time and changed what I did days ago.I had been crying for days. I ate sorrows as my breakfasts, regrets as my lunches
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I always asked myself, 'Have I made the right decision? And luckily, majority part of me answered, 'Yes, you have that's why I am so proud of you. I decided to leave a letter for Neil. At first, I did not want to -- I wanted to surprise them all for them to feel guilty. But I had realized that, no, doing so would seem like I was just having my revenge, and I never like them to picture out my leaving as one. Years had passed, and fortunately, I fixed myself up so totally. I almost even forgot that I married someone who could not remember me, I almost forgot that I did not have any family I could lean into during my dark times. I glowed up, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. I trusted God in controlling my life. I lend to Him my fate and I would always be grateful for all the blessings He had given to me. Because of what I did years ago, I found myself going to GYM to improve my metabolism. I did not do it to have a sexy body
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Marixa promised to be the one who would buy a phone to my daughter, and so I decided to just give my Kyra a laptop so that she would be comfortable when she's doing a research. She deserved the gadgets, anyway. Now, she's finally sleeping with her parting lips. Unlikely, here I was being the most influential over thinker again. The words my daughter had said awhile ago just marked in my mind for too long. I was glad to know that she found me a complete package. That she did not need a father anymore. That I was enough for her. For all the years living with her, that was the very first that she became very vocal about her father. I meant, I thought she was not thinking about him. And little did I know, Kyra was somehow searching for one. "You do not need a father like him, Kyra," I said, although I knew only me could hear me. "You are too good for him. I do not even think he will love you. Maybe... He is already happy now with his own family.
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I told her everything, how it started and how it also ended. My daughter's eye were the proof how terrible my story was. Her eyes were telling me that my story was the worst one she had ever heard. All of her life, she grew up hearing fairytale-like stories, and so I could not blame her for acting like this. It's no one fault why I got like this."He's a bad husband," I saw her teeth gritting. I saw this coming. Her hating her own father was already predictable, but then, my main goal in here was not to worsen her hatred but for help her to know the whole story because she deserved it. "Mom," she called me again, and this time, her voice was about to break. "You should have told me that my father was like that... I regret asking God to meet my father. I should have known sooner how bad he was to you. He should not let you leave. He should have made you to stay no matter what it takes. But what he did? He did nothing. He took care someone whom he was not his wife He should hav
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"I have something to tell you..." Marixa.I had just finished my daily morning routine, and that's to take a quick bath. Now, Kyra was already in school. And here I was also ready to take care of my own responsibility as well."What is it?" I said, trying to look interested even though my mind was already computing some digits, so ready to work."I have found a news about your family..."That made me stop. My mind also did. Seconds needed to pass first before I woke up from being frozen."You have what?""I was just curious and I am not that busy so I contact my boyfriend's connections that are also close to your family's business. And guess what? You are so damn wrong."What did she mean by that? In where part did I go wrong? Did she mean I misinterpret something?"Yes, you are a fool." Wow, that got me. Though she continued, "You are by thinking that Felicia died."The hair of the back on my neck just stood. "N-no way-
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Medias were busy right now because of that incident. Wherever I went -- in Facebook, YouTube, Twitter or in any other social platforms -- all I could see was the explosive news about that sudden danger yesterday. I knew-- I definitely knew how I prayed again and again to forget that occurrence, but just how unlucky I was, here I was eavesdropping from group of my employees who were talking about the happenings yesterday. For sure they knew more than I did."Is that true? Then the suspects must have been caught already! They are all powerful and together they filed lots of cases! Gosh! I could not imagine how cool it is!" someone said, and I just stared at my laptop, acting like I was focused doing my work.The thing was, I had the right to discipline my workers because it's now working hours and they should be doing their responsibilities, but it seemed like I needed their conversations with one another."Actually, I have found something. Did you know that there
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And now I was finally home. After watching videos all about Marcus and Ambrosia's family, I felt like I needed to calm my rapidly beating heart. Kyra was peacefully sleeping as I held her hair and caressed it using my finger.Funny how I did not get tired after all what happened in this day. I still had the cues to know more about the issue. That's why I even thought that focusing on my work would not happen again by tomorrow."Something is wrong about your daughter," Marixa said, and that's a puzzle for me."What do you mean?""Minutes ago when she was still awake, she wanted to tell something, although she hesitated a lot. That is why I just waited you thinking you are the one she wants to talk with."I was in the middle of my guessing as my daughter woke up. She strangled her cute hands around my neck, and I helped her to sit properly. Her lips parting, she looked at me for a moment, probably registering everything she saw. "Mom..." she whispere
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