All Chapters of The Abduction of Celestine Oakmont: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
231 Chapters
Chapter Twenty-Six IV
"Yeah, absolutely. I want everything to be perfect," Lander said as he glance back to Celestine who was now busy finding clothes that were worth buying. They're now in the famous clothing brand that was Celestine's favorite that she's been using for years. While Celestine is busy looking, he excused himself earlier and went out of the boutique for a moment to talk to the organizer that will make a perfect set-up for their dinner date later. He wants it intimate and as much as possible, a good place where Celestine and he will be comfortable to talk about random things. "Consider everything done, Mr. Buenavista. Thank you for trusting us." "Thank you," he said before ending the call. After that, he put his phone back in his pocket and enter the boutique again. He walked towards Celestine who was now still busy roaming around the boutique. "May I see the clothes you choose?" he asked as he started checking the price tags of the clothes. He swall
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Chapter Twenty-Six V
"Tell everyone to go home under my order. I want to talk to Venedict alone," Victor said to one of his men as he was leaning against his car with hands on his pocket while his eyes were intently looking at the employees that is walking in and out of the company building. He checked the time on his wristwatch. It's just six o'clock in the afternoon, definitely not the time for the employees to go home. But Victor wants them gone and they will because it is his order. No one ever dares to not follow his orders. No one, not even Venedict. "Copy that, Sir," his man said before leaving his side. Their family company had come so far. Victor can still remember the first time his father let him get inside of this exact company in front of him but compared to what it was before, it totally improved and becomes bigger. He must say that his brother truly give importance to the company that their father had worked hard for. He tapped his wristwatch using
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Chapter Twenty-Six VI
Celestine violently removed Vincent's hand that was covering her mouth. "What are you doing here?" she asked almost like a whisper emphatically. Vincent's mouth was a bit open in astonishment at how Celestine reacted. He bit his lower lip and massage his jaw before stepping away from Celestine. "Why? Shouldn't I be here?" She tucks some of her hair strand behind her ear and looks at Vincent. "I'm not saying that you shouldn't be here." "That's what you're trying to say. I thought we were fine. We're good. But what happened to what you said that you'll text me to pick you up huh?" She closed her eyes firmly before opening them again. "Can we just fight some other time? I don't want to fight with you." "I don't want either but you're pushing me to fight you about this thing because obviously, you're trying to hide something from me." "I am not hiding something for you." "Then why are you acting like this?!
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Chapter Twenty-Six VII
"Thank you," she said to Vincent's man after he volunteered to put the paper bags inside of her hotel room.Vincent and Lander throwing sarcastic remarks at each other just pissed her off. Celestine was aware that the two were acting differently towards each other because of her.If she needs to distance herself from one of them to not ruin the friendship that Vincent and Lander have, she will.As she closed the door, she take a deep breath before walking towards the bedroom where she asked Vincent's man to put the paper bags.She had a feeling that Lander is planning to do something tonight and she was nervous about it. Nevertheless, she still wants to go. The last thing she wanted to do is to disappoint Lander so whatever he is planning, she just hopes that it's not something she will be uncomfortable answering.She stopped walking when she stepped on something. It made a cracking sound that echoed throughout the silent room. It was the phone Vin
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Chapter Twenty-Six VIII
"You look dashing, son," his mother emotionally said as she stare at Lander.Lander took a deep breath as he was fixing his tie in front of the mirror. He can't just sit while waiting for the time to pass so he decided to start preparing for the dinner date even though he was a bit early to start doing so."I hope Celestine will like what I prepared for her," he said as he finished fixing his tie."I know she will, son." She gives Lander an assuring smile before holding her son's hand to gently squeeze it.Lander is obviously nervous. He'd been walking back and forth inside of his room talking to the coordinator about the preparations. And his mother was happy to see the tension in her son because it only means that he treasure Celestine and was afraid of disappointing her.She could still remember the time she told him that one day, he will meet a girl that would make him feel that he wasn't enough to make him realize that in life, we should never
