All Chapters of The Abduction of Celestine Oakmont: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
231 Chapters
Chapter Twenty-Five II
Deafening silence welcomed them as they entered the bleak hallway of the mafia organization building. The hallway is devoid of cheeriness as if every corner they're walking through also grieves for the death of Carter. Each one of them emerged a candle from their sleeves and eventually lit them. The sorrow in their hearts will forever be with them with the thoughts of Carter, and also for the lives of other men that were taken away too early.Carter's body arrived just an hour before the men were asked to come. Surprisingly, more than ten men were guarding the whole place which they're not familiar with.First in the line to see the body is Nicholas. Behind him were three men, supporting his balance. After what happened, Nicholas had been silent. He never speaks after fighting the security guards to let him see Carter's body. In the end, he got tired and just let his frustration out by punching the wall of the hospital.He's not in a good condition—his eye
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Chapter Twenty-Five III
It's been minutes since he asked one of his men to track down the location of the call earlier and until now, his man hasn't called him back yet. He tapped his fingers to the steering wheel, extending his patience. He'd been driving with no place in mind ever since he received the call. He can't relax but he needs to calm down. Celestine needs him and if he let his emotions and his desire to save her immediately get in his way, he wouldn't be able to save her properly.After all the things that happened, he learned one thing and that is to not be impulsive. His impulsiveness is what brought Celestine with him in the first place, and also the main reason why everything after her becomes chaotic that resulting in the deaths of his men that could've not happened only if he wasn't too stupid and impulsive before.After another minute of driving, finally, he decided to stop his car and parked it temporarily, while he's waiting for his man to call him back with the location
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Chapter Twenty-Five IV
Kingston had lost count of how many times his fists meet the rough wall that is in front of him. He leaned against the wall and sat on the pavement while catching his breath. His hands are also resting on the pavement as it painted it crimson. His mind is filled with the thoughts of Celestine and how scared she is of him. As of now, he's certain that Vincent is already searching the whole building just to find her. He's wrong. Sophia is no longer the woman that Vincent would do everything to save. It was no longer her. It was now Celestine. He inhaled deep and closed his eyes for a moment. If Vincent will find Celestine, which is impossible for him to not find, Kingston was sure that Celestine will speak about him and he couldn't wait for Vincent to know that he's still alive. "Look who's here," someone said to three men behind him after putting the garbage bag down while looking at Kingston. Kingston opened his eyes and look at them. He chuckled and
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Chapter Twenty-Five V
"Thank you," Vincent said to the hotel crew who carried the paper bags he bought for Celestine while leading the way to the hotel room.He was carrying Celestine while talking to the front desk until they reached the hotel room. He's glad that he didn't disturb her sleep even though he's carrying her while talking to the people inside of the hotel. After parking his car earlier, he put clothes on Celestine first before carrying her inside of the hotel, for an obvious reason.After putting the paper bags on the floor, the hotel crew immediately left. As the door clicked closed, Vincent make his way to the bedroom.He fastidiously put Celestine on the soft bed and covered half of her body with a duvet. She moved to the side, facing Vincent with her eyes still closed. While putting clothes on her body a while ago, Vincent checked if she received any wounds except for her wrists that until now were still reddish. And luckily, other than the wounds on her wrists, eve
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Chapter Twenty-Five VI
"I'll be back," Vincent said before fixing the duvet on Celestine's body.In the end, Celestine just ends up nodding her head to Vincent even though there's a part of her that wants to beg him to stay.He caressed her right cheek. "Nothing bad will happen okay? I'll call five of my men to guard this hotel. And I'll be back.""Don't take too long please?""I won't. I'll be back soon. You need to rest."She yawned and nodded her head before closing her eyes. For a moment, Vincent takes his time caressing Celestine's cheek. He knows that Celestine is afraid that something bad might happen again and as much as he wanted to stay, he can't because he doesn't want to be selfish. He's a mafia boss and on top of it all, he needs to protect his associates."Go now. I'll sleep," Celestine said with her eyes still closed."Alright." He stopped caressing her cheek and get out of the bed. He glanced back to Celestine when he finally stood up from h
