All Chapters of The Abduction of Celestine Oakmont: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
231 Chapters
Chapter Twenty-Nine XII
The buttery and salty taste of tequila blends well to her tongue as she takes a sip of her glass. She's adjusting its taste on her mouth that she takes her time sipping her tequila slowly. She stood, holding her glass of tequila as busy people talking walked past her. She's in one corner where not much of people were walking by since it was the corner where not much light is passing through.  Lander left her again, though it's not much of a big deal to her since his reason was reasonable enough for her to understand him. He left because the party had already started and his parents needed him to be with them because they will introduce him to some of their business partners. She doesn't want to be alone in one corner and do nothing but stare at other people while trying to convince herself that she's enjoying her tequila even though she doesn't. However, she also doesn't want Lander to choose her over his parents just because she doesn't want to be alone because
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Chapter Twenty-Nine XIII
"What do you want us to talk about, Kingston?" he asked over the phone.  Receiving a call from Kingston doesn't surprise him anymore. He had already expected that after knowing that the man is still alive.  "Why you don't seem happy to talk to me huh? Vincent? It's fine though because I know that it's quite frustrating to know that the person you think you already killed is still alive." "I don't have time to play your games, Kingston and if I were you, I will say what I want to say right away because we both wouldn't want to waste our time on each other," he said before resting his arm on the cold railings of the balcony.  He heard that Kingston chuckled. "You know me too damn well, Vincent. I thought you already had forgotten about me. I was about to shed tears because I thought you had already forgotten that I was once one of your friends. Good thing you still remember everything." "What do you fucking want from me huh?" he a
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Chapter Twenty-Nine XIV
"Celestine...""You're married to her. How am I supposed to fight when legally I'm a mistress. She remembers everything now. What about me? Are you going to leave me now huh?" she asked in between her sobs. He couldn't form the right words to say so instead of saying anything he just stepped closer to her and hugged her tight. He wrapped his arms around her waist like he was hugging her for the first time. Celestine buried her face to his chest like she longed to be in between his arms for a long time. He buried his lips on her hair and firmly closed his eyes. Celestine moved her hands and it found Vincent's back. She clenched the back of his shirt and cry harder on his chest. She's afraid that she just woke up one day and did not find Vincent. She's afraid to not be able to hug him anymore. She's afraid that in just a short time she lost someone important to her. "Don't leave me please. Don't leave me, I'll do everything. Please don't l
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Chapter Twenty-Nine XV
"Alright, I'll go there," Vincent said before ending the call. He put his phone back in his pocket and face Celestine. She immediately notices the change in Vincent's facial expression. She hold his hand and intertwined it with hers, squeezing it tight. "What happened? Are you just fine? Why do you look mad?""No. It's nothing. I'll just text Sebastian to drive my car here so we can go to the restaurant of your choice," he said before letting go of her hand. He emerged his cellphone out of his pocket again and type a message to Sebastian. Celestine stood there while intently looking at Vincent. He seemed preoccupied and it has something to do with the news he heard after the call. She forced herself to not listen to the conversation of whoever Vincent was talking to over the phone earlier because it's rude to listen to someone else's conversation. However, based on how strange Vincent is acting she suddenly regret stopping herself from eavesdropping.
