All Chapters of Lost In The Dark: Chapter 261 - Chapter 270
357 Chapters
Chapter 261
The king took a deep breath, it was obvious that his mother would never give into his demands, he possibly cannot fight or hurt her just like he did with the guards, he wasn’t that kind of son and a king shouldn’t be seen or heard of doing such, he turned away from her moving closer to the wall, he buried his face in his hands for a moment thinking of what to do, he just needed a way out of this, he needed to get Terry out of there else he might never forgive him, he turned around, his eyes moving at every corner of the room, he was hoping the sight the key carelessly dropped somewhere so he could snatch it and leave at once but he saw nothing, his eyes moved back to his mother who had moved over to an arm chair, sat comfortably on it with her legs crossed, she looked totally unbothered and cared less about what he was feeling or thinking at that moment, the only thing more important to her now was that Terry remains in that dungeon, she hated it so much when people or anyone else tri
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Chapter 262
Could the world be coming to an end right now? For a couple of minutes she felt like her chambers was beginning to spin round and round without stopping and that made her heart throb a bit, she couldn’t deny the fear that lingered under her heavy glare which was fixed at nothing in particular, if her eyes were to be a bomb it was clearly obvious that she would have ended up destroying the whole village at that moment cause they were filled with both anger, hatred and fear, a lot of things kept swimming in and out of her mind making her blood boil with everything minute that swept by, she just couldn’t t control nor express how she felt at that moment but queen Emma could swear that she haven’t felt as scared as she felt at that very moment, even years back when her husband the late king was alive, he wasn’t capable of making her get this scared, what was more provoking was that it was her son, her own son who fed on her breast milk was the one turning into a thorn on her flesh, she h
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Chapter 263
Joshua nodded his head feeling proud and satisfied with himself though he wondered if his mother would buy his threat and give into his demands, the rain seemed to have got heavier and he was beginning to feel tired, his shoulders and legs hurried, he felt like one who haven’t had proper rest for a while now, he ran his hands through his hair while he sat at a corner in the room shaking his head like one who would let hell rain at any moment from then, well he was sure he was definitely going to do that, he didn’t care if he ends up hurting his mother’s feelings or not, he was tired of watching her make he feel less of himself and herself much more superior than anything else, he couldn’t understand how he watched all these while leaving his mother to control almost half of the affairs of the kingdom, people seemed to reference her even more than they do to him, sometimes they acted like he didn’t exist at all and whatever his mother says is always the final, he took a deep sigh placi
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Chapter 264
The king noticed the change in her facial look, she looked totally disappointed that he was rejecting the food she had brought, not like it was the first time but he was sure she expected him to act differently this time around, after all what was the decent smile for “but you can keep it on the table over there, I would eat it later” he said getting back her attention, he watched as her eyes lightened up, she looked totally surprised but at the same time seemed peaceful and fulfilled.She nodded at once grinning proudly “I would do just that my king” she moved straight to the table and comfortably placed the tray on it, she turned to him still wearing that precious grin which exposed her beautiful set of teeth “would you like me to do any other thing for you my king?” She asked.Joshua looked away acting like he was trying to think or maybe remember something, not like their was actually anything he needed her to do for him but he didn’t want her to feel bad for asking such question,
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Chapter 265
The rain had increased drastically with each second that swept by, the dry grounds have grown very wet creating puddles at various parts of the palace compound, most of the servants have retired to their quarters while the rest who have been assigned to various duty posts stood firm enduring the cold weather, their feet’s cold deeply feel the depth of the ice cold weather but what could they do other than do what they are expected to do, serve the royal family till their last breath, of course they had no other choice than to obey and remain loyal to the throne. Leonna hurried down the hallway looking deeply excited, she felt this joy bubbling deep in her chest though she couldn’t explain why she was feeling that way, maybe because the king didn’t yell at her like he did previously or maybe because of the news of Terry being out soon, she grinned from cheek to cheek, moving further down to the kitchen, the king had ordered her to prepare something for Terry including a hot bath and sh
