All Chapters of Lost In The Dark: Chapter 241 - Chapter 250
357 Chapters
Chapter 241
At this point he was beginning to wonder if this very woman standing in front of him was his mother, he even wondered if she deserved to be addressed by the title “mother” or perhaps he have been overrating her for years, the thought of she being the reason why he had issues with Terry was already eating deep into him. Right from his childhood days, he observed closely how much his mother detests Terry, she literally blamed him for everything, how could he forget the day he had fallen and brushed his foot against a stone as kids, his mother yelled and pulled Terry by the ear accusing him of pushing him, when Joshua tried to explain what happened and equally defend his friend, his mother shut him up and ordered him to retire to his room, that very day she ensured she punished Terry severely for something that wasn’t his fault, he also recalled that his father had tried to save the boy from her but somehow he seemed scared of his mother and remained quiet after a cold argument he didn’t
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Chapter 242
“Protect me from Terry? Who told you that I need to be protected from Terry? If their is anyone I need to be protected from it is you mother and no one else.”Her eyes widened “Joshua?” she called out on top of my voice “you are my son, I gave birth to you, I nursed you with these breast of mine and you have no right to challenge me or speak to me in such rude manner, you talk of your father like he was a saint, but it’s fine, some day you would see and realize that all I have ever done was only for your good and your good alone, can’t you see that all Terry have been trying to do all these years is tear us both apart? You have always chose his words over mine, you don’t listen to me and right now you’re standing here saying a lot of rude words to me also threatening to push me out of the way, what more wouldn’t he ask you to do to your mother? Kill me? Is that it or maybe have me banished to the forbidden part of the woods?” Tears swept down her cheeks.Joshua looked at his mother,
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Chapter 243
They both walked in silence through the woods, Zara have left hold of Carmella’s hand, she seemed lost in thoughts and drained in it, her daughter couldn’t stop taking glances at her wondering what was going on through her mind but deep down in her heart, their was this bubbling joy that had no ends, the feeling of fulfillment and that finally she would have what she have always wanted, she grinned with so much excitement secretly feeling satisfied with what she have achieved so far, yes she knew Joshua hated her with passion right now and that worried her but so far as the queen loved her, she was sure she had everything at her finger tips, who cares what the king thinks when his mother is solidly behind me? She thought to herself adjusting her veil which was almost slipping out of her hair, she just couldn’t wait for two days time to come already though she knows how though those last days would be for her especially with her mother who seemed not to be willing to ever say a word to
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Chapter 244
Carmella shrugged in silence gaping a bit out of fear, her mother’s voice was certainly loud enough to pull down the house, it was obvious she was furious, she looked down at her body and noticed how much she was sweating despite how cold the atmosphere have grown to be under the last few hours, she gulped hard looking away, what was she to say to her mother? That she shouldn’t be upset but rather happy for her because she was getting married to her brother in-law? She was so sure that she would be making a grave mistake if she says such. She turned away gritting softly on her teeth, she took another glance at her mother who doesn’t seem to care if she answers her question or not but rather seems to be grieving, it was really provoking Carmella that instead of people being happy that she was getting married, a lot of them seemed a lot more angry which includes her mother, but telling her that she shouldn’t be angry wasn’t right either, she walked straight into her room and shut the do
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Chapter 245
She shrugged staring innocently at her mother unaware of what exactly she was referring to, she have always known her mother to be indirect with her speech most times and this have made it impossible for her to be able to guess exactly what was on her mind or understand what she is trying to say immediately without having her explain further “you are getting me confused mother, you are worried and curious about what?” She asked hoping she doesn’t throw her into suspense with another weird sounding statement. Zara sighed and looked up at her daughters face, a million regret and guilt rushed into her heart, was she actually going to blame Carmella for what she have done or blame herself, she shook herself sadly wondering if it would have been right for her to have stopped the marriage between Diana and the king years back and rather made the king marry Carmella, she sighed burying her face in her palm, that would be cruel of her as a mother to deprive the king the right to be married to
