All Chapters of Lost In The Dark: Chapter 231 - Chapter 240
357 Chapters
Chapter 231
The cloud seemed to be gathering again, the sky was gradually getting dark, everyone feared it might rain again including Queen Emma who was sitting in the throne room with the elders discussing the marriage plans between his son and Carmella though they were all surprised, they have all heard how Joshua despises Carmella and would never want to take her for a wife, they equally know about his quest to bring back his wife Diana whom they all believed eloped with a human years ago, yes they were happy about the news but they couldn’t hide their surprise as they questioned the queen about when and how it all happened, queen Emma who was trying so hard not to reveal the truth about what happened between her son and Carmella gulped hard and remained in silence while thinking of the best way to answer their question, she knew how wide the elders were and could easily point out a lie when they see one, they could easily fish out the truth when they realize that someone is hiding something f
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Chapter 232
Joshua gasped, he was surprised, he couldn’t believe what Zara just said to him, he shook his head desperately, she believed him even when his mother didn’t, he quickly embraced her and burst into tears, Zara felt so bad and sorry for him, a king crying in her arms was something she haven’t witness, she could see through him at that moment, his weakness and everything else was staring her right in the face, she held him for while and allowed him cry his heart out, she could feel how broken he was and how much he wished that none of this ever happened “I am really sorry, I am so sorry” he cried feeling totally broken.She rubbed her hand on his back over and over again in consolation “it’s okay, everything would be fine, the deed have already been done, you just have to chest it like a man and king that you are.”Joshua raised his head from her shoulder and looked straight at her face, he shook his head slowly “the truth is that I don’t love Carmella, I don’t see myself ever loving he
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Chapter 233
Terry hurried into the palace and paused at the sight of the large crowd that had gathered, this was actually the entire village, the entire werewolves in their little village, he gasped looked totally baffled, he looked up ahead and there stood queen Emma and the elders who seemed to be getting ready to address the crowd “something weird is really going on…” he mumbled feeling even more confused, it haven’t been up to a day he left the palace and a lot seemed to have happened already, he took more glances at the faces he saw, some he recognized and some he didn’t, he wanted to avoid the crowd and some how get to the king to know exactly what had happened, just then she recalled Maria’s words who had advised him to go as Leonna who would definitely explain everything to him, he wondered if Leonna was equally involved in what was happening, he just hoped it wasn’t something that would send her out of the palace, deep down he knew he was beginning to feel something for the girl though h
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Chapter 234
Carmella paced her room shaking like one who was shivering from a cold, she looked totally restless and aswell depressed, she couldn’t even sit, the thought of her mother kept bothering her, she wondered what her discussion with Joshua would turn out to be or what he might end up telling her, she took a deep sigh looking out through the window, she equally noticed the cloud gathering and knew that her mother would ask that they go home soon, but she couldn’t help but feel scared, the fear of going home with her mother was hunting her, she ran her hand through her hair few seconds later on a second thought, she had expected her mother to react in the most disastrous way but she didn’t, perhaps she wasn’t actually the way she had imagine and thought, she shrugged feeling confident in herself though that lasted for a moment, she was glad that her mother have realized that their was nothing either she or anyone else could cause the deed have already been done therefore they all have to le
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Chapter 235
Life seemed to have given Joshua the opposite of what he had asked for, few days back it was just his thoughts about Diana and how to get her back, it was just he imagining her back home and they building their family from the scratch back to where it ought to be little did he know that things were bound to take a negative turn that morning all because he let his emotions take the best of him, got drunk and slept with a woman who he detests who equally happens to be his sister-in-law, deep down it was so impossible for him to explain or perhaps narrate how he was feeling, it was all mixed feelings, anger and pain boiling from the deepest part of his heart, if only he had his way he just would turn the hands of time and ensure he didn’t make a single mistake, he didn’t take Terry’s word too serious neither did he end up drunk in his chambers, some how he equally wished it was a dream, how was he to know that his life was about to change and finally his mother’s dream of he having Carme
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Chapter 236
Carmella was getting really confused, deep down she wondered what Joshua was up to, first he came into her room in the morning and almost snuffed the life out of her now, then he comes in again, yells at her and asks her to sit down, she couldn’t deny the fact that she was getting even more scared now, her body was gradually getting soaked with sweat, what if Joshua had planned to kill her right in the room? What would actually be her fate? She thought and shook her head at that thought, she took a glance at him, he just stood there with his hands folded waiting for her to sit down, this was really strange but she had no other choice than to do just like he had asked her while she prayed that someone should just save her from him as soon as possible, but isn’t it really crazy that she got herself into this mess about to get herself married to someone who hates her and might end up killing her someday? She finally sat down with both of her hands placed on her laps “I am sitting now..”
