All Chapters of Vampire's Obsession : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
200 Chapters
Cut her tongue
The atmosphere in the court was heavy from the time they have been seated and it became heavier as soon as Gabriel entered. They were sitting on their seat like a statue, just watching at his Majesty's eyes which have been wandering throughout the courtroom. No one knows what Gabriel's eyes were expecting. Gabriel's eyes were calm and endless. There is no visible movement in those eyes which is the most hazardous in the case of Gabriel. Klaus along with Carl joined the court. Not a single blink of Gabriel's greeted them. Then one by one every maid started to enter the court, they never thought that their fear would come true soon. They knew that if they raised their voice on His Majesty's maidservant, she would complain about them, and she did. There is no chance anyone can help them. In the end, Elsa also entered with Gramson, she was about to take a nap as her mood was off, and suddenly she heard Gramson outside her chamber.As she came out Gramson asked her to come with him becau
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Are you jealous, Darling?
“Darling, you love to make me angry. Don't you? But this King has a patient level also, I have never been so calm but for you, I have crossed many limitations. I don't take orders, okay, and you will not go anywhere,” said Gabriel, as his hands slide down her back and lift her while her hands are tied over her head.Elsa panicked and the situation they two were in was scandalous. First, Gabriel suddenly climbed over her, second, her gown slid to the knee as she struggled to release her hand.Gabriel also felt movement as his private part was above her knee because he closed her legs keeping his legs on either side.“Stop doing this, ” said Gabriel, his Adam apple bobbing that didn't skip from Elsa's eyes. It was beautiful as Elsa thought. But her thoughts broke when a current rushed her head as someone's hand caught hold of her knee. Before she could say anything she saw Gabriel's face lunging towards her lips, her eyes closed willingly as someone's lips were about to touch. It indeed
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Holding Hands
“Why would I be jealous?” Elsa replied timidly while gripping the handle of the cupboard tightly. Icy breath scratched her neck, and small hair from there stood up as it was her most sensitive part. “I smell jealousy in your voice. I like it. I have no relation with Jennifer. It was my uncle’s plan. He wanted to marry Jennifer with me so that her kingdom would help his son Matthew to get my throne.” Gabriel spoke while nudging his nose on Elsa’s neck, savoring her alluring smell. It is an old drug to him, which can’t be lessened until dead.“A Lie,” Elsa replied, but her dimple sunk deeper, and her lips cracked into a smile. She can now see through Jennifer’s plan. She deliberately conveyed those things to her head, or, why a woman would express everything to an unknown maid, and now, listening to Gabriel, she understood that Jennifer’s family isn’t normal. She is a princess. “There is any reason for me to lie to you! But I like it. I was thinking about kicking Jennifer out, but now
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I'm trying to impress you
“Your Excellency,” Jennifer addressed, ignoring the woman next to him, and bowed. She would take care of her later, not in front of Gabriel. “Lady Jennifer, are you asking the maid how to work and keep yourself busy?” Gabriel clasped Elsa’s soft hand as she tried to leave. Jennifer feels humiliated again. She is a princess, while Gabriel compares her to a maidservant. And why would she act like a servant? She is born to be the queen, and that will be his only. “Haha. Funny! By the way, Your Majesty. I really want my maid to be like Elsa. As your servant, she’s impressed you quite a lot, I can see.” “I want a servant like her.” Jennifer downplays Elsa by calling her maid, as well as illegally influencing Gabriel. “Hmm! Do you think you are equal to me? My right can also be yours, as your status. Be grateful for what you have?” Laughing in a low voice. Holding Elsa’s hand, he proceeded, who was bowing her head down. In fact, she was impressed by how Gabriel prevented the princess f
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I don't have a problem having a baby before marriage
“Yes Master, you are right, but I must say that you should take a rest for some time. Then we can proceed with our plan.”“No, that will not be needed.” Suddenly a woman’s voice reached their ear, they turned their head, and it was Verada. She looked very different and charming. “What are you doing here?” Cliff grumbled seeing Verada, she left without informing them, now what is she wants from them? “On the verge of rot, still it didn’t break your nuts. Hmm! I like it,” Verada smirked and came towards him. “None of your business gets lost,” Cliff growled at Verada, who didn’t feel bothered and sat down comfortably on a cushion. “The thing in your body will weaken you further but at the same time it will give you strength and power to fight once, after that, your body will catch worms, then it will turn into molten meat,” Verada said with an uncaring voice, noticing the man’s body, she felt unworthy, why didn’t she know something like this can exist, with this, she will be more outs