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Chapter Twenty-Five VII
"Here's the thing, Saoirse. Celestine can't just vanish whenever she pleases to. She has a job. She has a career she needs to protect. Her comeback shoot with Lander is a bomb. People need more of her, she needs to be thankful for that. But where she is? She's nowhere to be found right? And even you don't know where she is."All Saoirse can do is to lower down her head and absorb the scoldings of the head of Celestine's agency. She can't contact Celestine anymore after the shoot. And since then, she's been busy answering calls who want to do a project with Celestine and decline their offers. As much as possible, she wants a peaceful life without a threat of breach of contract because Celestine has been busy avoiding her job."I think she'll be back soon," she said, resting her elbow to the armrest of the swivel chair she's sitting then she put her cheek to her hand."If she keeps on taking for granted her job I'll be forced to let go of her.""She's just
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Chapter Twenty-Five VIII
From: Vincent Alright. I'll buy you ice cream. Celestine couldn't stop herself from smiling upon reading the text message. Indeed, she's not yet sleepy and she craves ice cream on this cold night but she texted that with no hopes of a reply from Vincent but surprisingly, he did. And he even agreed into buying her ice cream. To: Vincent Will wait for ya. :)) She put her phone down on the bedside table and she properly lie in bed. She stares blankly at the ceiling and remembers what happened to her before Vincent came to rescue her. She raised her hands and stare at her wounded wrists. They're still reddish and sore. Until now, she couldn't think of a reason why Kingston just left after what she said. She hopes that what Kingston confessed to her is just something he made up because she doesn't know how to explain everything to Vincent once she confirmed that what Kingston feels for her
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Chapter Twenty-Five IX
Vincent starts the engine of the car then he glances at Celestine. The ice cream tub is on her lap yet she's not touching it. He creased his forehead then he manoeuvered the steering wheel. "Your ice cream won't go to your mouth on its own," he sarcastically said while his eyes is on the road. Celestine rolled her eyes. "Yeah. But how will I suppose to eat this ice cream? The genius guy who bought this for me most probably thinks that ice cream should be eaten by hand because he didn't buy a spoon or something." "Oh shoot," he blurted before hitting the steering wheel upon realizing that he didn't buy a spoon or something for the ice cream to be eaten. "Wait, is this also for me?" Celestine asked when she noticed the brown paper bag with the logo of the fast-food chain where Vincent ordered the food. When she get inside the car earlier she didn't notice the logo in the paper bag that she didn't pay attention to it because she think that it mig
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Chapter Twenty-Five X
Sophia keeps on pulling the hem of her mini skirt down as she walks inside the building. She's not used to wearing mini skirts but because she's applying as a secretary since she has experience of being one, she needs to wear it to imply a good first impression to everyone.She has a skirt which she used before when she was still working in a company but she no longer remembers where did she put it. She's comfortable with that skirt unlike the one she's wearing now but complaining about her skirt is useless knowing that she's walking inside of the company where she decides to apply now. And as much as she wants to change, she doesn't have money to buy a new skirt."Hi, Miss. Are you a secretary applicant?" the woman with curly hair asked with a friendly smile.Before she enter the building the security guard asked her to go to the second floor where they gather the applicants. She expected of seeing at least ten applicants but when she roamed her eyes to the pla
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Chapter Twenty-Five XI
Celestine took a deep breath. "Uhm, I don't know where my father is. He's, uhm, the night he stole something from you is also the night where I'm preparing for my out-of-the-country trip. Since mom died, he changed. The closeness we had before vanished. Like he had forgotten that I am his daughter... That he still has a daughter."Vincent was just staring at her the whole time she was talking. He doesn't have any intention of asking her questions in the middle of her sentence or trying to cut her off by blaming her like he used to do.He can see the sadness in Celestine's eyes as the moonlight shine through them. And seeing her in pain for her father's disappearance without even knowing that Fernando is already dead makes Vincent guilty for not telling the news to Celestine right away."We're inseparable before but as I age, we just started building a wall between us. I don't how things happened but I just found myself walking past him in the hallway of our mans
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