All Chapters of The Abduction of Celestine Oakmont: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
231 Chapters
Chapter Twenty-Five XII
"How was your sleep?" Vincent asked as she sat on the bed and snatched a piece of bacon on the plate that is perfectly placed on the wooden tray.They're having breakfast in bed while both of them are wearing the hotel's provided bathrobe. It was a peaceful morning for both of them. They woke up early and now eating their breakfast. Vincent sleep on the couch last night even though Celestine had explained that it's not a big deal for her if both of them sleep in one bed.Celestine subtly glanced at Vincent and saw him yawning. The dark circles under his eyes are the evidence that he didn't sleep much last night probably because it's uncomfortable trying to sleep on the couch."I told you to sleep in the bed but you're stubborn. Now, look at you. You look so sleepy," she said as she point her index finger to the dark circles under his eyes.He yawned again before sipping his coffee. Its strong aroma engulfed the bedroom atmosphere she closed her eyes to sm
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Chapter Twenty-Five XIII
"You sure you can do it alone now?" Vincent asked as he moved his body to face Celestine. She placed her hand on top of Vincent's hand that is holding the steering wheel and squeeze it gently."Don't worry, I can go there alone. I'll just text you once I'm done with everything," she said before glancing outside of the car where at least five paparazzi are standing, holding their professional cameras, ready to capture a picture of her anytime.Vincent's car is heavily tinted but even so, the paparazzi are still outside probably trying their luck to take pictures of her."No, I'll walk you inside," Vincent insisted before he attempt to open the car door but before he do that Celestine was quick to hold his arm."I'm used to paparazzi. They take pictures and go. I'll be fine."He faced her again before he let out a resigned sigh. "Alright, I'll watch you from here until you get inside of the building. If something bad happen, don't expect me to just s
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Chapter Twenty-Five XIV
Vincent glanced at his cellphone that is lying on his office desk. It's been hours since Celestine texted him and he hasn't received a message from her since then.He laid back on his swivel chair and tapped his fingers to his knees. After the meeting, he decided to just drive on his way to the company to pass the time. And now, he's here, trying to sign some papers while waiting for Celestine to text him.He already made peace with the fact that he let Celestine go out without any of his men following her even though there's an undeniable nervousness in him with his decision.A knock on the door made Vincent sit properly in his car. The door swings open."Sir, Mr. Lander Buenavista is here," his secretary said."Let him in," Vincent said while fixing the papers on his desk and putting everything to the side.Lander isn't bugging him for days and he thought that Lander might get tired of trying to push himself on Celestine. But because his f
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Chapter Twenty-Five XV
"My name is Venedict Mogilevich since you seem to not know who I am," the old man in his expensive suit and tie introduced himself to her.Celestine swallowed hard upon hearing the old man's name. His surname, she knows exactly that surname. He is Vincent's father and he's in front of her. She knows how ruthless the old man is that even his son, detests him."S-Sorry but I have to go. I have an important meeting to return to," she said before walking past the old man. She doesn't want to be rude but this time it's different. He is Vincent's father and she's afraid that he might do something bad to her.The way he called her full name sent an unexplainable feeling to her that made her heart beat fast in nervousness. He's intimidating, no wonder he is Vincent's father."So my son told you to avoid me huh," Venedict said making her stop walking.She swallowed again before facing the man. "You're wrong. Your son has nothing to do with my decisions, Mr.