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“Your Excellency, please behave. I’m young. Don’t do that to me,” Elsa requested, her breath caressing Gabriel’s chest over the shirt. He realized that no matter how many layers he wore, his sweet lips can aroused him, just by standing nearby.“I proposed to you to marry me, but you refused. And I can’t stop myself from touching you. What shall I do, Lady Elsa?” Gabriel spoke seductively. A woman cannot stand straight after being tortured in this way.Elsa leans her head on Gabriel’s chest and says, which is in her mind, “We’re not compatible. Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. We can’t be happy together. And I don’t like castle life. Also, I don’t want my husband to have too many women, and I know, for a prosperous kingdom, every king marries a lot of women. That’s why I don’t wish to be a queen.”“So, is this a reason for your disagreement? You are right in your logic but I am not a normal human king who needs another Kingdom’s support to secure his own. I am indomitabl
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A fire between Cliff and Verada
“You are hurting me,” Verada struggled, and Cliff growled, then move away from her. Verada sat up and saw his transformation from wolf to vampire. It looked painful but also satisfying to the eyes.Cliff’s entire body turned into a fucking hot lava; Desirable. Verada had difficulty taking her eyes off the cliff, especially now, as he stood naked before her eyes.Before this she didn’t put him into her eyes, now she wants to touch him, she wants to warm herself up too. Cliff narrowed his eyes to intimidate this woman, but the look she was giving wanted him to ravage her right here. He groaned and went to her naked. “Hold this thing and help me. I know you want it too.” Cliff pointed to the thing that was dangling under him. Verada liked the way Cliff asked her. It was sensual. Without care, her hands go up, when Cliff pulled her up and took her to the bed, and excitedly threw her on the bed, to see her bouncing figure.The two of them did not waste their time and threw themselves into
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Piece of paper
“Indeed, Prince Carl is our guest. We should care for his entertainment. His father and I are good friends. So, how can I ignore a friend’s child?” There was a certain menace in Gabriel’s entire statement. But it conveys nothing positive or negative. If one does not know about the concussion between Valeria and him, they would think it was a kind gesture from Gabriel, but those who really know would be chilled by what he said.“Thank you, Your Majesty. It will be a pleasure to go hunting with you,” Carl replied with equally gruff eyes. He knows Gabriel’s sudden mention of his father. Evidently displaying his strength and terror at Valeria and he’ll put an end to this terror when the times come. “Have a rest, Prince Carl. I hope you enjoyed the meal. We’ll meet tomorrow,” both of them smiled at each other. Gabriel stood up, following him. Everyone stood up too and bowed. Elsa didn’t. She was lost in thoughts from the time she took back her leg, though bowing late was not a grave mistak
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“What are you doing?” Elsa was infuriated by their posture. She was not shameless like him who loved to have women in his arms all the time. “You smell good.” Gabriel whirred in her scent, which is his all-time favorite drug. He can consume it anytime and anywhere. “You can’t touch me whenever you want,” Elsa retorted, and she was upset after yesterday’s dinner. He kissed her secretly while enjoying cheeky words with Jennifer in front of everyone. Is she a tool? Elsa pushed his chest hard and tried to stand up, but again fell back on his lap as the clasp pulled her. “What do you want?” Elsa glared. “I want you,” Gabriel replied with a smile. He was now a serene man who knew how to tolerate a woman. “Why are you angry early in the morning?” Gabriel asked again. It’s not that he didn’t know, just that he wanted to see more of this Elsa and this jealousy, which she would not accept if asked.“Nothing. I want to see my parents. Can you let me go?” Elsa softened her expression and
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End of shadow Guard
“Shut up bitch, you wouldn’t be here without my father’s help, so respect me.” Carolina wanted to slap this bitch to teach her a lesson. How dare she talk nastily to her when she needed Klaus’s help to stay here?“Haha, respect. Has your family ever given you? And your father, what shall I say about him? He almost licked my mother’s shoes for your brother. I tolerate you and your father only in exchange for being here. I am a princess of a kingdom. And you are nothing. So be thankful for your luck that I didn’t destroy your whole family,” said Jennifer, and pulled the reins to get closer to Elsa.Carolina tried four times for Elsa to fall by throwing small tacks toward the horse’s leg, but she failed for unknown reasons as an obstacle blocked her tacks. This made Jennifer smile. She knows a fool like Carolina would do something in front of Gabriel, despite knowing that nothing could hide his eyes. Now she waits to see what Gabriel will do with this fool.They reached the middle of the
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