All Chapters of The Abduction of Celestine Oakmont: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
231 Chapters
Chapter Twenty-Nine II
Bonifacio put his phone down and sat on his swivel chair again entirely dismayed that Vincent refuse to see him tonight. He couldn't wait to get his son and tell Venedict how stupid he is to keep the son of his wife from another man. "What happened?" Kingston who was comfortably sitting on the couch asked. Bonifacio turned his swivel chair to face Kingston that he had forgotten that was still in his office. He intertwined his hands and rest both of his elbows on the table as his eyes focused on Kingston. Even though the man has already introduced himself, waves of doubts for the man come rushing to Bonifacio. He's not stupid enough to trust a man who he doesn't know. "He refused to meet me," he simply answered. Kingston nodded his head. "As expected, he wouldn't accept your invitation because of Celestine." "Celestine, Celestine, Celestine," Bonifacio said moving his swivel chair to place the busy city again of Italy. "I've heard her n
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Chapter Twenty-Nine III
Celestine uncontrollably yawned. She was sitting on Vincent's lap for almost an hour now but Vincent never did complain about it. He just let her sit on his lap like she's a weightless paper that would never numb his legs.He gently squeezed her hip. His right hand was resting on her hip the entire time to support her balance. Her curves made it easy for him to stay his hand on it without feeling restless or making his arm sleep."You want to sleep now?" he asked softly. He look at her as the wind danced to her hair while her hand was busy stopping it. He just couldn't stop admiring this beautiful girl in front of him.She nodded as she wipes the tears on the corner of her eyes. Her wet, daydreaming eyes were enough to make him believe that she is drowsy."Want me to carry you inside of your room?""No, I can still walk. I'm just sleeping," she answered after getting out of his lap and standing on her feet. He stood from his seat and followed Celes
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Chapter Twenty-Nine IV
Celestine's lips curved a smile as the welcoming scent of coffee wafts through the air. Sunlight trespassed in her room through the opened curtains of the glass door and has heated her bed, making it warmer and even more comfortable to lie on. She arched her back, stretching her body by raising both of her arms to the air. She keeps her posture until her arms become numb. A loud yawn escaped from her mouth then she dropped herself to the bed again. Her eyes roamed around her room, trying to find where the coffee scent was coming from. She slowly sat on her bed and squinted her eyes to adjust her sight from the brightness of the sunlight. Vincent is not in her room. That was the first thing she had noticed. She ran her fingertips to her bed that was supposed to be Vincent's place yet he was nowhere—his place on her bed was left untouched. She gets out of bed. She wants to find Vincent. She did bother fixing herself and just go straight out of her room.
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Chapter Twenty-Nine V
Celestine decided to just stare blankly at the floor while still remembering what Vincent's suit smells like. She's a hundred percent sure that the perfume was owned by a woman. It was sweet with the scent of vanilla.  In the middle of her thoughts, the loud ringing of the phone is what brings her back to consciousness. She gets to her feet and leaves her seat. She followed where was the sound came from and found herself walking upstairs. She walks slowly, trying her best to not make any noise.  The loud ring from the phone suddenly stopped, even so, she was certain that it was Vincent's phone. When she was about to get close to her room where Vincent is resting she heard a clicking sound coming inside of her door. She ran to the other side and hide when Vincent opened the door and rest an arm on the railing. His phone was against his ear.  Celestine wants to punch herself. She just realized that following where was the phone ringing was a stup
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Chapter Twenty-Nine VI
Sebastian raises his hand and waves it in front of Vincent's face. Vincent hasn't spoken to him—his eyes were stunned outside the restaurant, his breathing is heavy, and he remained in that position for half an hour now.  "Boss? You're fine? You seemed preoccupied," he said when he can't take any more silence between him and Vincent.  As a matter of fact, he arrived a bit late and he was expecting tons of curses from his boss but he didn't receive any of those but complete silence. Dark circles under Vincent's eyes were evident, his hair is messy, and his eyes couldn't seem to focus on a particular thing, therefore, he concluded that his boss probably hasn't had a good sleep last night or he's probably not sleeping yet.  "Boss?" he tries to get his attention again.  Vincent blinked his eyes consecutively and he look at Sebastian. He creased his forehead upon seeing Sebastian in front of him. His mind is in chaos, he doesn't