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Chapter Twenty-Five XVI
Lander immediately escorted Celestine inside of his car as he noticed the paparazzi around the place secretly taking pictures of Celestine and him. He's certain that in just an hour or worst, just after a few minutes, Celestine and he will be the most talked models after the paparazzi turn over their pictures to celebrity photo agencies. "Paparazzi just wouldn't stop," he murmured as he get inside of his car and wear his seatbelt. "It's what they do for a living so we don't have a choice but to deal with them no matter how much irritating they are," Celestine said as her eyes wandered over the paparazzi who were still clicking their cameras even though they're now inside of a tinted car. He sighed and glanced at her. "Anyways, you're fine now?" "Yeah, a bit," she simply replied. As much as possible, she doesn't want to tell Lander anything knowing that the man is oblivious of his friend's illegal doings. It's funny that she can handle things n
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Chapter Twenty-Five XVII
Sophia extend her hand for a handshake but the woman in front of her didn't move nor speak, her pretty almond eyes are just fixed on her face as if she was examining if she was real or not. Sophia cleared her throat and put her hand down, feeling a bit embarrassed that the woman didn't accept it."Uhm, Miss are you okay?" she asked the woman.The woman is beautiful and could definitely pass as a Hollywood star. She has flawless skin, long eyelashes which Sophia is not sure if just an eye extension or it was just naturally like that, and she also noticed the woman's height even though she is sitting because she saw her long legs.Even though she doesn't want, Sophia suddenly feels envious of the woman in front of her. She once dreamed of being as pretty as this woman she's staring at but no matter how much effort she put into fixing herself, it's still wasn't enough."So you're Sophia..." the woman murmured."I-I am. Do you know me?" she asked. The
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Chapter Twenty-Five XVIII
Sophia immediately stood from her seat to greet Lander. He approached them but his eyes is on Celestine. She was just staring back at him. He averted his gaze to Celestine and face Sophia. "O-Oh, Sophia. What are you doing here?" "Miss Odette just asked me to get something to Mr. Buenavista," she answered respectfully. "You can come inside now, I guess. Dad is free, his next meeting will be in twenty minutes," he explained before putting his hands on his pocket. "Okay, Sir. Thank you." Sophia was about to start walking when Lander spoke again. "Please go to the office a bit early tomorrow. I want to discuss something important to you." She nodded before she proceeded to the secretary's cubicle. Celestine's eyes are on Sophia while she's walking. Celestine is certain that Lander doesn't know that she knows Sophia's face and she thinks it will be best if she just keeps her mouth shut about Sophia. However, she still doesn't want
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Chapter Twenty-Six
"Where's my father?" Vincent calmly asked the security guard. He's in front of their mansion's gate. And for almost six years, this is his first time to stand in front of it again."Sir, you're not allowed to enter—" Vincent pushed the security guard and tried his luck to enter but five men suddenly showed up from nowhere and hold both of his arms to stop him. He doesn't give a damn if he's not allowed inside or not. He wants to talk to his father and no one can stop him from doing that, not even Benedict."Get your filthy hands off of me or else I'll be forced to fight every one of you," he said as he stop struggling from their grip.The security guard swallowed and slowly remove his hands on Vincent then, later on, the five men also did the same. Vincent is their boss' son and all of them know that if they continue stopping him, Vincent wouldn't hesitate to tell them but they're also just doing their job."Sir Vincent, we're just doing our job," t
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Chapter Twenty-Six II
"I'd like to have miso ramen, gyoza, and the tempura and sashimi bundle," Lander said to the waiter as he was looking at the menu book with furrowed eyebrows. He was serious about making Celestine taste the food that he's certain that she will like.He glanced to Celestine. "Celestine, you want to add something to what I ordered?""Uh, I want to try this tempura udon. It looks delicious," Celestine said before passing the menu book to the waiter."Trust me, all of the menu here is worth its price," he said before passing his menu book to the waiter as well.Celestine shrugged her shoulder with a smile on her lips. "We will see.""You ordered miso ramen, gyoza, tempura and sashimi bundle, and tempura udon. Is that all, sir? Maybe you'd also like to try our newest overload sushi bundle?"Lander shook his head. "I'll say no for now, but I will surely try it next time.""Alright, your order will be ready shortly," the waiter said with an
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Chapter Twenty-Six III
"Hey, I have something for you." Lander shows the brown paper bag to the kid. "What is this, Sir Lander?" the little boy asked with innocence in his eyes. Lander smile. "Open it." The little boy opened the brown paper bag hesitantly. His arms were thin and his clothes are dirty. Celestine can't help but feel sad as she stares longer at the kid that Lander is talking to. Based on his height, Celestine could say that he's just a seven-year-old boy. "I-Is this ramen?" the little boy asked with eyes twinkling in excitement. Lander nodded then he messed the little boy's hair. She could see the genuineness in Lander's eyes, effortlessly despite the distance between Lander and the little boy from her. "Share it with your siblings, okay?" Lander said. However, instead of answering, the little boy spread his tiny arms and hugged Lander's neck. Celestine smiled when she saw how startled Lander is by the little boy's sudden move.
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