All Chapters of The Alpha Vampire Master: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
165 Chapters
Under The Full Moon
…Anastasia POV…I should know by now that with every step we chose to make, that there shall always be some sort of consequences. Now it would be foolish to think that these consequences are in any way something that shall be welcomed. Well, let me think of it this way, is it such a bad thing to be a human? Only when the love of your life is a Vampire. Then take being dead; that is one which will rather be irreversible. But with that, another thought comes to mind, though, that is just completely absurd. But decision time has arrived for the full moon is starting to rise in the sky. Do I wish to end my legacy? Or stay this ungodly creature forever? My decision is as final as this spell."Please let us go ahead with this."Then Sebastian, with absolute horror on his face, turns to me as to plead the last time."My beloved, are you certain of this?""Please, Sebastian, let me do this. If I die, then you can get a spell
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Forever Until Life Ends
So goes the story of my life; nothing can run smoothly before something else goes wrong first. Taken all the battles we have gone through, I can honestly say that I always thought that the last was the worse than all the others before.Now what has become quite a custom is that I have been the one whom they shall turn when things start to fall astray. Not that I do mind this, but the pressure for failure lies even heavier on my shoulders. Despite what is assumed, I do not possess all the answers, nor do I have the ability to make things right all the time. Even though I shall strive to do so, I can not guarantee that if you come to request my help, that you shall find a resolution.But with saying this, I do and always will make sure that my loved ones will be safe and that they shall have whatever their heart desires. And in saying this, I would never regret a decision made to give them the safety and things that they desire.That is up until now.It is
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Like A Moth To A Flame
I cannot truthfully answer Anastasia's question, for the only option for me is being a Vampire. She shall always be my one and only true love; the question is not what I will do; the question is, what part she shall play in my life. Not that I shall ever shy her away, it shall be more like if she will choose to have a Vampire in her life. For one, I can say that it shall be a rather dangerous lifestyle for her, and not to even mention that the community shall not approve of a human residing in the Belmont House.This is indeed a problematic situation that we do find ourselves in. I cannot tell her what to do, and neither can she expect me to choose between immortality and being a mortal. And as we have seen with these things, you cannot trust for something to go as planned. Who says if I taste Breyden's blood, that I will for certain become a human again.So it is with somewhat mixed emotions that we find our way up the stairs to our room; now this shall be where she s
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Divine Delirium
Déjà Vu, a feeling that one has experienced a present situation.Anastasia and I have been here before, and do I even dare to say that it might go the same as the first time around.I do not wish for her to be accidentally bitten and then be turned into a Vampire against her will. There is a very big part of me that wishes that she would allow me to do it again. What does truly trouble me is that she seems to be considering staying human.But I do not wish to think about that now, for, at the present moment, there is the beauty that I want to lose myself in tonight. I genuinely believe that I can control my hunger for human blood, for she is my beloved, and that is what makes it different this time.So once again, "My beloved, do you wish for me to stop.""No, but I beg, do not turn me against my will.""I shall never harm you in any way, foolishness does carry itself as my middle name on the odd occasion, but this shall not be
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Beauty Lies In These Pages
…Anastasia POV…I have just experienced another moment of ecstasy that goes beyond being able to be described by a single word. Sebastian has proven to me that no matter if I find myself a mortal or a Vampire, that he desires me the same. To him, he sees no difference as it is love that drives him; his passion for our love, for our union, is beyond compare. For him to have not lost control and drive his fangs into me without my consent proves once more how much he cares for me.To think I was sitting and pondering if I should stay human is something that I cannot understand. There should not even be a question, a choice to be made. I want with all of this beating heart to be back with Sebastian, yes I do know that as a human, I can experience this desire, but I do not want to see my life just end if I can extend it.So I have foolishly taken the Book of Spells and am on my way to Elloise. As I leave the Belmont House in my rearview mirror, I pray t
