All Chapters of Lost In The Dark: Chapter 221 - Chapter 230
357 Chapters
Chapter 221
Her eyes gradually dilated knowing fully well that her night mare had just began, she couldn’t comprehend what just happened few minutes ago, was she actually about to die? She thought to her self staring at nothing in particular, she could still feel pains around her neck, their were so painful that she wondered if she would be able to swallow food for the day, she took a glance at the queen who looked totally sorry for what her son had done, her eyes was filled with so much agony that she could tell that she wasn’t pleased with her son at all, well who would be pleased with a man who seemed ready to kill a woman? Thought she knew she wasn’t righteous or innocent, some how she knew she deserved every bit of what Joshua did to her but she just couldn’t help it, she did what she felt had to be done and now she has to spend the rest of her life paying for it, she regretted what she did a bit, the fear of facing Joshua again was gradually eating her up, she could feel her legs and hands
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Chapter 222
Queen Emma walked straight to the kitchen and there she met Leonna and other maidens, Carmella’s food which Leonna had wanted to serve earlier had gone cold and was sitting in the kitchen Island “who wanted to serve Carmella’s breakfast earlier?” She asked walking into the kitchen peering at the faces of every maiden standing there who bowed humbly.“I was…” Leonna answered raising her arm.The queen nodded “she is ready to eat now, make sure the breakfast is warm enough” she left before Leonna could respond.Hurriedly the maiden had to ensure Carmella’s food was warmed up and in few minutes she left for her room with the food served in a tray to her room.Carmella wasn’t expecting anyone else in her room, she stood up pacing like one who was looking for something in the dark, she thought about a lot of things, her mother, Azora and the upcoming marriage, the there came the knock, for a moment she could feel her heart racing very fast as her feet froze, she gulped really hard “who is
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Chapter 223
“You almost killed her Joshua, what exactly got into you? What is wrong with you? I have told you that it’s no ones fault neither is it her fault that you couldn’t control what’s between your legs and forced your self on the poor girl, why are you trying to make her feel guilty for your own mistakes? You made the mistake, you got drunk, you forced yourself on her, the earlier you start accepting the fact that this was your mess and no one else’s, the better for you” she yelled pointing her forefinger at him fiercely.“No matter how drunk I am mother, I am not so much of a monster to force myself on a woman who didn’t want to be touched, if I did force myself on her, why didn’t she scream for help? Why didn’t she try to fight her way through? Why did she just let me have my way?” He fired at her.“That’s because you are the king and she fears you, think of it, if she had screamed and perhaps the servants came to her rescue, what do you think they would believe about you? That their kin
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Chapter 224
Queen Emma hurried to her room feeling fulfilled and at the same time broken, she shut the door behind walking quietly to her bed where she sat gently with her hands wrapped in front of her, the look of her son, how broken and confused he seemed melted her heart, perhaps he truly hated Carmella more than she had ever imagined, she bowed her head for a moment and finally covered her face with her palm shaking her head over and over again, she wished their was something she could do to help her son, yes she have always been the one who wanted so badly for her son to be married to Carmella but at this very moment she felt like everything she have ever wished for was wrong, she felt like she haven’t known her son but what about the kingdom? How could she accept Diana back into the palace after knowing she eloped with a human and even had children for him? She felt I would be totally foolish of her as a queen to turn a blind eye to all of that and open her arms to her, she shook her head a
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Chapter 225
Zara woke up that morning feel tired and at the same time worried, her body arched as she had spent half of the night sleeping on a chair, that was actually where she had fallen asleep hoping that Carmella would come home or perhaps the servants at the palace would escort her home since it was raining but when the rain grew heavier she doubted the possibility of that though for a lot of reasons she felt totally uncomfortable and wished Carmella would come home, she stretched her hands raising them above her head while she sat up on the bed, she took a quick glance around the room, her vision seemed blurry, she rubbed on her eyes for few seconds and it finally felt better, old age was really telling on her, she struggled to stand grunting slightly “what a night…” she mumbled walking straight to her bathroom to wash up, she spent few seconds there and finally walked out heading straight to the window, pushed it open and a fresh wind came rushing in, she shut her eyes and smiled brightly
