All Chapters of The Alpha Vampire Master: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
165 Chapters
Hold Onto Hope
…Anastasia POV… Sebastian and I are standing in the kitchen while Elloise is keeping an eye over Zachariah. I move towards him, slide my arms on his waist, and chuck my hands in his back pockets. He looks at me with a sweet smile on his face. He loves it when I touch him so intimately, as he calls it. Yes, there is the danger of someone dying, but we can, in the depths of deep darkness, still express our love for each other. He slowly lowers his head and rests his lips softly against mine; from under his breath, he softly whispers, "I love you." It brings butterflies to my stomach every time he says it, "And I love you even more than I did a moment ago." "Well, that cannot even near to be possible, for a moment ago, it was me loving you more." "Always the wise ass. Now, do you think that we shall be able to enjoy some quiet time after this ordeal?" "Now that is something that we definitely can seek. But our first point of business, wha
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Waiting On Your Love
…Anastasia POV… I have never been to Paris, never have I thought that I would find myself walking through a city of lovers looking for my very own love. It is by pure fate that we do find ourselves here, or should I say luck? Locating one of Elloise's lovers was easy, for she had so many, and almost every one of them told us the same, if she had a man that she loves with her, this is where she would take him. In a city with millions, where do we even start? He can be in any of these thousands and thousands of buildings with these hundreds and hundreds of rooms. With total disappear, I look at Edward, who holds very much the same feeling, "Edward, where do we even begin? Did this man not say where she would go?" "I am afraid that he did not have much to say but give a location." Feeling defeated, I sit down at a little bistro; as I look over the beauty of the city, I cannot help but stare at the hundreds of lovers holding hands, happily sharing
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Follow The Breadcrumbs
It has been three weeks, six days, and nineteen hours. We find ourselves in Sweden. Elloise has taken me from one country to the next across Europe in an attempt to keep me away from Anastasia. Though I do believe that this is starting to prove futile. After a call from one of her ex-lovers, we packed up our lives once again to board a flight for what seemed to feel like endless hours. So here I find myself in my own silence. “My beloved, I am writing this to you from the silence of my hotel room. It appears that you are following my breadcrumbs. It gives me great joy to know that the letters that I have left for you to find were not left behind in vain. There have been so many times that I feared that they would never reach you. It aches right to my very bone every time I think that I will simply disappear and never see you again. With great agony, I have imagined spending my life alone until finally dying of a broken heart in some corner of
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What Are The Odds?
It seems that my eyes might be deceiving me once again, for I could have sworn that I did see Anastasia stand across the crowd from me. So without having to even reconsider, I stand from my seat and head in the direction, but even before I get two steps away, she calls for me to come back."Now, where do you think you are going?""A walk Elloise, I want to go for a walk. My legs are feeling uncomfortably stiff from sitting here. Now, do you think you can loosen the spell in order for me to take a stroll?"I watch her with intent as she decides if she should take the risk and allow me to walk even further away from her reach. "Fair well, but don't let me regret it," she says as she gives in; I secretly smile to myself at the small victory that I have won.She shall now, of course, tighten the spell so that it will keep me in her grasp. She has been hoping that by now I would have wanted to stay with her without having the need to cast the spell that keeps me by her side.
