All Chapters of The Alpha Vampire Master: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
165 Chapters
A Love That Has Died
Revenge is sweet. Guilt is a bitter pill to swallow. A man scorned is a lethal dose of chaos waiting to erupt. I have laid waste to all that has crossed my path, and my destruction is not done, for I have one true wish I want to achieve as I stare at the reason for my heartbreak in the eyes. This is what my life has come to, a ruthless killer that shall reap justice as he sees fit.Shall I show remorse? Remorse is not a word that shall cross my lips. I shall relish in satisfaction as I stand over a body that I shall rip to shreds. But first, I need to hear for one last time what drove such deceit from a woman that I once loved with every part of my being."Sebastian, I asked, what are you doing here?""I do not know if I should be honored that you know who I am.""I do know of your stature in the community.""My friend, you shall refrain from referring to the Vampire community so loosely. I believe that our dear Anastasia has told you everything."
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Black Stilettos
…Anastasia POV…Sebastian has made it very clear that what we had, our love and our bond, does no longer exist. This, even after Augustus admitted that he, in fact, drugged me into believing that I was in his bed as a result of a sexual encounter.I always firmly believed that Sebastian is a man of reason, but the man that I saw in front of me, the man with a blood-stained shirt and that evil look in his eye, that is a man that I do not know. There is an evil that has consumed his being, and I, sad to say, I am the reason behind that. I have driven a man to his brink, and he has now toppled over. He has fallen into an abyss of darkness. Shall he return? Shall he stay? That I shall never know, for I am not allowed near his presence.Beyond anything that ever existed between us, our love and our bond, he is and remains my Vampire Master, and I shall do as he says. I know, and as I have seen on so many occasions, he shall bring his full wrath down wit
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Raindrops On A Hot Summer's Day
…Anastasia POV…It has been a week since my encounter with Sebastian in the study. My body has not forgotten the craving that I feel for him, the absolute desire. I know his body desired me, but that mind that always gets in the way soon pushed me aside. I truly believe that I need to come to the realization that he shall never be mine again. Who would have thought that his stubbornness runs so deep, but then again, I would have done the same? In fact, I have done worse, and that is with the woman from his past.Today I am dressing up in an exquisite deep red ball gown; there is a ball that is being held at a Vampire of high stature's home. I must say that I have not heard of him before, but from what one of the servants tell me, he is rather stunning on the eye and even more charming. Now I do not think I would have been allowed to attend as Sebastian shall be there, but they shall honor me for my heroics for saving the Vampire community on numerous occa
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Fools In Love
My desire to feel the ecstasy that Anastasia brings has once again overcome my common sense. Not only have I declared herself as mine in front of a room full of Vampires, but I have pushed her away in the same breath.Now, if I thought this forsaken ball was over, I am so sorely mistaken for Dante has decided to have a sit-down. Why does one come with the idea that a bunch of Vampires should sit around a table and drink blood from a wine glass is purely beyond me.But do wait for the worst part of this; the man has so conveniently seated Anastasia next to me. Now is this tortured bliss or a pure act of a game that we have played for many years. I am hinting at both, for that vanilla is attacking my senses, but there is something else this time. It is lily; she has adorned her body in the sweet smell of lily and vanilla. How have I missed this before? The mere thought of the sweetness makes me want to delve my body into hers.But then the man makes one very fatal
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Sent Into A Bliss
It has been one long torturous week. I have seen her come and go as she had to, sadly, go feed by herself. The desire to take her in my arms and make sweet love to her drove me silently insane. I can honestly say, being a Vampire with a soul is a death sentence. The pain that is cutting through me piece by piece is beyond the sleekness of a sword that is being driven through the softness of your heart.I wish there was a way that I can rid myself of such a curse. I have had, with our brief encounters, the urge to lose myself in her mind and get a glimpse of what she is feeling. Then I need to remind myself that she is but a mere Vampire; she will not feel the endless pain that runs through my body.The question begs, do I want to give in and push the pain away. Truly I have, but then from out of complete nowhere, that demon comes creeping its head up again. Yes, I did ask her for time, but how long will this lasting stay in the abyss that consumes me. It is not that I
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Crossing Borders
Today we are crossing borders. We will find ourselves in the Americas, where a very good friend rules as Vampire Master. He is, by all means, forty years younger than me and far too charming around the ladies. I am a bit nervous about letting my beloved make this trip with me. My heart has forgiven her for the difficulty that we recently experienced. My mind still somewhat wanders to a place beyond my control. Now I am in no way saying that this Vampire shall seduce her, but yes, the man is a real Casanova; words roll from his tongue even smoother than melted honey.Now I shall be the one to admit that we did in our days together get up to some rather questionable things, things mainly with the female kind. If my beloved thought that my encounters only spread as far as Europe, well, she might just hear a few stories that shall make her eyebrows raise. So, I am indeed somewhat nervous, for I shall either receive a slap through the face and more certain a very cold bed from her
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Who Will Play Bait?
