All Chapters of Alpha Cain: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
46 Chapters
Chapter twenty - Cain
Unsure where else to take her, I drive to the cliffs, knowing she used to love it here and hoping she still will.She questions me incessantly about what Darius will do with the "creature", asking me what it was and whether there's a zoo nearby because it looks like the thing that chased her, although she adamantly refuses to accept it's the same one, saying the one before looked healthy, while this one looked like it had mange.It's stressful trying to think of lies to tell her and by the time I park the car, I've decided to be honest with her about what I am, what she is and what happened. At least what I know of it anyway. I'm not sure how she'll react, it almost never goes well when real human mates first find out, but this situation is even more complicated."Oh wow. This is so beautiful." She gasps, getting out of the car and turning around, she frowns then as if trying to remember something and my heart stops, wondering if coming here has triggered her memory. "I think I must h
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Chapter twenty-one - Leila
I'm going through the motions as though this is all real, but I'm fairly certain I'm either dead, or in a coma, likely as a result of that creature. It would make a lot more sense that it had hurt or killed me, than everything that has happened since and I'm not sure if I even want to wake up. Everything I've ever wanted is here. Cain has practically told me we're soulmates and is holding my hand as we walk through his home to meet a loving family that I've always wanted but never had, and my friends are here too. It's like I've got everything I need all under one roof. Even his father, who clearly didn't want me near his son, has apologised and accepted me. Life doesn't work like this, so it can't be real. The only thing making me question myself is that I've never had a dream before where I know I'm dreaming, but then I've never been in a coma before, so maybe that feels different? Cain and his father seem to communicate silently with angry facial expressions and despite their po
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Chapter twenty-two - Cain
I drove Flame back to my house after the visit with her family. She's struggling with all this and I wish I could help, but she needs this time on her own. She asked for the notepad of her dreams and when I left, she was sitting with her friends, tearing page after page from the book and trying to figure out the correct timeline. I offered to help, but she refused, explaining how she wanted to try and remember herself, not be given the memories by someone who was there.But at least she's accepting who she is!As much as it pains me to leave her, I am meant to be on patrol duty, which I would have passed over onto Darius if Flame has needed me to stay with her, but since she's occupied, I'll check the borders Darius and I have to meet my father, to interrogate the rogues we picked up at Flame's university home.As per usual, they've been chained in the underground cells, without food or water, since we brought them back with us. It'll be almost 48 hours by the time we go in to questio
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Chapter twenty-three -Leila
Waking up in Cain's arms feels right, he's like the calm amongst the crazy. I've accepted that something is going on and I don't know if I'll ever understand it, but this is the new normal I guess.Cain pretends to still be asleep when I turn to look at him, I can tell he's pretending because his eyes are forced shut and his mouth keeps twitching like he's trying not to smile."Morning, stay asleep. I'm just going to get some uni work done before Calista does that self defence class with us." I whisper in his ear, throwing the blanket off of myself and then, with a little burst of confidence, I lean down and kiss him on the lips.I'd anticipated just a quick peck, but as soon as our lips touch, his arms wrap around me, pulling me against him and rolling so he's got me pinned me beneath his body. "Morning." He grins down at me and while there's nothing especially erotic about his smile, there seems to be another part of him that seems very awake, separated only by the material of his
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Chapter twenty-four - Cain
The rogues are getting cocky, somehow getting past the patrols at the exact right moment and leaving before the patrol is close enough to trace them. As soon as Flame woke me and told me she saw a wolf-like creature watching the house I contacted the patrol to tell them, but something needs to be done. It's been getting better between us, so I've been avoiding telling her what we are, but I'm not sure how much longer I can put it off. My father called an emergency meeting as soon as the patrol reported finding nothing outside, so I left Flame in bed watching films while I went downstairs to his office. Darius, Zac and Cally were already waiting outside when I got there, and of course Gene, Levi and Samuel were inside, with Caleb and Anastasia, both of whom were on patrol tonight. "... Was nothing but a lingering scent." Anastasia is finishing her report as we enter the room and she smiles warmly at me. She was my mother's best friend and considers herself an unofficial aunt since m
