All Chapters of Alpha Cain: Chapter 41 - Chapter 46
46 Chapters
Chapter forty - Cain
We were foolish to think it would be over this early, that it would end with the death of Eligor and his followers would fade back to wherever they came from. Samuel is inconsolable and if it weren't for his desire for revenge, I'm not sure he wouldn't have ended his own life by now. As it is, we've had to get Flame's parents to take Amara home because his wolf seems unable to separate twin from twin, projecting his fury at Merida onto her and demanding her death in recompense for the loss of his mate.In the meantime we've sent scouts out to search the area for any signs of Merida or Ekron or any gatherings of any description. Thankfully Flame's parents have also stepped in to help Emery with her wolf, because Flame is torn between her friend and leading the now far too large pack."We found marks up by the Western border but they're odd. Too obvious, like they've been left there on purpose." Darius pulls up a picture of some slices in a tree, swiping through them all and each is sl
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Chapter forty-one - Leila
"Ollie, no I can't." I say as gently as I can, while studying the map on Alpha Abaddon's office wall - I can't seem to call it my office yet, at least not in my own head, it doesn't yet feel real."But why not?" He actually stomps his foot like a child having a tantrum and I'm surprised, I've never seen this side of him before."Ok, aside from the fact we are currently in the middle of a war, it's also too dangerous, you could die." I drag my eyes away from the map long enough to look at him."Emery was fine and I'm stronger than her, even when she isn't injured, if she could survive it then I'm bound to." A knock on my door has us both turning to see Anastasia striding inside, an earnest look on her face."Look, Emery was a chance we took because she was dying anyway, we would never have considered it if we had any other choice and have you seen her? She is not 'fine' at all, she's struggling and terrified of the ch…""But that's because it was never something she considered. I want
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Chapter forty-two - Cain
We're being followed, it's obvious from the moment we get close to our destination. No one is visible but the scent of wolf is too strong to just be a territory thing.Tegwen looks at me, sensing it too and then we look back at Levi who is already loading weapons for Tegwen's friends. He's cracking jokes with the humans, his humour belying the serious warrior underneath, constantly alert and assessing his surroundings. His eyes meet mine for the briefest of seconds and flick towards my window. When I look, it initially seems to be just a dark section of forest, but, deep within the shadows, I can see the dark outline of a wolf running alongside the car."We're surrounded." Levi mindlinks me, while simultaneously handing a shotgun to Gale and showing her how to load the cartridges."Now, don't point this at anyone you want to see again. Even wolves can't recover when they resemble Swiss cheese." He jokes and Gale laughs, nodding her head as she looks over the gun in her hand, oblivious
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Chapter forty-three - Leila
As soon as Coal told me about Ekron and Maloney, I tried to mindlink Amara, telling her so she can go to Merida and hoping to cause a distraction so I can get to speak to Ollie.The angry screams of Merida and rush of footsteps past our room gives me my opportunity, Coal stays in the room to cover for me and I run up the corridor, following the vague scent of him to lead me to the right place.Coal said there was a guard in his room, but fortunately for me, the guard must have been one of the ones to run towards the chaos, become the doors slightly open and Ollie is on his own inside."Leila." He greets me happily, as though we're still at uni and I've just popped over to say hi. He catches himself and bows. "Sorry, Alpha Tegwen.""Ollie, what are you doing here?" I scan the corridor carefully before closing the door."You know why, it's all I want." He tells me, lowing his voice as though if any wolves were around they wouldn't hear him. "Don't worry though, as soon as I've got my wo
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Chapter forty-four - Cain
Flame and Ekron's wolves circle one another, Onyx is silent, assessing him as he snarls and snaps at her, waiting for the best moment to make her move.When she does, sinking her teeth into his neck and digging her claws into his side, I notice movement in the crowd and ready myself to intercept anyone trying to intervene, but instead I see a slow trickle of deserters slipping away to become rogues. The remaining individuals glare at them, spitting out words like "traitor" as they pass."Cain, how's it going?" Gene links with me and I can tell by his tone that something is wrong."Flame's fighting Ekron, about a third of the pack have left to become rogues. What's going on with you?" I link back, my eyes following the fight in front of me. Ekron is good, he must have been trained well, but he's got obvious tells, which Onyx is taking full advantage of and by the sounds of the crowd, everyone can tell she's winning."We've found the humans. It's not good Cain, we've got Doctor Fayer th
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Chapter forty-five - Leila
It's been seven months since we left Ekron and Merida's ceremony. My parents are not only refusing to believe she was working against us, but that she's dead altogether. It's gotten so bad that Amara has had to move out and into the packhouse. My mother is convinced she'll find Merida and has been searching every day for her. We took her to where it all happened, but instead of helping them accept it and move on, it just gave them a place to base their search. Coal is reluctant to separate the packs until Maloney is found, or so he says, there's something else going on in his head that he's not sharing with me and I'm letting it go for the time being, if he's not sharing it means he hasn't worked it out yet, so I won't push him until he's ready. It's at least giving me the opportunity to get to know the potential Alpha's a bit better and hopefully it will help maintain pack relations when the time comes. The would-be Alpha's aren't pushing the situation, I'm guessing they've realised
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