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Chapter Twenty-Nine VII
Sophia has been staring at her cup of coffee for minutes now, trying to forget the conversation she had with Lander last night.  Lander invited her to his parents' wedding anniversary where businessmen and women are present. She didn't go there as his date but as his secretary. It was a fun night, indeed. She won't lie about that. She had a casual conversation with her boss as if they were friends, well they are, in the past but not in the present. However, until now her mind is still in that conversation she had with him.  She slowly take a sip of her coffee as her eyes roamed around her condo unit or should she say Vincent's condo. It wasn't as empty as it is the first time she slept here. Almost every day someone will knock on her door to ask her what food she wants to eat or if there is something she wants to buy.  She took a deep breath before she lean her back against the backrest of the chair and firmly closed her eyes.  Exp
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Chapter Twenty-Nine VIII
"No, no, no, no, of course not. You're insane. I won't lie. I won't do that. I'm not that desperate to do that," she said before she open the car door and get out of it. She briskly walk towards the gate's venue then she heard the cushioned slamming of the car door. She walked, even more, faster because of that.  Lander grabbed her arm, forcing her to face him.  "Hey, Sophia. Listen to me." She forcibly removes her arms from him. "No, I don't know why you're like this. If only Celestine can hear the things you're saying now I bet she would be very disappointed with you." "I'm sorry," he said. "It's just frustrating. Vincent is not treating her right and here I am, doing a lot of effort for her but she just couldn't see that. It's unfair that Vincent isn't doing anything but she got all of her attention." She went silent for a moment. She was speechless. She doesn't know what to say. But after what she heard from him she only feel one
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Chapter Twenty-Nine IX
Sophia almost fell asleep on her seat when the door abruptly opened. She blinked twice and properly sit on the chair. It was a man, she was certain of that based on the build of the person who just barged in.  The man is facing the other side of the rooftop and she doubts if he had noticed her presence.  "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" The man shouted and later on kick the railings.  She remained still and prayed that the man isn't drunk or anything. He seemed violent but Sophia knew that the man wouldn't go somewhere private if he wants to be the center of attention for his behavior.  Sophia closed her eyes again, not minding the man's presence. She doesn't want him to regret being vulnerable after knowing that he's not alone right now.  "Fuck, all this time I'm just making myself a fool! What the fuck is this shitty life?!" he shouted then slowly, he just found himself on the ground, seeing the cloudy sky and letting the w
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Chapter Twenty-Nine X
Sophia immediately get her phone inside of her bag and dialed someone's number. She's silently prayed that he would answer her call. She needs protection. She doesn't know Kingston and how he thinks. They just met a couple of times and she regrets meeting him.  "Oh, thank God you answered," she said in relief.  The man on the other line cleared his throat before he speak. "What do you need? Did I tell you to not contact me?"  "My apologies, sir. But I need help. I need protection. There's a man a while ago who tried to kill me. He knows our secret, he already knows that I'm not Sophia," she said with quivering lips and shaky hands.   She really thought that she will die right there and then but luckily, Kingston still give her a chance.  "Calm down, Sophia. What is the man's name? You need to calm down and answer my questions. We won't be able to solve this problem if you're not cooperating." She closed her eye
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Chapter Twenty-Nine XI
"Meet me somewhere this morning. I want to talk to you about something," she said with eyes looking up to the sky and wishing that Vincent would say yes.  If her boss wouldn't give her the protection she needs she had no other choice but to ask Vincent for it. Vincent has the power to protect her if only he wants to and that's why she wants to meet him; to persuade him to protect her. "I can't," Vincent answered in a low tone of voice.  "I want to discuss something with you. I just want you to know that I haven't signed the divorce yet. If you want me to sign it, meet me tomorrow morning. Sir Lander will send you the location. Bye," she said before ending the call.  After the call, she catch her breath as if she was not breathing the whole time she was talking to Vincent. Her palms are cold and she's sweating even though it's windy on the rooftop. She doesn't know if she did the right thing or she just make everything complicated for he
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