All Chapters of Vampire's Obsession : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
200 Chapters
A meeting with Elsa's parents
"Who?" Elsa muttered and saw Gabriel draw his figure away from Elsa like a beam. It was faster than the bat of an eye. As the door opened, a man and a woman came inside. Elsa's eyes became lachrymose seeing them. Her lips quivered like children. Quickly, Elsa ran, hugged the man and the woman, and started crying. She asked as her voice trembled, "How are you, mother?" Then shifting her eyes towards Robert, Elsa smiled and asked, "How are you, father?" "O, Elsa. We missed you." With this Jasmine and Robert hugged Elsa together like a reunion of a happy family. Then Jasmine lightly pushed Elsa away and surveyed her whole body. Seeing this, Elsa raised her eyebrows at her mother and asked, "Mother, what are you doing?" "Where are you got hurt, let me see a little?" Jasmine did the same thing over and over, checking Elsa from head to toe. Finally, Elsa stopped her. It was so embarrassing because Gabriel was standing in a dark corner, obviously watching them. "I am not hurt, anywh
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"What is this?" Elsa whispered while lifting the pendant, it was a red-colored ring-shaped pendant, small but beautiful enough to hold someone's gaze. Elsa was so delighted with the way it was looking. And also it was giving a kind of secureness all over her body. "The previous pendant on your neck has been broken so I made it for you. It will work just like your broken pendant had been doing," Gabriel said in a voice soft with affection, his eyes smitten by glimpsing Elsa's crook of the neck, his fangs were itching to take a bite once. And it was no doubt his all-time desire was to taste Elsa's blood. The position they are standing in was quite tempting to him, he wanted to nibble and licked the place before a quick bite. As his Vampire Instinct pushed him Gabriel slowly took his face near Elsa's neck and a cool breath quickly tickled Elsa's ear. Elsa jerked her shoulder slightly and felt a rough finger rubbing the place slowly and sensually. Gulping a mouthful of nervousness, Els
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From now on Elsa will stay with Gabriel
Yes, he wanted this woman under him. The human cries on the bed were more pleasing to hear than vampires. It had been so long since he hadn't had sex with anyone. After getting scolded by his father, he didn't touch any woman, though his penis was itching to do, and he resisted. He was busy making a perfect plan the last few days. Even he sent a witch to kill Gabriel but he failed. That Witch said she knows to control Hyenas which convince him, they made a strategy as Hynes will first injure Gabriel then the Witch will attack Gabriel's heart with a cursing spell. But that bitch didn't even touch Gabriel's nail. There were still many opportunities, he would continue his striking until he got the throne. But the problem was that Gabriel had no weakness and it was a disadvantage. For which no one had been able to defeat Gabriel for so many years. 'Now, keeping everything aside I want some fun. The woman looked normal, but the aura is like Queen and the dress she was wearing was so go
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I can't love him
Jasmine couldn't control her tears as they slide down seeing her daughter's disappearing figure. Robert held his wife and was about to step out when they saw Gramson coming to them. "Majesty said, you can come to this castle whenever you want, and you can see your daughter whenever you wish. So there is no need to worry about it, as my Majesty said your daughter will not going to face any problem during staying in the castle," Gramson said politely. They deserve respect not because they are the queen's mother, but because their love for Elsa is selfless. He never trusts humans knowing their greedy nature. But not everyone is the same. The members of the court went out one by one except for Klaus and his son. They have baffled by what had just happened a few minutes ago. Is this some kind of joke? "Father, what kind of thing does Gabriel wants to do? Did he just give shelter to the accused girl? Moreover, what kind of verdict was that, I have never heard or seen anyone give such
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Brother and sister joining hands
"What kind of plan?" Carolina asked with her doubting eyes as she never believe that her brother would do something without his interest, every word her brother will say, there will be a scheme that would be hiding behind it. "Why are you looking at me this? O Come on, Carolina you know how much your brother, means I, love you. Look I didn't tell our father about your fantasy. Because I respect your love for Gabriel and our father will never agree with this. Might be father force you to marry somewhere else." Every word left Matthew's mouth very artfully that there is no way anyone could doubt his words. Making himself comfortable on Carolina's bed he found something interesting under Carolina's pillow. Pulling the thing out under the pillow Matthew smirked and said, "Seems like your hormones had affected your head. Why can't you play with men? We're vampires, not humans who cared about their virginity." Carolina was thinking, facing the window, so she didn't see Matthew had done