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The Distances That Keeps Us Apart
Anastasia is in great trouble; I can feel it in my whole being. The strangest part of this is that I am feeling our bond dying. It seems that she is fading away from me. Is this what is suppose to happen now that she is human again? But there have been many Vampire and humans that have shared this bond; why should ours be any different? Did the spell indeed break all contact that she shall have with a Vampire?I do not wish to think which is the most logical explanation, for I do not want to discover one. All that I do need to know now is to get to her as fast as this car can possibly travel. So as I stare at Edward, I do not even need to make my question known, for he knows the exact thought that is burning a hole through my mind."My dear Sebastian, we shall get to her, and I want to promise you that we shall be in time. I have to fear, though, what time it shall be. Do you know of such a spell that can reverse this one?""Edward, I was not even aware of the f
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A Race Against Time
The eyes are easily deceived, and so does the mind play tricks on you. Magic has a way of betraying you, and it shall betray you even harder if you wish to use it for your own benefit. These are all facts that we should have taking into consideration.But what should I be considering here? The fact that in front of me is a woman that is a fair age of seventy is by all possibility, my beloved. This truly has become insane, so I close my head for but a brief second and shake all the images out of my mind hoping that I would see different."Sebastian, it is me. Anastasia, the woman you call your beloved.""My god! What has happened to you?""Well, it seems the spell had some other consequences.""You are here to reverse which one?""Well, I am truly hoping both.""My beloved, it pains me even more now. I should have turned you when we had the chance.""I thought you might say that, now that I have lost my beauty."Now, what
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The Essence Of Anastasia
Death is peaceful. Death is calm. Death smells like cherry blossoms.Wait!"Fuck, I cannot even get this right."As I slowly open my eyes, I see what I suspected. I am very much alive; I tragically missed my heart by inches. Some will say it is luck, I, I say I am cursed. While Edward and Elloise seem to be relieved, I am slightly annoyed that I cannot accomplish one simple thing, such as dying. Yes, I do sound like a Vampire that is trying to commit suicide, which by all fairness is impossible. Maybe next time, I should consider asking someone else to kill me, or just not try to do it at all.While it takes me a few minutes to retract the Ancient blade from my chest, it need not take me a second to see that my dear Anastasia is still very much deceased. Her frail body is lying next to me, and there is no sight of movement at all. Dare I even try to drive this dagger through my heart again? Guess in a way, we are like Romeo and Juliet, only Romeo is not d
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The End Of A Legacy
If I were not a Vampire, I would consider myself as sleeping. At the other end of this call, I have a very pissed off lady asking me why I locked her in a catacomb. I am for certain that when I left her there, she was very much dead indeed.So with the phone still held firmly to my ear, I run out of the house and very speedily bring my car to a roaring start. I need to get to her; I need to see that she is real.And as I come to a screeching halt, there right in front of me, she stands in all her glory. There is no doubt that at the entrance of the catacomb, my Anastasia is standing and patiently waiting for me.I rush toward her; there is no doubt, I am not dreaming. She looks at me rather frustrated, "Can you please get me out of here, its smells like a bunch of dead Vampires.I unlock the gate, and in an instant, she leaps into my arms. "Sebastian, you have no idea how much I have missed you." I hold her as tight as I can, squeezing her so hard that sh
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Fated Destiny
I watch in silence as this terrifying moment plays off in front of me. I have never in my Vampire years encountered such a thing. I guess this is the result of playing with a power that one does not know of. It is unpredictable. Most of all, it is dangerous. It is something that we have not taken with the seriousness that it deserves.This is not fair on the Vampire Hunter. He has innocently lived his life without any knowledge of the powers we were playing with. To have him suffer the consequences is unjust. Watching the pain that he is suffering brings a sting to my heart. Yes, the pesky little man can get under my skin. But this is not something I would wish upon him.My beloved has just informed him of his fate. There is nothing as horrifying to hear that you are staring in your face the end of your life. Yes, the man is half Vampire, but not enough to make him survive. I know that in just a few hours, the inevitable shall happen. It will tear my beloved apart.
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