It is hard to say who is more in awe of Lestat, my beloved, or our Vampire Hunter. The man does carry a rather, how shall I say, a fairly attractive face. There were many occasions that we had to compete against one another for the attention of the lady that we had set our sights on that particular night. And I can almost proudly say that I lost the majority of the time, yet it did not stop me from stealing what he so gladly called as 'mine.'So after the introductions and, rather amusingly, a moment of pure horror when he learned that the young man in our company is, in fact, a Vampire Hunter, we make our way to his home. Now the man has always lived lavishly; seeing what he calls home is just beyond crazy. It is a rather mega-mansion, which he refers to as the Golden Palace. In my honest opinion, it is rather bright and unsightly. But that is beyond the point; we are here for a creature problem, which I would like to exterminate.While we all sit around some fairly l
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Toss Of A Coin
We have just seen somewhat of a rather strange situation. I did, and by all fairness, the rest in our group, we have come to believe that both men that have just come down the alley are, in fact, men. Well, we have been sadly mistaken, for the one man, and it is not quite clear from where we are standing, has overpowered the other and is now, in fact, eating him alive.The terrifying screams are near enough to make my skin crawl. The sudden flush of blood in the air is telling us that this animal is ravaging this poor human at an alarmingly fast pace. Now, why one of us is not moving, that I do not know, though that is what we came here for. So much to my horror, my beloved starts approaching this creature."My beloved," I try to whisper as softly underneath my breath as possible, "Where are you going?""To help the man, of course."Lestat that has seen the extent of the wounds that these victims have started to laugh softly from his chest. "My dear Anast
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Pulling Strings
It is clear that we have once again met our match by some unknown creature. Very unknown to us, but something which I believe the Windchaser boys have dealt with. I do really find it horrific the things that they deal with. Here I worry about a Vampire that is throwing its toys out the cot, where these two see things that one can not even sit and imagine up yourself.So as we all stare in anticipation at this man that seems to find this exciting, I am near damn ready to slap him."Out with it, boy.""Now for calling me a boy, I shall gladly feed you to it." He but pauses for a few brief moments, "Oh, but I forgot you are already dead."Well, this is only a Vampire Hunter joke for Anastasia; Lestat and I do not find this amusing whatsoever. And as expected, they are just about to carry on with their laughter at our expense, so I rudely interrupt them.  "So how do we kill this monstrosity. In fact, what do you even call it?""It is a Lev
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Unexpected Detour
I have just agreed to be the fool that shall play bait. Well, there shall be no way that I shall allow my beloved to become bait. The only one that shall be attacking her is me. And let me tell you this, I much rather want to be somewhere else than here, for I have three men, whom I believe are Leviathans that are making somewhat of a nervous stroll up to me. One shall think he shall launch himself at me and turn my insides out, but no. He is, with his two friends in tow, coming up to me rather slow and ominously.And then.The man is in front of me so fast that one would think that he is a Vampire. I watch as he unhooks his jaw and opens it so wide that his entire face has become a set of teeth, but wait, that godawful split tongue seems to horrify me even more than the teeth. I know that any minute now, he is going to make mince of my face. But then I do remember the dagger that I hold in my hand. Now my great idea to take him from behind is just not happening. The t
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