All Chapters of The Abduction of Celestine Oakmont: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
231 Chapters
Chapter Twenty-Seven II
"I think you should change your clothes, it's too revealing," Vincent said as he was leaning against the door with eyes examining Celestine's body as she was in front of the mirror looking at herself.She is wearing a v-neck crochet crop top and high waist wide leg knit pants. She also paired it with her white stiletto. It was not too revealing like how Vincent pictured it to be so she rolled her eyes."Nope, it's not revealing it's perfectly fine," she said, spraying an expensive perfume all over her body. She was surprised to see her things that she left in the hotel properly arranged in Vincent's room after they had their breakfast. She did not bother asking because obviously Vincent asked his men to pick her things in the hotel while she's peacefully sleeping a while ago."I can see your boob cheek from here. How come it's not revealing?""C'mon, it's just a little skin, Vincent. It's a big deal. I don't want to change, I'm tired so let me just wear t
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Chapter Twenty-Seven III
Celestine remained silent as she was watching Vincent unbuckling his seatbelt. She averted her gaze to him and look outside of the car.The gate of their mansion is what she saw. She almost had forgotten what her home looks like in months of being away. As she was gazing upon the huge gate of their mansion she can't help but remember the last time she had entered it."You alright?" he asked as her silence become deafening for him. They were fine earlier until they are getting near Oakmont's mansion."Yeah, I just can't believe that I'm here again. That I'm in front of our mansion that once I thought I won't be able to see again," she said with eyes still staring at their mansion gate."I'm sorry for keeping you away from home," he said as he was too staring at the gate.The mansion looks a bit abandoned now. The guardhouse is empty, dry leaves are lying in front of the gate and the gate's color is starting to fade. As she was staring at the mansion
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Chapter Twenty-Seven IV
"Boss," everyone greeted in the chorus as they saw Vincent enter. He doesn't really have the intention of disturbing the last time Celestine will have with her father but an hour had passed and she was still not going out so he decided to get inside to know what was taking her too long to come out.He put his hands on his pocket as he stopped walking. "Where is Celestine?" he asked with a straight eye, not looking at anyone in particular.The associates started to make eye contact to subtly ask questions of who will going to answer Vincent's question, knowing that their boss did not ask a particular person.Vincent hovered his gaze to the associates, giving each of them a death glare that was enough to make their legs tremble. Almost every one of them swallowed as Vincent's gaze meet their eyes."Answer my fucking question. Where is Celestine?!" he shouted that making almost all of the associates jump a little to where they are standing."S-She's u
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Chapter Twenty-Seven V
"Is everyone at their rightful places?" he asked while fixing his collar in front of the mirror."Mr. Mogilevich, everyone's at their rightful place now and the car is also ready," said one of his associates."Good. Where is Victor?""He will just meet you at the event, Mr. Mogilevich."He raised one of his eyebrows. "He called?"The associate nodded his head. "Yes, Mr. Mogilevich. He also reminded that you shouldn't be late and you must attend the after-party.""Send him a message that I don't want to go to the after-party. I have better things to do."The door abruptly opens. Even with his eyes closed, Venedict knew who was the person who did that. It was none other than his brother, Victor."If I say you'll attend the after-party, you will," Victor said before standing next to him.He looked at his brother and examined his look. He cleared his throat and once again look at himself in the mirror."Your suit look
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Chapter Twenty-Seven VI
"If you have further questions or want to discuss any of it in more detail, we can meet privately," Venedict says with professionalism in his voice. He checked his wristwatch and almost curse out loud when he figured out that he was already twenty minutes late for the event.He wasn't expecting an hour of meeting but it is what was happening and he's not happy about it. The discussions went well, they've agreed about the furniture, structures, and also had estimated the materials that will be needed and how much everything will cost.So far, Venedict must say that everything's going according to how he pictured it to his mind when he was just planning the whole thing and not telling a single soul about it. The meeting is long yet Venedict enjoyed exchanging ideas with everyone present in the board meeting that he also lost track of the time.He once again glances at his wristwatch. "For now, I'll just
