All Chapters of The Billionaires Too (#2): Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
111 Chapters
91 // Suspect
 Zoe was minding her own business and heading off to her car after escaping family drama between the Khumalos and Davids. They were all pointing fingers over who was responsible for Kyle Davids' poisoning.  She could not believe she was back here after she left yesterday, she did not even make it to the station before receiving another call.  She was tired of all these cases with no leads; there was still no progress with the shooting at La Café, and the families of the dead victims wanted answers, and the only survivor at the scene did not see anything.  Jorge Billings' shooting on the other hand was a perfectly orchestrated crime, there were no traces at all, the cameras surrounding his area were off the entire day, and no one saw anything; Jorge was the only person who could tell her what happened.  She only hoped that he lived to tell the tale, so far she k
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92 // Detectives Alike
 "The government must be paying you well if you can afford eating at one of Logan's restaurants," David muttered as he joined his twin sister at the table near the window.  Zoe shrugged, taking a sip of her coffee, it was her second one since she arrived, and she had to admit that it was good. "And aren't we too old for this?" She asked, referring to their matching brown leather jackets.  David chuckled, picking up his menu. "I can spend the price for one meal here in another restaurant and serve my entire family and still have change."  She rolled her eyes at him, for someone who made thousands in an hour, he surely had a problem with spending his money. His wife was also earning quite well, their bond was fully paid, they had no car instalments, and their kids went to public schools; he should be enjoying his money. "David, stop complaining and order whatever you want, I'm paying." 
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93 // The Devil Hates Prada
 One thing about Five Stars was that it attracted people of high class, people who knew people, and as much as that was good for business, it was bad when the owners just wanted to have a quiet time.  Logan was not exactly dressed to impress, and his perculiar dress code seemed to attract more attention than he required.  This was his least favourite place, but after the encounter with Zoe, he did not want to deal with people, especially at the office, not after lashing out at Lola and Natalia. He cringed at the thought, he was doing a really good job at pushing away his friends.  Maybe it was for the best, after all, he was cursed. Getting closer to him would only result in them getting hurt.   He felt like his life was getting messier with each day. He was even starting to wonder if maybe his past was catching up with him.   What
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94 // Back To Life Too
 Waking up to the sound of the heart monitor was probably the best thing to others, the feeling of being alive and seeing another day.  For Kyle Davids, it was the worst thing that could ever happen to him, he would have rather died than wake up to remember what happened.  A while ago, everything that had to do with his past was a distant memory. The pain, the near-death experience, rehabilitation, and fighting to rediscover what it meant to be alive and to live. He never wanted to experience that again.  He hated the feeling of drips attached to his skin, if it were up to him, he would rip it off.  But mostly, he never dreamt of waking up to be greeted by his parents' sorrowful faces. His mother mother almost died from heartache, he vowed that he would never put her through all that again.  "Son, you are awake!" She rejoiced, placing teary k
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95 // Pointing Fingers Too
 For the rest of the day, Logan had planned to never set foot in the hospital again, especially after the conversation he had with Zoe earlier. He might have acted unbothered, but deep down, he knew Zoe's words had hit home.  It was even worse after learning that Jorge was in ICU and barely alive, while Kyle was also admitted due to poisoning.  Why was everyone around him getting hurt while he remained untouched? Was he really cursed?  It would be better for him to stay far away from the hospital and from everyone, however, that would have to wait until he picked up the old lady first.  He had completely forgotten that she was getting discharged, and as her immediate next of kin now, he had no other choice but to see to her safety.  He walked safely into the hospital and visited Antonina's ward without running into Zoe Botha this time, and to
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96 // Bad News Too
 There was one thing MJ and Sonya had in common, and that was Jorge Billings; he was the only person in this world that united them. Besides their secret ties, their love for Jorge was what brought them together at times like this.  MJ had no idea what to do, she had never had to visit someone she cared about in hospital in a long time; unfortunately, it did not get to that with Alastair. The last time she was in hospital was when she was admitted after the kidnapping.  The only thing she could do now was to keep the news of Jorge's attempted murder off the media, too bad she could not buy his health or life even if she tried.  She fetched Sonya from Australia, because she believed that Jorge needed her on his bedside during this difficult time. Her return had little to nothing to do with Jorge, but his accident was a catalyst; she had unfinished business to take care of, and there was no bett
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97 // Same Old Life
 For a while now, it was bugging him. It baffled him how someone could be all nice and welcoming one minute, and full of hatred the next day.  It bothered him all night, and he did not sleep a wink thinking about what Sne said at the hospital.  Sure, Logan and Kyle did not particularly like each other, but the bad blood between them did not require to be spilled. Logan had no idea how he ended up being accused of attempted murder.  At first, he thought it was only a coincidence, but then he remembered what had led to him not trusting anyone with his food, especially people who were close to him, they were the ones he trusted the least.  It did not make sense why Sne was there at the right time and then offered to get his order for him, it was too much of a coincidence.  He ordered the same coffee for both him and Antonina and did not make any
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98 // Orders
 Kyle could not stand hospitals, no matter what. They brought back bad memories he could never seem to bury.  He hated being useless, having his life in the hands of others, which was exactly why he tried avoiding trouble at all costs.  He lived a reckless life before, and his choices landed him in hospital, prison, and even rehab. Having rich parents really saved him, and thanks to his father, he was able to walk on the right path again.  Kyle did not want to ever find himself doing illegal things again, and he had stuck on that path for years and he would not start now. He did not have dangerous enemies who would want him dead, not even Logan Parker.   However, it came as a shock when the former came to his apartment earlier. Logan had never visited him in years now, not even to remind Kyle of his existence, most of their conversations were over the phone, and
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99 // No News
 The next few days were spent trying to find the best doctors all around the world to come and help with Jorge's situation, but still, MJ refused to visit her brother at the hospital.  Her daily trips included going to the hospital and staying in the car all day, and then going back to the hotel.  The situation was not promising at all, even Sonya looked more and more hopeless with each day, and that alone was worrisome to MJ.  She was lucky enough not to run into any of her acquaintances in Cape Town, especially Logan, the last thing she needed right now was unnecessary confrontations.  It was strange though, because she knew that Logan Parker knew the ins and outs of this city, so either he did not know that she was back or he was pretending not to know; either way, MJ was grateful for the distance.  It was only until the fifth day that the
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100 // Suspect Too
 For most families, breakfast was probably the most important occasion before everyone went their separate ways. It was probably even the most peaceful moment of the day before they all dealt with issues outside their family life.  But for her family, it was the worst thing possible to start the day with, and the day she escaped from that, was the best day of her life.  Zoe could never get used to the peace she felt everytime she woke up to a quiet house in the morning and returning to an empty house everyday after work.  However, luck was not on her side today. As usual, duty called first thing in the morning, and today it required her to crash the party at her twin brother's place. Unfortunately, they were all about to have breakfast.  The entire scene was just depressing; having her aunt, mother, and sister-in-law sitting around the table, with David playing refere
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