All Chapters of Lost In The Dark: Chapter 251 - Chapter 260
357 Chapters
Chapter 251
Azora shook her head wagging her finger across her face “not so fast Carmella, not so fast” she noticed Carmella grunt running her hands across her neck.“Does it hurt that much?” She arched her brow.Carmella looked up at her wondering what she was referring to “does what hurt?” She looked a little lost.Azora sighed “come on, I know what happened to you, I mean how you ended up with that bruises and wounds all over.”Carmella looked away “I don’t want to talk about it.”“You can get rid of her if you want to” Azora said.Carmella’s eyes widened “get rid of who?”Azora shrugged “your mother of course, it’s obvious that she isn’t in support of you or what you did and their is a million possibility that she would do everything in her power to ruin it, so instead of her destroying all your hard work don’t you think it’s best to get rid of her?” Carmella shook her head at once in fear struggling to stand on her feet “how can you give me such a horrible suggestion? I would never do anyth
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Chapter 252
Azora rolled her eyes in displeasure “bla…bla…bla… take a good look at yourself Carmella, your own mother turned you into her punch bag simply because you don’t agree with her, because you did what would bring you happiness, can’t you see how cruel she is? She would have killed you, trust me when she hits you again she wouldn’t leave you alive, what exactly do you think would become of you if she ever finds out the truth? You think she wouldn’t want to see your head hanging on a spike?” Carmella looked away confused for a moment, what was Azora actually referring to, what truth exactly? She turned to her “what truth are you referring to Azora?”“The truth about Diana, do you think your mother would want your life spared? Of course she won’t, infact she might end up killing you herself!” Azora said.Carmella gasped “stop saying such things, my mother isn’t like that, yes she might prefer one child to the other but that doesn’t mean she hates me that much.”“Really? What about now? You
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Chapter 253
Terry locked up behind bars, he sat at a corner mumbling in rage while feeling totally abandoned, he couldn’t describe the rage that burnt in his heart at that moment, how could the queen do this to him? What exactly have he done wrong other than say the truth? He buried his head in between his legs for a moment while still sitting at that corner, his eyes looked blood shot from complied rage, he wished at this moment that he could stand up to the queen and give her a piece of his mind but that would equally mean signing his death warrant for no one dares stand up against the queen, the only person whom he had seen do that countless times and yet get away with it was the king, well he always got away with it because he was the king and equally her son else she would have had him roasted alive. A lot of times Terry have tried to force himself to believe that the queen wasn’t cruel, she was rather trying to dominate everyone and everything around her, she was equally trying to make sure
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Chapter 254
Queen Emma looked up at Terry, seeing him sitting like a complete outcast and animal behind bars made her heart gladden, it gave her that feeling of superiority, she felt equally proud of herself and was glad that she was able to take the bull by the horn and send him down here despite her son’s presence, she as scared that the king must have gotten him out already but seeing that he was still there was a prove that her son still respected and feared her, well who doesn’t actually fear her in this kingdom, she sighed out loud, their were just two of them, one she have gotten rid of and the other was Zara, she is equally afraid of Zara, not just because she doesn’t fear but because of her strength and what she was capable of doing with it, she sneered for a moment taking a deep sigh while pinching the tip of her nose with her finger, she shook her head in discomfort “you thought you could turn my son against me by telling him what we discussed isn’t it? What a big fool you were” the qu
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Chapter 255
Queen Emma dragged her feet with so much confidence while walking down the hall way, her shoulders raised with pride and her eyes filled with so much delight, earlier she had gotten scared that her son must have gotten Terry out of the dungeon thereby disrespecting her so she decided to go down there and check for herself, seeing Terry remain behind close bars made her feel really at peace with herself, finally she still had some faith in the fact that she still had an upper hand over her son, she just wanted Joshua to be the son that listens to her without objecting to her rules or regulations, she wanted to be in charge of his life and decide almost everything he does, from what he eats to what he wears forgetting that her son is no longer a kid, he is a full grown man and currently the king of the people therefore he has the right to make decisions on his own, but his mother have refused bluntly to accept that. She kept walking down the hallway when she was stopped by one of the se