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Taste her blood for the first time
"Majesty. I…," Elsa fumbled thinking about what she would say now, This kind of thing had never gotten in her mind so she wasn't prepared to answer this question. Moreover, what does 'His majesty' wants to say? How can they be close? "Majesty, what…??" Gabriel asked back, his mischievous eyes gotten glistering seeing speechless Elsa. Although he said nothing wrong, they have come close, it's just Elsa didn't want to admit it. "I don't know," Elsa replied commonly, without confusion or overthinking, but a sweet sensation had engulfed her heart right after Gabriel had asked. Unexplained happenings made her hard to believe in her determination that 'she isn't in love with this man.' Gabriel stopped at the spot where red berries were dangling everywhere. They are looking so mouth-watering, as well as beautiful, some of the berries smashed on the ground after falling from the tree had made the ground red as blood. Tilting her head Elsa was walking this all time. She was handling her
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New sensation
Entering the room, Gabriel throw the robe away from his hand, punching the bookshelf, causing the rack to shatter, he howled in anger, "Again, no-no. I can't lose control over Elsa. Why this is happening again I remember after waking from my hibernation, I consumed blood but after that, I feel like ripping that woman's head off. I hadn't control myself at that time. I thought because I hadn't tasted blood for a long time that's why it had happened. After that, I didn't try to take blood though I don't feel needed either. Today when I taste Elsa's blood, I felt the exact wanting, just like that night. "Damn it. I need to talk to Jonathan, I don't think Maria could solve it," clutching his hair frustratingly Gabriel mumbled, also there was a fear lingering in his heart, anxiety not to hurt Elsa in any way. He summoned Gramson. "Yes, My Majesty." Gramson appeared just a second after summoning. Gabriel can do that because he made Gramson. Gramson was never a vampire before, but some s
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Dinner table
“Why didn't you let me go to save Viola? We could have got her back. She needs our help. Will heaven never forgive Viola? If not, ask them, banish me too, ” Michael said angrily, flapping his wings, but he couldn't. He was captured by the other Angels, his wings tied, rendering him unable to fly. “Why are you so violent, Micheal? Angels never acted with violence. And Viola must do something to get back to heaven again. She sins, and for that, she was banished. If she wants to be with us again, she must fulfill the prophecy,” Asher said very calmly, with no anger or impatience on his face, he knows Michael's situation. After Viola's exile, his friend suffered so much. But there are some rules between these three realms, angels cannot interfere with them. And what happened to Viola is completely unfair. However, the rule is the rule. “You know, she can't. That devil is immortal and much more powerful than Viola. Even if I can't handle him alone, then how can angels expect Viola? She do
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Elsa got seduced by Majesty
Hearing Gabriel, everyone felt a terrible line of words passed through their ear. Everyone turned their heads to Gabriel, trying to confirm that they had heard wrong but were speechless when they saw Gabriel pat the seat next to him for Elsa to sit on. A string of jealousy ran between Carolina and Jennifer. Jennifer's nail dug into her palm but Carolina couldn’t control herself and screamed, “How can a servant sit in the place where I, a princess, standing still. Are you crazy Gabriel?” Matthew and Klaus didn't get time to warn Carolina when Gramson swiveled Carolina by grabbing her arm and then gave her a forceful slap in the face. “Gramson, how dare you touch my daughter!" Klaus stood up from his seat and angrily reprimanded Gramson, but Gramson didn't answer or talk back. He lowered his head after slapping Carolina. Seeing Gramson mute, Klaus pushed back his chair and rushed to Carolina's side to slap him. Because a servant had slapped his daughter if someone in this palace leak
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Sharing plate and food
“Why are you not eating? Take a bite. It's delicious, believe me,” commented Gabriel while eating the next piece. On the table, there were a variety of dishes, and there was also a bottle of wine, bringing the bottle closer Gabriel poured the wine for himself.“No, Your Excellency. I am alright! You eat first, I'll eat later," said Elsa with a smile, also wanted this king to finish his meal. If Elsa could she'll put all the pieces into this king's mouth so that her job was done, and she could taste this steak too.Gulping the wine in one go Gabriel said, “I don't have bacteria in my mouth, you can eat that same steak with the same fork.”Elsa's fork just dropped on the plate, with the sound of 'clunk', appeasing Gabriel, he knows that Elsa was shocked at how Gabriel can agree to share his food and his fork. Sharing the same plate and fork was what intimate lovers do, but the way Gabriel said it was kind of casual and there was nothing strange in it like they were already a lover.“No,
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