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Chapter 237
She walked quickly, as fast as her legs could carry her while she mumbled continuously to herself shaking her head in disdain, she just couldn’t believe that a Joshua could make her such a huge offer just to ensure he doesn’t tie the knot with her, she wondered if that was how much he hated her and wanted to get her far away from him, she shook her head, she just couldn’t allow herself to be that foolish to throw away her ambitions all cause he has promised her everything beautiful, after all everything he would give her would surely be taken away from her once Diana returns and is able to remember that she was actually the one who pushed her off a cliff, this was a huge risk she couldn’t afford to take, she kept looking backwards just to ensure that she wasn’t followed and there she mistakenly boomed into someone and fell on the floor, she felt a little dizzy still sitting on the floor where she had fallen with her hand on her forehead, she took a deep breath trying to look up and pe
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Chapter 238
He fixed his stare on her face looking straight into her eyes, slowly he shook his head and moved both of his hands up to hers, he grabbed them and gently got them off his shirt “I actually wanted to save you from ever getting yourself into a mess you would never be able to get out from but you’re just so stubborn, you don’t want to marry me because you love me Carmella, it’s because you want to be the next queen, you’re too ambitious to tell me that love is the reason why you want to remain unhappy for the rest of your life.”Carmella gasped, she couldn’t believed that he figured it out, he actually cracked open her secretly but she just had to debunk those words of his at once, she needed to convince him that her marriage to him as nothing to do with the queen ship but rather because she loved him “Joshua you are wrong, then you don’t know me well if you think I have always wanted to be your wife right from childhood just to be the next queen, how could you ever think of me that way
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Chapter 239
Deep down he was already boiling with rage, if Zara had said something horrible to him he would have definitely concluded that the universe was against him that day, fortunately for him at least their was still one person on his side who equally understood him, he shut his eye for a moment glaring at the person standing in front of him, he was certainly the last person he wanted to see and for a million reasons he wanted to blame him and yell at him for all that he had gone through since yesterday evening, he didn’t look pleased to see him, he looked away for a moment waiting for him to say something but then he remained speechless, Joshua couldn’t speak either, he just didn’t feel like, after all the deed have been done, Carmella have turned down his offer and his mother was solidly behind him, he scoffed wondering what his mother plans to do, force him to love Carmella and live in peace with her? He shook his head quietly knowing how impossible that would be, a dream and imagination
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Chapter 240
Queen Emma handed Carmella over to Zara “I would send the finest of jewelry and clothes for both you and your daughter in preparation for the marriage” she smiled.Zara nodded and left holding Carmella by the arm.She turned around and sighed “I just can’t believe that Joshua would say such horrible words to her, it’s not my fault that he couldn’t control himself, the deed has already been done, why can’t he accept it, marry her and everyone can finally live in peace? I really need to confront that son of mine “ she said hurrying off into the palace.Terry was still in the king's room “you may rise…” Joshua said, he was finally calm, at least he had his friend with him to help ease the pain in his chest.“I am wondering, why did you suddenly turn on me? We had an agreement, why did you suddenly change? Why did it seem like you were supporting my mother?” Joshua asked out of curiosity.Terry took a glance at the door taking a deep sigh, he walked closer to the king “promise me that you
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