Semua Bab Alpha Cain: Bab 31 - Bab 40
46 Bab
Chapter thirty - Cain
Her eyes meet mine and I refuse to believe she's telling the truth, but when I look around, I'm not sure I can everyone else is as confident as me. What she's said, what she's implying, that my Flame, my mate could be a traitor, no, she wouldn't. "Liar." It only takes a few seconds for my emotions to boil over, the wolfsbane seems to burn away instantly and Kade is pushing through to snarl at my mate's sister. "I'm sorry, Cain." She drops her head submissively and now I know she's lying. Too confident I would never hurt her for Flame's sake, she's one of the few who have never bowed to me before, so this act she's got on… I'm not sure what she's playing at but I refuse to believe her. She starts to babble on about what Flame did, how she almost orchestrated Chloe's death and I can see Jaden getting more and more worked up over the death of his mate. "Wait." My father's voice seeps into my mind when I'm about to silence Merida. "I know you're angry, but let the girl trip herself up
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Chapter thirty-one - Leila
I convinced June I was tired and needed to sleep so I could be alone as soon as possible, but she was so worried about me after the whole debacle with the doctor she stayed for about an hour after I faked falling asleep.My hearing seems to be unnaturally good, allowing me to hear her footsteps go all the way down the hallway and down the servants stairs to the ground floor, lessening the chance of her being able to hear me moving about. I've never dressed so fast in my life, well, I can't imagine I have and even though I can hear her bustling about downstairs, I still hold my shoes in my hands while I tiptoe from the room and down the main stairwell, hoping anyone who would use them will be away in this war.Thankfully, luck seems to be on my side and I'm out of the door without being spotted. Now comes the hard part, I don't recognise my surroundings at all, so I have no idea how to leave or how to avoid coming across someone who might try to make me go back.Relying purely on guess
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Chapter thirty-two - Cain
Sitting here in my father's office waiting for Levi to return with Harrison's first report from the inside of Eligor's camp, I'm trying very hard not to do exactly what that Maloney woman suggested and murder my father. At this point in time, I'd relish the opportunity to tear him limb from limb, but as both Kade and Darius keep reminding me, we are currently at war, we don't know why she wants them both dead and my father can wait. I will kill him though, there's no doubt in my mind about that. Not after Allison crept into my room the moment we got back and showed me the memory Tegen dreamt about, detailing exactly how my father drove her away from the pack the night she disappeared. He got rid of her, sent someone, I'm not sure yet who, to wipe her memory and let me believe all along that she was dead. Poor Allison witnessed the explosion of my rage when I read that, but then again, she's known me most of my life, I'm fairly certain she would have expected that reaction when she b
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Chapter thirty-three - Leila
I'm in so much pain. I never knew my body could feel like this, it's as though I've been frozen solid and then dipped in scalding oil, the cold and the heat simultaneously burning me so it feels like my skin is blistering and peeling away all over. The pain somehow increases and I fall to the ground, clutching the mud, grass and leaves for support as I stare at the lifeless body on the floor.I'm vaguely aware of a battle continuing around me, more and more wolves arrive, joining in until it's hard to tell who's winning and who's losing but I can do nothing to help anyone because I'm hit by wave after wave of memories of my time with Cain.They start slowly: his face when he first saw me walk down the stairs in Ollie's house, the urgency of his kiss in the woods that evening, the mischievous glint when he slipped up and mentioned something about our joined past, then they start to speed up, flashes of our first ever kiss, the night we first said I love you, the first night we made lov
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Chapter thirty-four - Cain
Flame's screams echo in my head as I open my eyes and look around. The battle is still raging, my father fighting Eligor, but he's getting weaker. Looking around I nearly leap for joy when I see Onyx. I knew she could do it! My excitement is short-lived when I see the wolf collide with her, the two of them rolling around trying to get the better of one another. I sprint across the woods to help her, but my hand goes straight through both of them. I try again and again but the same thing happens every time and when Samuel literally runs through me to protect her, I know something is terribly wrong. "Cain." I turn towards the voice and snarl at the woman in front of me. "Maloney, what have you done to me?" I snap and she smiles sadly at me, tears shimmering in her bright green eyes. "My baby boy, I watched you grow up. I've waited so long to hold you, but it's too soon." A cold feeling of fear runs down my back, but I refuse to acknowledge the truth that's staring back at me. She