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Chapter Twenty-Six IX
Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.It is what Lander has been doing for minutes now in front of Celestine's hotel room. He's acting like a teenage boy who was about to ask his crush to be his date to prom. It's quite funny to think about that but this isn't the right time to chuckle at his made-up jokes inside his mind.He inhaled and exhaled once again."C'mon, you're Lander Buenavista don't like act stupid," he scolded to himself before moving his hand to knock on the door.He closed his eyes firmly before hitting his knuckles against the wall. In just three consecutive knocks, he heard the doorknob twisting inside. He stepped back and fixed his tie for the last time."Oh, hey," Celestine shyly greeted him. She is still on her crop top, jeans, and stilettos. She lost track of the time while crying a while ago that she has forgotten to prepare for the dinner date.She's avoiding his gaze. Embarrassment is eating her up as she subtle glance to
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Chapter Twenty-Six X
It took her a few minutes before finally absorbing Lander's sudden question. As much as she wanted to answer the question, she refused not to. "Let's just talk about something else. Vincent and I just had an argument and I'm still in the state where just by hearing his name my blood is starting to boil," she excused, glancing to Lander, giving him a faint smile before focusing again her eyes to the road. She said the truth. At this moment, all she wanted is to be free from questions and situations that involves Vincent. Even for a moment, she wanted to be free of him; from the thoughts of Vincent. Tonight, all she should care about is Lander. "I understand," he said as his grip on the steering tightened. Ever since he was a kid, he has had the thoughts of always proving everyone wrong. Despite having supportive parents and good family relatives it did not save him from always feeling like he's an outcast. His cousins passed their bar exams on
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Chapter Twenty-Six XI
The cinnamon scent of the lit candles runs through her nostrils as they slowly walk inside of the venue with her hand still on Lander's arm. The candelabras were the first thing she had noticed, they were in the shade of yellow and brown bringing a vintage vibe all over the place. She was unable to let go of the smile that genuinely crept to her lips as she was busy wandering her eyes around the place. The white as milk thick curtains were hanging beautifully on the ceiling. She smiles. She had never been a fan of the color white, simply because she find them boring but tonight, she eat her words and end up thinking that the white color shows simplicity and she think it's beautiful. Tonight was just perfect, she thought. Everything was in the shade of white, yellow, and brown. She loves it. She must say that Lander indeed thinks of her while he's making plans for their dinner date and she finds it sweet. Lander tapped her hand on his arm that
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Chapter Twenty-Six XII
"I like the peacefulness of the night," Lander whispered as his hands is on Celestine's waist guiding it to sway with the music while her hands is on his shoulders."Me too," she said in a low tone of voice while she was staring at him.Celestine can't help but stare at Lander's face with the urge of pinching herself to know if she was just dreaming or not. She can't believe that she's with a handsome man with the right intentions for her. It was quite unbelievable. It was like she's in a fairytale right now where she feel like a princess having a dance with her prince charming."You're so beautiful," he mumbled.As the light crossed Celestine's face it was as if in slow motion, her eyes twinkled with a smile that reaches it. Lander swallowed upon realizing how beautiful Celestine is. He couldn't believe that the woman in front of him actually said yes to the dinner date and was smiling genuinely at him right now.From the first time, he met Celest
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Chapter Twenty-Seven
She traced the hair on his chest using her index finger as Vincent's left hand is caressing her arm in a most sensual way that gives her goosebumps. Her head is resting on his chest, listening to every beat of his heart—it was calm, as well as his every breathing."I love feeling your skin against mine," he whispered. She closed her eyes as his calloused hand traveled to her neck and back to her arm."I want to forget everything... I want to be with you and think about just being with you," she whispered against his chest."Then don't think about anything."She lifts her face to look at his eyes. She can't help but think about this whole thing as a dream. She can't believe that she's in Vincent's arm, staring at his eyes and just simply enjoying this precious moment with him.He moved his hand to reach her right cheek. He moved his thumb, caressing it gently as if she was a fragile thing that he might hurt in just a simple move."But y
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