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Chapter 266
Terry behind those bars could feel his legs growing really cold, his hands have turned to strong ice as he could barely feel his toes, he shut his eyes tight gritting his teeth fit few seconds like a women in labour, his eyes rolled in confusion as he wondered how much longer he would remain trapped behind those bars, perhaps forever if care is not taken, he has been there for few hours but it just felt like he have been there for years, he wondered how much longer he could stand this cold, he ran his cold hands on his hair, rubbing them on his face over and over again, he found barely feel his fingers now, he quietly moved his hand to his shoulder putting them across his chest, he took a deep breath praying silently in his heart that a miracle happens sooner or later else he didn’t know how much longer he could stand the cold. The roofs continued to leak, who on earth ever thinks of fixing the leaking roof in the dungeon, after all they believed prisoners don’t deserve to be taken ca
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Chapter 267
The queen nodded her head, her heart was boiling badly with rage at that moment, he dared to challenge her seemed like a hard pill for her to swallow, of everyone who she expects to talk back at her, certainly not Terry who have been made an enemy to her even before his birth. She turned to Maria who’s eyes had widened out of fear and anxiety, she was trying so hard to protect Terry from the queen’s wrath and equally trying to protect the queen from bathe king’s wrath but with the way things were turning out with every second that swept by she wondered if either of them understands what they stand to loose if they don’t keep their differences aside and go their separate ways, if she were to be asked she would advice both the queen and Terry to avoid each other despite living together in the palace but how possible would that be since they would always see each other? After all Terry is always with the king following him to every nook or cranny he enters, she turned to the queen and wa
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Chapter 268
“Open the doors..” the queen ordered staring straight at Terry’s face, no one could tell exactly what was going through her mind but the look on her face didn’t spell good at all, it rather spelt danger, Terry could feel it too, it was impossible for the queen to let him go freely once he was done saying those words to her, her hatred for him seemed to have increased, the queen had no atom of sympathy towards Terry, it seemed that she rather which each second that have ever swept by in life, her hatred for him is doubled and the only thing she could wish so badly for him was his death “I said open the doors!” The queen yelled again, her hands vibrating with anger.The guards with a rush hurried to the cell doors ready to open it, whatever that was going through the queen’s mind at that moment is unknown to either of them but what do they care? What matters most to them is that they don’t find themselves in the wrong side of the queen and eventually end up in the same mess just like Te
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Chapter 269
Queen’s Emma’s heart couldn’t stop boiling with rage while she paced her chambers like a wounded lion, her eyes filled with rage and her hands vibrating like a woman who had lost her most priceless jewelry, she just couldn’t believe that she finally succumbed to her son’s threat, she couldn’t believe that Joshua was actually serious with his threat else why would he come down to the dungeon to ensure that she actually got Terry out, she rolled her eyes in displeasure turning to Maria who stood uncomfortably behind her with both of her hands folded properly, she looked up at the queen and finally looked away, what could she say other than to console her and let her know that she isn’t alone even though she feels so.The queen scoffed, she ran her hands restlessly through her hair, she moved over to an arm chair and sat shaking her legs over and over again “can you believe it Maria? My own son actually wanted to carry out his threat, he actually meant every word he said to me earlier, h
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Chapter 270
Maria hurried down the hallway looking totally perplexed, she could feel deep down in her heart that the queen would surely not let this slide easily without a fight, she hated the feeling of humiliation and this is exactly the way Terry have made her feel, the clouds have gone totally dark, it haven’t stopped raining, the clouds rather grew heavier with the down pour of rain, one would only wonder if it was the end of the world, Maria without hesitation arrived at the servant’s chambers and got into her room, she shut the door behind taking a deep breath with both of her hands placed restlessly on her chest, she sighed out loud scooting to a short stool sitting very close to her single bed, she sat on it with her hand placed under her jaw, she shook her head bitterly. She have spent her entire life serving the royal family, she literally knows every single thing about queen Emma including the deepest secrets of the palace, she was there when Terry was born and she helped ease him, y
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