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Chapter 256
For a moment he remained reluctant, perhaps calculating the best way to make the move, order the guards to get him out or maybe get him out himself, while these thoughts went on for minutes in his head, the rain finally broke out into a heavy down pour, it had been drizzling for a couple of hours, it was so heavy that one would fear that the roof might get pulled off in the process, you could barely hear anyone’s voice, it was just the heavy rain that could be heard clearly in the entire palace unlike earlier you could hear footsteps or the maidens giggling and laughing while walking past, or plates in the kitchen making rough but coordinated noises, the weather was really very cold now and the weather was perfect for a nap but how could Joshua sleep when his life had suddenly turned upside down in the twinkle of an eye, his best moments have turned sour as he could barely remember what it feels like to be relaxed, sleep or enjoy the atmosphere, it was always his heart making jumpy mo
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Chapter 257
“What do you mean by you don’t have it? Have you lost your senses that you dare to disobey my orders? Have you forgotten that I am the king?” He roared feeling insulted, this was the height of it and he definitely would not take anymore of the insults, this was all his mother’s fault, creating allies amongst the palace servants making them feel that she was even more superior to the king which was totally untrue, the only reason he has been calm towards her was because she was his mother.The other guard gulped hard, his eyes looking very wide filled with a million fears, of course no one wants to get on the bad side of the king, they know what he was capable of doing once he was upset but they just needed to explain that none of these was their fault “my king we are honest with you, we wouldn’t lie for anything in the world, we do not have the keys” he said looking totally innocent.Joshua gasped, he couldn’t believe this, they were truly standing their ground insisting that they do
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Chapter 258
“What???” He looked extremely shocked, his eyes grew very wide and his hands shook with anger, this was unbelievable, Joshua’s mouth dropped open, what on earth had gotten into his mother? Was this how much she hated Terry and wanted him to remain there just being honest? He shook his head in disbelief, his mother did not only lock Terry up she took the keys just to make sure that he doesn’t get Terry out, he took a deep sigh, at least his mother knows him too well, she knows how much he loves his friend Terry and won’t stand to see him spend even a night in that dungeon, truly this was the height of it, whether his mother liked it or not he was getting Terry out of there and he didn’t care if hell let loose “how did mother become like this? She equally watched Terry grow, he is like a son to her, why is she treating him with so much hatred?” She scoffed and stormed out on the guards who remained on their knees with their hands rubbing their throats, they took a glance at each wonderi
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Chapter 259
The queen remained silent, she only stared at him wondering what was making him act in such manner.“Yes mother, I have lost my mind, I have lost my mind because I have someone as horrible as you to call mother, sometimes I wonder how you are even my mother, I don’t think you are, perhaps you aren’t the one that gave birth to me!” He screamed.The queen was shocked, she couldn’t believe her ears, what was Joshua saying? This was the height of it, she took a quick glance around and felt grateful that she sent her servants out of the room else Joshua would have embarrassed her right in front of him, he didn’t look remorseful despite seeing her look sad and shocked by his words, he didn’t seem to care of her feelings gets hurt in the process or not, he was just furious and seemed so ready to pull down the palace if given a chance, she was equally wondering how much more she could contain her own anger and understand why he was acting that way, was it because of Terry or Carmella, she jus
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Chapter 260
“Joshua!” She called out in shock, she just couldn’t believe what she just heard him say, but he wasn’t wrong about what he just said just that she didn’t know he was aware that he had such rights, the king has the right to dethrone the sitting queen if she isn’t doing well and choose another woman to be crowned his queen though they must be related either my marriage or blood but before a sitting queen is dethroned, some else must be provided who would take her place as soon as possible.“You heard me right, I have tolerated you enough, you know…. I have no one to take your place yet, but when I do, you would be so sorry that you ever made my life miserable, I would strip you of every right you have in this palace as royalty, where are the keys to the dungeon?” He demanded putting his hand forward.She burst into laughter, now she finally realized exactly what all the anger was all about “so you actually tried to disobey me by going down to the dungeon to get Terry out? what do you
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