All Chapters of The Billionaires Too (#2): Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
111 Chapters
81 // Ireland
 To say he was shocked when he walked into his office and found an unexpected guest would be an understatement.   “This must be a dream come true, I suppose,” MJ spoke up with her back turned against the young man, her eyes trailing over the tall buildings in the city as she faced out the huge window.  It always amazed her, she could never get used to the thrill of being on top, no matter where she was. The power she felt every time she was on the highest floors of a building, every time she stood to see the beauty of a city stretching out into the distance, the enormous buildings, the parks, the waterfalls, the busy streets; it reminded her just how much she contributed to it all, and not just the finance that comes with it, but being part of history and having built a legacy.  People could talk and think of her however they like years from now, but it would never rewrite the
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82 // Laws of Attraction
 How was it possible to be attracted to the same woman he dreamt of destroying?   For months now, he was fantasizing about how it would feel the day he would put an end to MJ Billings. Her name irked him, her existence angered him.  She was everywhere, every time, everyone was speaking about her, he felt as if she was erasing his footsteps.  His one dream was to finally put a face to the name, but he didn't get a closer look at Alastair Cooper's memorial service, nobody did.  And then when he met the mysterious woman at his place, he wanted to see her again; she had been stuck on his mind for days now, he could not stop thinking about her and he did not even know where to start looking for her when all he had was a beautiful face without a name.  He recalled her words the night she rocked up at his place and he asked her who she was, why
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83 // Nemesis
 "We really have to stop running into each other like this."  Logan scowled, what was Zoe still doing here?  "What did I say about questioning her in my absence?" He asked coldly.  She raised her hands in mock surrender. "Easy there, tiger. I haven't been to your lady's room yet," she said in defensive.  Logan's face changed when he spotted his archenemy strolling towards them, dressed in a bloody shirt.  "Parker," Kyle greeted with a firm nod, his hands buried deep in his pants pockets.  "Kyle, what are doing here?"  Kyle Davids raised an eyebrow at him and looked around in awareness. "Last time I checked, this was a public hospital."  Logan snorted. "Exactly," he spat, and Kyle tensed. "Are your finances that bad?"   Kyle laughed hum
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84 // The Good Mother
 Her hips swayed from side to side as she hummed to the love jam by Amanda Black playing in the background.  It was a good morning. In fact, the best one she had ever had in a while.  It felt like a brand new beginning for her, like she was given a second chance to make things right.  Last night was a great start. She felt her cheeks burn at the thought, her cheekbones were even hurting from smiling nonstop.  She could still feel his arms around her, her body moulding into his like hot magma, his voice whispering sweet nothings in her ear.  It was magical and full of love, it was a true reminder of their wedding night and every night that followed before their relationship went through an ice age.  She remembered how Sonya used to preach about how sex was an important aspect in every relationship, that it was a way o
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85 // Stranger Too
 Logan was anxious about everything, he could not even stay at the hospital to find out how his friend was doing. He could not help but wonder if Jorge would make it, what if he died?  All Logan wanted was to get back at him and punish him for lying to him about MJ.  After what went down with Thuso, Logan knew that he would most likely end up killing someone; he did not want to hurt Jorge himself, that was why he told Caroline Becker's husband that Jorge had slept with his wife.  Logan was not sure about the speculation either, but he knew how his friend operated, and Doctor Becker was not an angel either, she had been trying to get into Jorge's pants for years now, but Jorge had always refused, because her husband was a dangerous politician.  Jorge was a bit tipsy that evening, he probably did not even think about it. Logan remembered how flushed Caroline was when th
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86 // Stranger Feelings
 Every time he had a run-in with Logan Parker, their conversations always left him feeling bitter.  Kyle could not believe that Logan was still holding a grudge from many years ago, even Jorge had long forgotten about it and he was civil every time they spoke.  He had messed up when he fell for Sonya and he owned up to it, but he knew that Logan's grudge was not even about that, their rivalry was much bigger than that.  They had secret ties that almost killed them all, and Kyle was being crucified for doing the right thing.  Jorge Billings and Logan Parker liked walking around acting righteous, but Kyle knew they were anything but, he knew their darkest and deepest secrets, and that is one thing that bound him to them.  Kyle was reckless, that had always been his trait, that was why he was known to be notorious; he was the devil of the trio.&
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87 // Salted Wounds
 The unexpected visit resulted in Logan remaining in his office for the rest of the day. He had even asked Natalia to cancel all his meetings and then he banned everyone from coming to his floor and office.  He spent a few hours signing off documents to finalise the shipments. His company made about thrice its normal profit three times in a month, and today was one those times. They referred to it as the Rush Hour, that was when all their ships went off for shipments of different goods to different places across the world.  He started his business as a company that designed and sold ships, and then he upgraded to transportation of goods. He made money both ways, but shipping was his gold mine.  As soon as he finished signing off the deals, he placed everything else on hold.  The man's visit had taken his mind off all the things that had him on edge earlier, he now had
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88 // Conspiracy
 Home was not a peaceful place anymore, there was too much chaos, and things were getting worse with each day.  Her husband was becoming more and more aggressive, and she feared that soon, he would cover her body with bruises the same way their boss did with his face.  Logan Parker had awakened the monster that was her husband, the Thuso she feared more than anything. He was always angry, and he tended to be irrational and violent under such conditions.  Mosetsana wished she could run away and go somewhere safe until everything calmed down, but she had to take care of his children, if only she could just send them off to their mother, but that would be signing her own death sentence, Thuso would kill her.  She did not know what to do, a part of her wished she could negotiate with his second wife and ask her to help since she was the only one who could ever get through
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89 // Drunk or Cursed
 By the time he left his office in the evening, it was as if there was a hurricane in there.  However, the mess and damage could never compare to what was in his heart, it felt like someone was twisting a knife in his chest.  He had finished all the alcohol in his office, something he had not done since the last time he went to confront Antonina. Drinking, that is.  But even with all that alcohol coursing through his veins, it did nothing to numb the pain or divert his thoughts.  He could not believe that Jackson wanted him to help the same person who was bringing mischief in his life, MJ Billings was ruining his life and she had been doing it from the day she walked into his office pretending to be someone else.  She was bad for his life, but for some reason, she had a hold on him, and he could not find a way to pry out of her clutches. 
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90 // Pointing Fingers
 Sne did not understand what was happening around her.  One minute, Kyle was fine, and the next he was out on the floor in front of her gate.  She wished she had let him in as soon as he arrived, but she was still blinded by her anger after the way his mother treated her the other day.  She did not even want to imagine what would have happened if her maid had not showed up.   Why didn't she notice that he was not okay when she was speaking to him?  And why didn't he tell her about Jorge as soon as he found out?  Now she was being accused of trying to kill her husband for his money since she was a sole beneficiary in all his policies.  The wait was killing her, Kyle was the only one who could testify on her behalf, because his parents were ready to have her arrested.  
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