All Chapters of Love Of His Life: The Playboy Fell Head Over Heels In Love: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
122 Chapters
Chapter 61 - Christine's Baby
 Cassie’s voice jolted her back from Marty’s intoxicating kiss that had been engulfing her towards stupor. Christine, immediately get off the bed and run to the bathroom. She berated herself for giving into Marty again. On the other hand, Marty was euphoric that Christine responded to his kiss. “I am happy, daddy and mommy kissed!” Cassie shouted while she jumped on the bed. Marty enjoyed watching his ecstatic daughter chanting and jumping on the bed. When she got tired jumping on the bed, she sat beside Marty and then looked up to him. “Daddy, when will my brother come out from mommy?” Cassie once heard from her friend that she had a baby brother because her parents kissed, hence, she was expecting that she would have a baby brother since Christine
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Chapter 62 - Perfect Family Vacation
Engrossed reading a document,  Marty frowned when Luke knocked on the door. Put down the file on his table and bellowed, “Come in” Luke entered at once, he looked at Marty’s countenance which is glum. “What is it?” Marty said with his brows knitted, seeing Luke’s hesitant gaze. “Sir, open your MacBook. There’s a video and pictures of Ms. Christine and the little miss on the internet, ” said Luke, he decided not to give his iPad to Marty because he was afraid that by this time his iPad will be hurled. Marty opened his MacBook, “What should I key in on the search engine?” asked Marty. His finger itching to type. “Dr Graham
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Chapter 63 - Red Roses
First thing Monday morning, Christine took Cassie to school. As they walked toward Cassie's class, Christine noticed that the teachers were looking at her like she had dirt on her face.  "Cassie, is there something wrong with my face?" Christine asked Cassie and squatted so Cassie could look at her face.  Cassie checked her face to see if anything was wrong, "Lovely, you're the most beautiful mom in the world." said Cassie. Christine chuckled and straightened up her body and they continued to walk towards Cassie’s class. “Good morning, Ms Ledesma, how was your weekend by the beach?” Cassie’s teacher asked, her eyes danced with mischief.  Christine was perplexed, how did Cassie’s teacher know about their we
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Chapter 64 - A Romantic Walk Along The Beach
She gasped, seeing Marty standing before her with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. With his bespoke three-piece charcoal suit, he is dangerously handsome and magnificent. Christine felt hot as his scorching silver eyes were staring at her.  Looking at her inviting luscious lips that called to be kissed, Marty was tempted to cage her in his embrace and kiss her until she’s swept by a whirlpool of passion. Regaining her composure, she stood up and said in a mocking tone, “Mr Jacobs, I think you’re in the wrong place. This is not Justin’s office. ” "I'm not here to see Justin but I'm here to see you." Marty said, while watching Christine carefully, he approached her and gave her the bouquet of flowers. His clean an
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Chapter 65 - Mary Is Pregnant
Christine lifted her head and met Marty’s cold gaze. He turned, opened the door and closed it behind him.  Christine scowled at Justin who was having a good time. Justin walked beside Christine, who was already pissed off at his behavior.  Although she is occasionally annoyed by Justin, Christine cannot deny that he is a trusted friend who helped her with this case. He agreed to become the dummy company owner until she was ready to disclose that she was the real owner of the company. She owes him a lot.  On her way to her office the secretary informed her, smiling sweetly, “Ma’am, Dr Solis is waiting in your office.” “Ha, I see, prince charming has been already here to fetch the princess.” Justin teased Christine, his eyes dancing with mischief. 
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Chapter 66 - Concealing A Pain
Christine thought she succeeded in covering up her shock and pain, and she smiled at Mary. In the depths of her heart, she could find no hatred for Mary. She's perplexed why she can't hate the woman who stole Marty from her.  “Congratulations!” Christine said, trying to make her voice as calm as possible.  “Is Marty happy?” she added.  “Yes, he is so happy.” said Mary, then she turned to the sink and dry heaved again.  Christine couldn't hold back her tears any longer so she ran towards the door and went out of the powder room. She leaned against the wall and let her tears run down in the hope that while they flow the pain she feels will be swept away. After a few seconds, she wiped away her tears, took a long breath and returned to their table.&n
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Chapter 67 - Liar
Marty could smell Christine's vomit on his body and felt the urge to take a bath, so he joined Christine in the bathtub. The thought that Christine would be enraged if he made love with her helped him control himself. Later, when he finished dressing Christine, he took his shirt which he left when he stayed in her room while she was in the hospital. Marty smiled, happy that she didn’t throw away his things. Marty sat at the bedside looking at her face. Christine stirred up and looked at Marty.  Slurring, Christine said, “You l-- l-- left mmm-- me, y--- you--- ssssshhh---- said yyyy--- you ----lll --- love me. L--- liar”,  tears trickling down her temple.  Marty leaned and kissed her eyes, he could taste her salty tears and whispered in her ears “I’m sorry for leaving you, I didn’t lie to you, I lov
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Chapter 68 - Fix What He Broke
Christine felt as if electricity was flowing through her body. She suddenly drew her hand and looked at Cassie in a severe manner. But her gaze softens as Cassie is upset, her eyes become watery and close to tears.  "Cassie, sweetie," said she, and stretched out her arms to take her in her arms, but Cassie turned away and hugged Marty's neck and wept.  Marty stroke Cassie’s back and turned his head to look at Christine. To his great disappointment, Christine never glanced in his direction, instead, she rose to her feet and came near the floor to ceiling window. Marty's gaze never went away from Christine, he followed her every step of the way.  Marty perceived that Christine had erected a fortified wall against him. She won't let him in and he thought of ways to breach those impenetrable walls that
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Chapter 69 - Jet Ski
"No, I just wanted to rest," she said, bowing and shaking her head just to push the images afloat in her head. "The beach house would be perfect for it," said Marty, convincing her as he turned to Cassie to wipe off her milk-covered mouth. Christine raised her head to say no but her eyes caught Cassie looking at her. Cassie stared at Christine with her eyes wide open in anticipation. The anticipation in her daughter’s eyes turned imploring, and then into glum. Christine swallowed back her word, she couldn’t ruin her daughter’s day. “Alright, I’ll come along,” said Christine, she saw her daughter’s eyes lit up in an instant and her eyes danced with joy. “Yippee!” Cassie exclaimed happily while clapping her hand. Sorrow rather than joy fills Christine's heart. How could her daughter accept the truth once she came to know that her dream was impossible? How is she going to tell her daughter that they cannot ever be a full family? Cassie needed a father who will always be there
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Chapter 70 - Irony
His proximity stirred in her a thoughts she shouldn't entertain. She went away from him to the falls and held herself under the water. She let the cool water wash away her burning desire. Waiting for her body to cool down, she closed her eyes. However, Marty got close to her and locked her up with his strong arms. Her treacherous body instantly became hot in response to his embrace. She turned around to push him, but he didn't budge. His smoldering eyes looking at her luscious lips beckoning to be kissed. Marty tilted his head and their lips collided. Christine's mind went haywire. All of a sudden, Christine was awakened from his drugging kiss and looked up at Marty. Fear and trepidation flickered in her eyes, she whispered, begging, "P --- please don't, I --- I can't." Seeing her fear, Marty withdrew his hand and embraced her, holding her head against his chest. Closing his eyes, he said, "I'm sorry." Christine heard his racing heart like he sprinted a mile. "Let's go back, o
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