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Chapter Twenty-Nine XVI
"Vincent, just go alone. I swear, I'm just fine here," she insisted to Vincent while her eyes are on the huge black gate outside the car. It is the gate of Vincent called their headquarters. As she said, she's fine just inside of the car because even though the relationship she had with Vincent is far from what it is before, she's a little hesitant to go with him inside of the headquarters that is exclusive for people who are part of the mafia. "Celestine, it's important for me to see your presence there. What's really bothering you about going inside?" he asked while his hand is on her left leg. She closed her eyes and feel the warmth of his hand on her leg. She opened her eyes again and put her hand on top of his hand, holding it tightly like her decision is depend on it. "Once I entered that place I wouldn't be the same person again. Yes, I know what to do. I accepted that, but I don't think I would be uncomfortable knowing how powerful you
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Chapter Twenty-Nine XVII
"How are you, Kingston?" Bonifacio asked as Kingston get out of his helicopter. It was a fun ride for Kingston, he haven't ridden a helicopter since he accepted Vincent's offer to be Celestine's bodyguard. He missed it—being above everyone.  "Good. It was fun. My escape will become even more fun if only I was the one flying the helicopter." "Don't worry about that, young man. There would be a lot more chance for you to do that, just keep being true to your words." "I always do. I am true to my words, Mr. Bonifacio," he said as he ran his fingertips through his scalp to fix his hair.  Kingston has planned everything, from where he should position himself, to what time Venedict will be out of his office building and to where he would escape after. Just in case Bonifacio wouldn't be there to help him.  Bonifacio is a smart man and he is not easily persuaded. That's what Kingston figured out when he first talked to the businessman.
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Chapter Twenty Nine XVIII
Celestine gently caressed her arms as she overlooked the empty hallway of the headquarters.  The hallway is spacious and high-ceilinged as well as each room is made of glass walls that give freedom to see through the insides of each room just by walking past them.  She raised her hand to protect her eyes from the sunlight that slanted to the first floor of the headquarters where she's in. The sun is bright but the silence that enveloped the surroundings seemed to be a quiet night with only crickets present in the place. She put her hand down and closed her face to let the sunlight touch her eyes.  It's almost half an hour since Vincent ask her permission to leave so he could talk to his associates privately and until now, he's still nowhere. Vincent's father is in critical condition yet Vincent remained calm, different from how she pictured his reaction would be.  Someone cleared his throat to Celestine's side that made her open he
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Chapter Twenty Nine XIX
Celestine doesn't know where was her feet were leading her. She was walking for minutes now, letting her feet take her without a particular place to go to.  The headquarters was bigger than she thought a while ago since now that she's basically giving herself a little tour inside of the headquarters by walking where her feet wants to take her.  Now that she's walking alone, every time she walked past by someone of men wearing a black suit, they would throw a glance at her like she was a criminal who just got out inside of the cell unlike when she was with Vincent earlier that all of the men were walking with a straight face.  As she continue walking a man holding a rifle approached her. She takes a step back and takes a deep breath.  "Miss, you're not allowed to roam around the headquarters. Mr. Mogilevich informed us to keep you in one place. My apologies but we should escort you back—" She cut him off. "Escort me inside o
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Chapter Thirty
"Oh my God, yes," she moaned with her teeth biting her lower lip while catching her breath. It was as if she run for miles with no water breaks; she was sweating hard, her thighs were numb, and her arms are tired.  Vincent gets off on top of her and gently pulls the duvet up to cover her body. After that, he put some of her hair strands that are blocking him from fully seeing her face and tuck them behind her right ear. Her eyes were shut, her lips were red, and her cheeks were shiny, and blushes like a newly watered rose. His lips curved a smile without him knowing.  "Vincent," she murmured with her eyes still closed.  "Uhm?" he hummed as an answer while he is busy caressing her cheek.  She slowly opened her eyes then she blinked twice to have a clearer vision. Despite the tiredness of her arms she still tries to lift her right arm to put her hand on top of Vincent's hand that is caressing her cheek. As her soft palm touches the b
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Chapter Thirty II
"How was your dad?" Celestine asked while touching his bare chest using her index finger, tracing the deep scars that Vincent had near his heart.  His scars hold a story as deep as what he had endured before and Celestine couldn't stop herself from admiring them. As she looks at them, her heartbeat becomes fast and loud. It's starting to suffocate her.  "He's fine. I think he's just fine. He doesn't want to die like this so I know he won't give up," he answered then he kissed her forehead.  Celestine removed her gaze from the scars in his chest and move a little away from Vincent. They're still in the bed without any plans of leaving it. As much as Vincent wanted to date Celestine he couldn't. He needs to make sure that everything's going fine with his father first before thinking of himself.  He had been very selfish, not only to his associates but also to their family business. He's aware that he spent so much time with Celestine
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