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Chapter 246
“I can’t believe that my own mother does not believe or trust me, how can you accuse me of seducing the king when I already told you over and over again that he forced himself on me?” She cried out.“You are accusing the king of rape Carmella but you and I know very well that he did not rape you” Zara scoffed looking away while running her warm hands through her veil “look at who is talking about trust, trust you say? Why should I trust you right now after you disappointed me? Aren’t you the same person that told me that you are no longer interested in the king and you have decided to move on with your life little sister I know that the reason why you persisted on going to the palace is to achieve your evil aims, how could I have given birth and raised a daughter like you Carmella?” She cried out.“Mother stop it! You’re accusing me wrongly and I don’t like it!” She jerked up on her feet at once filled with fury, her eyes burnt with hatred towards the words her mother said to her, she
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Chapter 247
She shivered laying there, her body couldn’t stop trembling, she sobbed uncontrollably for hours, she just couldn’t believe that she just got beaten like a punch bag by her own mother, she have never done that no her no matter what her offense was, she knew that this was more than a sign, her mother would never support her marriage to the king, she does not have her blessings and like they always say in their village, not having your mother’s blessing when getting married is a bad omen, she gulped hard thinking about that while clutching both hands and legs together at a corner, her face looked very red and her body covered with bruises and wounds, she tried to stand but then she couldn’t, it was all pains, she winced with so much pain and difficulty giving it every strength she had remaining within her body, she really needed to get her ass up even though it was one hell of pain, she just couldn’t describe how she was feeling, she equally felt burning sensations on face, the parts he
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Chapter 248
Zara took a glance at her and sighed “shouldn’t you be grateful Carmella that I am kind enough not to have broken that mouth of yours? Cause you certainly don’t deserve to have that hole on your face, not after what you want, I don’t care what you believe anymore child but you don’t betray me and go freely, no one does, I trusted you and believed every word you say, only for you to go to the palace, seduce the king and end up in bed with him, you want to get married to him don’t you? You want to live in the palace and have servants serve you right? Well welcome on board ma’am cause finally you are going to have all that and more at your beck and call but you know what? Don’t come crawling back here in tears when the real pains of this marriage begins.”Carmella shook her head “real pains of this marriage? You mean like Joshua hating me and never regarding me as his wife or Diana returning? You know so well that your daughter Diana have lost her place in the palace when she chose a hum
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Chapter 249
Deep down she still hated the fact that she was making her own daughter feel like a complete stranger in her own mother's house but the fury burning in her heart burning over what her daughter have done would let her bring forth the compassionate part of her.She walked back to her sitting, she sat reluctantly and continued with her soup, with the way she scooped it you would wonder if it would ever get finished from the bowl though it was obvious that she was trying to use it to get her mind off something, her gaze was fixed on the basket containing jewels which still sat idly on the table, she watched as her daughter walked over to the table, gradually she kept taking glances at the dresses, they were so fine and looked pretty attractive, she looked away when her gaze met with that of Carmella, she didn’t want her to feel like she cared at all about the clothes, the jewels or even the wedding, Carmella noticed her mother gaze and sighed out loud feeling even more broken, she felt ex
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Chapter 250
Now she could finally feel a whole bundle of peace rushing in and out of her, at least she didn’t feel alone or abandoned anymore even though her mother have clearly shown her the red lights, even though Joshua have made it clear to her that her marriage to him was equivalent to she signing her own death warrant, but what could she do when she have already started the journey? This have always been what she wanted right from childhood and she wasn’t ready to turn it down now that it was at her door step, not for any threat in the world from either her mother or husband to be, she forced a smile on her face staring at Azora who seemed to be in her home, the background from the mirror proves so though she wondered why it took her so long to confront her, she finally did was she was asked to do well without endangering herself or anyone else, she expected her to appear quick and congratulate her for a job well done or should be say a job partly done well, she is had a whole lot to do, fi
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