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Chapter Twenty-Eight
The clicking sound of keys as Vincent hastily tries to find the right key to the padlock sounds like a wind chime to Celestine, slowly swaying her back to the past where she first tried to open her father's room.She could still remember the time when thunderstorms keep her awake at night and all she could do was to hug the pillow that was her father's birthday gift to somehow make herself safe inside of her room. And she will count one to ten while saying her prayers out loud for someone to knock on her room's door and before she could even finish counting, she will hear a knock and to her surprise, it has always been her father checking up on her.Those memories she had with her father will forever be in her heart.Vincent stopped trying to open the door and glanced at Celestine for a moment. She looked stunned and not in herself. Her eyes never left the padlock even though he had stopped what he was doing. He reached her hand and squeezed it tightly.C
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Chapter Twenty-Eight II
"I don't know what you're trying to say, Bonifacio," he replied calmly. It's been years since he last saw Bonifacio. He did not change at all, except for the white strands in his hair. If he only knew that Bonifacio is also invited to this event he shouldn't have come. "I want to talk this matter privately, Venedict," he said as he put both of his hands inside of his pocket. "I believe there's nothing for us to talk about so please excuse me for I have more important things to do." Bonifacio chuckled. "Oh c'mon, Venedict. Don't act as if you are trying to hide something." "I'm not hiding anything from you," he firmly stated. All of a sudden, Bonifacio's face darkened. "You are hiding my son." Venedict's jaw clenched. "Vincent is my son. You better watch your words." "I am watching mine, Venedict. But are you watching yours? Don't make a fool of yourself. Both of us knew that your wife never loved you—" Venedict
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Chapter Twenty-Eight III
No one dared to speak. If crickets were present, it might be the only thing they would be hearing. The idea of marriage never crossed her mind. And now that it did, she doesn't think she's ready for that. "What? You don't want to marry me?" he asked, his eyes still on her. It was not his intention to say it out loud but he already did. She bit her lower lip. "It's not that I don't want to marry you." He put his phone back in his pocket then he folded his arms against his chest. Celestine is not facing him; she's staring at the garden. "Then what is it?" he asked, desperate for answers. He doesn't have any plans of proposing but he wants to marry Celestine but it doesn't mean that he will make a move to make it happen this early. He's aware that they just started getting to know each other and they're in the process of just enjoying things between them. He's not the kind of a guy who wants to ruin things by rushing them. But Celestine is acting
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Chapter Twenty-Eight IV
"Are you hungry?" Celestine asked Vincent as she was putting all of the beers out of the fridge and putting them on the bucket that has water. The beers were hard as stones so she put them on the bucket of water so they melt down a bit.She just realized that the day Vincent took her away was the only time when all of the maids left the mansion. The fridge is still on, as well as the aircon, the lights, everything."Nope, I'm not hungry," Vincent answered."I can cook for you. I'm hungry. But if you're full I'll just cook for myself—""Give me some."She smiles. "I thought you're not hungry?""Yes I'm not but I want to taste what will you cook."She rolled her eyes and closed the fridge. "Okay, let me find some available ingredients here first."Celestine opened the cabinets and the refrigerator again. The vegetables she only find were carrots, canned corns, ham, and eggs. They put them all out and she tries to find rice.
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Chapter Twenty-Nine
Venedict had emptied his bottle of champagne yet he was still sober enough to clench his fist in thoughts of Bonifacio. He knew that there would be a time when crossing paths with Bonifacio is inevitable but he wasn't expecting to see him at the event, for Bonifacio is never fond of events, most especially of after-parties. And until now, he's still thinking of possible reasons why Bonifacio was there."Give me another bottle of champagne," he said to one of his men that answered him with a simple nod before walking towards his champagne collection.He put a cigarette in between his lips and lit it. He immediately sucks smoke and lets it out to his nostrils. As the smoke invaded his body the memories from the past come rushing back to him like smoke that did not get out of his body and possibly he will never get rid of.Losing up his tie has always been the first thing he does he step his foot on the doorstep of their house. Tonight is like those usual nights ex
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