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Chapter 226
She looked away trying so hard to avoid eye contact with Zara who didn’t look like she was ready to do the same, I gaze was tightly fixed on Maria, her mind wandering neigh and far with thoughts of what might be going on, first Maria pays her a visit at the early hours of the morning instead of her daughter who was supposed to come home the previous night, then she informs her that drum was beaten and everyone in the village is aware of what that means including a toddler and finally she informs her that the queen sent for her, she could smell something fishy and at the same time she was having a strong feeling that Maria wasn’t feeling too good about letting the cat out of the bag, she looked away knowing fully well that the queen would surely have answers to her so many questions but that this point she couldn’t deny that she felt nervous, her hands shook slightly as she gently heed them beneath her veil while standing up from where she sat, she cleared her throat, Maria didn’t seem
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Chapter 227
Queen Emma sprang up to her feet at once, she was both startled and upset about the way Zara had yelled at her, of their was one thing she could tolerate at ease it was certainly not someone yelling at her in her own chambers, she have watched Joshua to that countless times and get away with it but definitely not someone else, her eyes were filled with rage ready to devour Zara if she says another word, Zara noticed the look on her face and gradually looked away, perhaps she had actually done too much but how could she have controlled her anger? She was trying to put it under her arms and act like everything was cool but who does that when everyone around have decided to allow the suspense swallow you up, she just couldn’t stand it anymore and wanted answers straight away, this was already getting too much for her to handle alone, she looked up at Emma who’s eyes was fixed on her, she was totally speechless equally and this was actually getting Zara irritated, didn’t she just hear her
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Chapter 228
Zara nodded and finally sat down reluctantly though she wished she didn’t have to “tell me exactly what has happened to my daughter, I am so tired of this suspense” she cried out.Queen Emma nodded “I know exactly how you feel Zara…”Zara shook her head at once “no you don’t, if you do know how I feel, you would start talking already, tell me what you all have done with Carmella.”Queen Emma sighed rubbing her hand on her forehead “what on earth do you think we could have done with Carmella? You know how much I equally loved her like a daughter?” She sat down on her bed fixing her gaze on Zara, she sighed.“Joshua would be getting married to Carmella in two days” she finally broke the news.Zara gasped, she couldn’t believe what she just heard, she chortled softly “tell me that this is just a joke, what joke is this Emma?” She asked in a fierce tone.“It’s no joke, they would be getting married, why do you think the drum was beaten?” She asked.Zara gasped “what? And Joshua is in supp
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Chapter 229
Zara found herself huffing and puffing for a while, she just couldn’t believe her ears, digesting the news was becoming terribly impossible for her, she fell on her knees and grunted in anger, she formed a fist and over and over again she hit her hand on the ground gritting her teeth in anger, her emotions had taken the best part of her and despite the fact that she tried to control it, she just couldn’t, for a while she remained on her knees crying helplessly like a child, she couldn’t believe that Carmella would do this to her, just when she had made her believe that she was worthy of trust, just when she had been able to convince her that it’s possible for her to change from the ambitious girl to one who equally loves her sister and wants her back home, she stabs her at the back when she wasn’t looking, she shook her head at Queen Emma’s words ringing in her head telling her that Joshua forced himself on her, she knew it wasn’t true, it was a big lie, their is no other person who
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Chapter 230
In tears Carmella cleared her throat “mother I can explain, none of this was my fault I swear it, he forced himself on me and I couldn’t save myself.”“Did he force you to enter his room when you noticed that he was drunk?” Zara asked.Carmella was lost for a minute, she knew what her mother was trying to do, she wanted to blame her for it, but who else was their to blame “she shook her head gently in response to her question.Zara nodded “so you walked into his chambers on your own accord despite knowing that he was drunk cause you wanted to prove what?”“Mother, the king was broken, he wouldn’t talk to anyone in the palace, if I hadn’t gone to see him he would have done more harm than good to himself, he had taken several bottles of wine and was willing to finish everything on his shelf if care wasn’t taken, he still remains my brother in-law so I had to go in and talk to him but he ended up forcing himself on me, I couldn’t do anything to save myself so…. I let him have his way” sh
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