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Chapter twenty-five - Leila
Yesterday was bizarre to say the least, I'm not sure how to digest all the information so, for lack of a better option, I'm not. I'm walking around, talking to people, trying to keep myself as busy as I can and pretending all this crazy shit isn't happening, because if I really stop to think about what I saw and heard yesterday, then I'm not sure how I'll come back from that level of insanity. I was only just getting to grips with the idea that I might possibly have lost my memory and created new and fake ones to replace them, that's unlikely but possible, isn't it? It's like something amazing you'd watch on TV, but this… werewolves? They aren't real, everyone knows that, but Cain transformed… shifted… right before my eyes. He's told me I can't tell my friends about it, says it needs to be kept a closely guarded secret or the humans would panic. He says it goes back to a time when humans knew about us… us, because he says I'm one of them, which I can't even begin to comprehend… anyw
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Chapter twenty-six - Cain
My father, Gene, Zac and Cally left to interrogate the rogue early this morning. They haven't waited the usual forty-eight hours and there's a lot of meaningful looks passing between them which is irritating me, knowing they know more than they're telling me.Flame is still asleep after her ordeal yesterday, I have no idea why she was over near the hospital, or why she was alone, but I could feel her fear and pain where I was all the way on the opposite side of the pack. By the time I got to her, Allison had already sedated her and she was sleeping peacefully, her sister beside her, playing the part of concerned sibling.Despite Allison's pleas, I ejected Merida from the house. Despite her fierce resistance, I re-assign her to training and night patrols for the foreseeable future, telling her that if she ever puts Flame in danger again, I won't hesitate to execute her on the spot. The only reason she's still alive now is because I know it would upset Flame to lose her, but I won't be
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Chapter twenty-seven - Leila
I wake up feeling like I've done some sort of marathon. My whole body aches, I feel weak and like part of myself is missing. Guilt fills me, knowing I'm feeling like this because of that pill and that probably means I was pregnant and my body is working on getting rid of the baby. I didn't think I'd feel like this, I certainly wasn't ready for a baby, but now I wish I could take it back.I whisper apologies to my stomach, as if the baby might somehow be able to hear me, praying to whoever is out there to somehow save my baby, regardless of what it might mean for me.Getting up proves difficult, but I drag myself into the shower, then back into my room to focus on the notes of dreams. I'm so thankful Gale wrote them down now, but it's still weird knowing these are memories of a life I don't remember.Darius brings me food and sits with me for a while, asking if I'm ok because I look pale, but I just pretend I didn't sleep well and eventually he leaves when Merida makes an appearance.
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Chapter twenty-eight - Cain
It's obvious something is wrong the moment I step across the border into the packlands. Two many wolves are patrolling the borders and when they see me, their eyes go wide and they scatter like flies, disappearing from my sight.My stomach becomes heavy, not wanting to consider the main reason they would be avoiding me, but I speed up anyway, knowing it'll be at least another hour before I reach the packhouse, even running.If Kade were here, he'd be able to mindlink, but it'll be tomorrow at the very earliest before he arrives, so my only hope is to meet someone who'll be brave enough to tell me why there's a morose atmosphere across the pack.After the group of patrol wolves, I don't see a soul the entire time it takes me to get back and my suspicions and anxiety are at their highest. My father's office door is closed but I'm headed upstairs anyway, straight to her room and, finding it empty, I go to mine and then each of her friends in turn.No one's seen her for hours and despite
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Chapter twenty-nine - Leila
"Run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me, I'm faster than you." I cackle, sprinting ahead and aiming for the dense woodland, knowing that Cain will struggle to get through them as quickly as I can.I dive into a hole in a tree, backing up as far as possible and holding my hand over my face to cover the sound of my breathing.His heavy footsteps get closer and I have to resist the urge to giggle as he stomps past my hideout."Come out, come out wherever you are." He taunts, stopping to listen for any noise. Suddenly, I feel two hands grab me under the arms and lift me through the roots above me."I found you, little red." He grins, his eyes twinkling with amusement."Oh, Mr big bad wolf, what sharp teeth you have." The ring on my left hand sparkles in the fading light as I use my thumb to expose his beautiful white teeth."Mmmm, all the better to eat you." He smirks, tugging me close and whispering in my ear. "Let me demonstrate before the woodsmen ruins our fun."His lips mee
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