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The Sweetness Of Cotton Candy
I have been waiting for this moment for far too long, and the pleasure it is bringing to my very bones is near that of sexual satisfaction. Not truly, but there is nothing so satisfying than the dumbfounded expression on Elloise's face. Her face has gone from that awful pink, I truly need to understand why she is consumed with pink before her existence is brought to an end, but that is a story for later. Her face is as pale as the snow covering the peaks of the Alps.But before she can ask me once more what it is that I mean by my words, I watch as my dear little Vampire Hunter, who is only but for a few inches, presses the Ancient blade into her side. Her voice hitch, and her entire body stiffens. She drops the cup of tea that she has been sipping on. In a total surprise, she looks at me."Oh, my dear Elloise, you do need to be careful what you wish for. You of all know that you should not tempt fate. Well, my dear, fate has come to take a rather large chunk of your f
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An Act Of Revenge
I might have said this before, and I shall say it once again. Life is defined by a series of moments; whether they are good in nature or bad in kind, these shall define you as the person you are or the outcome of your life. Now, what have these four weeks brought to my life that can possibly make it better in any way, for they should indeed be one of the most awful times that I have known in my Vampire life, and I shall even go as far as in saying my human one too? Yes, I have seen great beauty and treasures that I have never known there to be, and I can truly say if she did not drag me to the ends of the world, I would have never even thought to come to know of them. The best part, the part that brings great pleasure to my heart, is that I have grown so incredibly close to my beloved. This, though, is not the only thing that has captured my heart, but that three people, especially our Vampire Hunter, has gone to incredible lengths to find me, such an old fool with nothing b
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The Fall Of The Belmont House
First, there was the barely audible crackling that came carried on the waves of the wind blowing. Then the distinct smell of smoke starting to fill the empty spaces and corners rather urgent. That is when the realization set in that there had to be a fire brewing somewhere in the Belmont House. The flames could be felt as they were warming the hallways at a rapid pace. But the moment that I stepped outside to see Edward frantically trying to save Lilith and Stefan, the reality became real. But my own reality soon set in, for I left my beloved behind in the comfort of our room, foolishly thinking that it was indeed the safest place to be.As I now face a door that has been engulfed in flames, I am reminded how many times my judgment has proved me wrong. And yet again, it has tricked me beyond deceiving.So it is with complete and utter frustration that I rush to a nearby room that has not yet been taken by the fire. I rip one of the blankets from the bed. Then I return
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Hiding In The Shadows
I watch as the doubt fills my beloved's eyes; I do understand that she would think that it has been a scorned lover that has done this awful deed. But it does hurt me a slight bit that she shall think that all problems that we encounter are due to me being a rather unfaithful man. I have had numerous sexual encounters in my years, but not truly all of them hate me so much as to go so far and set fire to my home. This goes far deeper than just a simple act of revenge.Now, who will carry such a big hatred in their heart? Perhaps it is targeted at us as Vampires and not for one individual. This does bring the question, which of the supernatural creatures is behind this act. I can understand if it is one of Elloise's followers that are displeased about her being stripped of her powers and being a fairy. Though I do highly doubt that they shall, for they know the consequences they will have to face if it becomes known to me that they are behind this.This can also have bee
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A Betrayal That Cuts Deep
…Anastasia POV…I look at Zachariah, somewhat hesitating; I know I need to give him a truthful answer. But admitting it is like admitting I made a mistake, and by acknowledging that, I need to own up to a lie. A very blatant lie that I have been keeping from both him and Sebastian. The truth is, do you expect your past to come back to haunt you. But then again, that is such a stupid question; Sebastian has been a perfect example of this very thing.So, I truly should just admit to myself that it was a bad error in judgment. Though, I did go there knowing full well what it would lead to. Not truly the end part, but definitely that there was an obsession, which I only but fuelled with my presence that night.Now, this has become a secret that I need to reveal. Somehow I don't think it is going to hurt Zachariah quite as much Sebastian.I know this needs to be done, and do I think by doing it that it shall make me feel relieved? I do hope so, b
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The Dark Side Of A Vampire Master
Betrayal cuts deep. Betrayal by the one that you love with all your heart and soul is a death sentence. Did I ever see such deception be done upon me? Never in all my years that I explored the female kind so recklessly did I once foresee that I shall be on the receiving end.To say that I am not feverishly mad shall be an understatement. I want to lay waste to all that I see in front of my eyes. I want to rip everything by the seems apart. God forbid the one that shall cross my path, I shall tear their skin off, each layer by layer until they are but only bone.And as for this Delilah that is standing in front of me, the mere sight of her repulses me. It burns a hole through my heart just having to face a woman that I have given my all to. I want her to be gone; I want every trace of her to be removed from my life, from my existence. I shall not stand for one being unfaithful when you find yourselves in a soul-bonding union. She is my beloved right now, and as for the
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