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Chapter thirty-five - Leila
Time seems to stand still as I'm forced to weigh up the choice offered to me, but how can it be called a choice, my child or my mate, no, I can't make that decision, but then by refusing to choose, am I not then choosing my child? Our child… Cain would understand that though, wouldn't he? What would he do? If it were anyone else I wouldn't hesitate, I know that probably makes me a bad person, but there's no one more important than my mate, except my baby. This is so unfair. "Tegwen?" The fairy calls me gently and I feel tears running down my face as I shake my head. "I can't, I'm sorry, I can't." I sob, feeling as though I'm betraying Cain by not choosing him. "It's ok." She says, but it's not and the pain starts all over again. There's plenty of wolves that have died here today, why does it have to be my child, hasn't the Goddess seen enough bloodshed for one day? Samuel and Gene stop beside us, the stretcher held between them is torturing me. Being able to see and touch Cain, fi
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Chapter thirty-six - Cain
"Promise me Cain." I wake with a start, jolting upright in bed and hearing my great grandmother's voice in my head as though she had just spoken directly in my ear.Flame is sleeping soundly beside me, her warmth tempting me to lie back down and sleep some more, but the echo of the conversation in my mind, reminds me there's something I need to do."I'll be back." Kissing her forehead gently so she doesn't wake up, I slip out from the bed and grab my clothes, dressing as I hurry down the stairs and outside.It's so peaceful as I wander slowly towards the hospital. The sky is still dark, the stars twinkling brightly and only a hint of orange is visible where the sun is creeping above the horizon and it feels like a lifetime has passed since I've felt calm enough to just enjoy being outside.I don't know whether it's having died or perhaps having therefore lost the responsibilities that go with leadership or maybe even the relief that Flame is finally home and knows who she is, but ever
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Chapter thirty- seven - Leila
There's so much to do and not enough time to do it, I don't know how Alpha Abaddon ever got to leave his office. It feels like every other minute I've got someone trying to contact me, directly inside my mind too, it's not like when I thought I was human and could pretend I'd left my mobile on charge if I didn't want to answer it, no, this lot have a direct dial straight to my mind and there's no answer phone or text option. My parents have been respectful and I think that's only because Samuel went over there late last night to explain the situation, but they're amongst the cacophony of voices jostling for priority inside my head, not only because they know I remember who I am, but also to talk about Merida. I don't know if they know where she is, I can't even consider the fact that they might have known that she was working for Eligor all along and what about Amara? Her twin sister is a traitor, that's going to take some digesting. Unless she already knew? In which case she could b
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Chapter thirty-eight - Cain
Flame clings tightly to my hand as we join the crowds, all walking slowly through the roads. Darius appears beside me, escorting her human friends who have been allowed to witness tonight's event. I'm a little concerned about how excited Ollie seems to be by everything, he's not changed his mind about wanting to become one of us, but that's a problem for another time and he is at least trying to be respectful by reigning in his excitement to just wide eyed staring. Gene and Levi have gone all out for tonight's funeral celebrations. They just have involved pretty much the entire pack to have gotten all of this done in such a short time. Flowers and lights lead from every road up to the clearing and a stage has been erected to one side of the numerous bonfires. Photographs line the stage, my father amongst them, and even though I was there, it hits harder to see the smiling faces of those we lost. We exchange brief words with those we pass, accepting condolences and offering them back,
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Chapter thirty-nine - Leila
When I wake up, I instantly know something is wrong, I'm alone in a hospital room and though I can feel Coal is close and obviously there should be staff around, the sound proofing means I can't hear anything going on outside of my four walls."Find Coal, something is going on." Onyx confirms the tickle of fear running down my spine, so I carefully remove the tubes from my body and sit up, tentatively feeling the stitches running along my stomach. The wound seems to have healed, but it still feels a little bruised when I move and a jolt of worry has me placing my hand lower, where my baby is."She's fine, luckily your sister went too high." Coal pushes open the door, his eyes raking all over me, dark circles under them show me the stress and exhaustion he's trying to hide."What's going on?" I notice he closes the door fully behind him, closing out the brief snippet of the chaotic noise outside."How are you feeling?" He asks instead and now I know it's bad."I'm fine, now what's goin
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