All Chapters of Alpha Osiris: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
292 Chapters
Chapter 101
Charlotte’s pov I’ve been struggling with feeling guilty. One of my friends has been saying I need to see a therapist, so I have been going since a few weekss.  He is one of the only friends I have left. When I came back after rejecting Gabriel they were here for me, but some have found it harder this time. Knowing it was my mate and my choices that got their beloved Luna killed. Well, that’s what I told myself. My therapist disagreed though. She said that I’ve changed and they have a hard time coming to terms with that. In her words “sometimes you need new friends if the old ones can’t follow you where you are heading. You’re not the same woman that always wants to be perfect, that doesn’t speak her mind.”   She might be right though. I have changed. “You haven’t changed. This has always been you. You were holding back to be the perfect daughter, the perfect Luna. This is the real you.” Erica said. Erica has been there for me so much, bein
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Chapter 102
Eros’ pov “Dad, that was mean!” Tao said. Mei shrugged “he wasn’t lying Tao, she is the reason we had to move all the way here. Grandpa had a change of heart, retiring now instead of waiting four years until Alpha Edward’s son can take over.” Tao looked upset “dad, you can’t talk to people like that. You always tell us to be nice.” Honestly, I don’t know what got into me. I have been more angry since I lost Suyin, but still this was much even for me. “Maybe you feel guilty for checking her out.” My wolf Angelo said. “I didn’t check her out,” I yelled back. But who was I trying to convince, when I saw Charlotte standing there all sweaty in her work out clothes, I did take a good look. She was gorgeous, tall and she looked like a model. I hadn’t really looked at other women after Suyin’s death, focusing all my attention on my job and my kids. I wasn’t living, just surviving and I didn’t have the time or the need to look at women. I already had
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Chapter 103
Charlotte’s pov Eros has been staring at me through the entire meeting, looking angry. I didn’t let him see that it got to me, but after hours of him looking pissed off I mind linked Beta Malcom I was picking Amelia up. I had actually planned on leaving her there longer, but I had enough. I didn’t want to involve Beta Malcom. He might not want to leave if he knew he was leaving me with his pissed off son. Beta Malcom might think we won’t be able to run the pack together. Dad tries, he really does. But at the moment he only works one hour a day and then spends the rest in his room until dinner time. He eats dinner with us as a family. I forced him too, for Eddie’s sake. I said I would leave if he didn’t at least spend one meal a day with his family. Eddie needs his dad around. When I walked back from the daycare with Amelia I ran into an old high school classmate. Chris was in many of my classes, but for some reason we never hung out together. I guess
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Chapter 104
Osiris pov Charlotte called Lily, asking if we wanted to visit. It had been months since Katherine died and Alpha Edward wasn’t doing any better. Charlotte hoped us visiting might help, perhaps Alpha Edward might feel more comfortable opening up to me.   Things have been going well at home and I have been working less. Having Neron and Jean take over the Midnight Blood pack has been a great decision. Not only do I not have to travel back and forth, I also have a pack that is half the size now. I feel more connected to every member of my pack and it takes a lot less time to do the accounting. “Don’t act like you’re not letting Riker handle all the finances anyway,” Santos said. I laughed, “that’s true. Riker has more time too thanks to Neron, so he can watch over the pack while were gone for a few days.” I just hope Lily will be able to relax a bit more. It could go either way though. Either she will worry even more for Asher’s safety when we’re
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Chapter 105
Lily’s pov I woke up from my nap feeling rested. It was strange being back in my old room with my son, a lot of things have changed since I met Osiris. “Lily are you awake? I am going to take your dad to a treatment center a few hours away.  Maybe you could spend the day with Charlotte? See how she is doing? That new Beta really seems to dislike Charlotte.” Osiris said through the mind link. Treatment? Was it that bad with my dad? Osiris wouldn’t just make rash decisions and if my father told Os something that made him worry so much, then I trusted his judgement. “I’ll come and say goodbye to dad and then spend the day with Charlotte and Eddie, to distract them.” I replied. “And distract yourself,” Arya added. I was really worried for my dad and having a fun day might help all of us. I changed Asher’s diaper and took him down. Dad was just leaving with Os, a suitcase in the back. “I am really proud of you dad,” Charlotte said as she hugged him t
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Chapter 106
Charlotte’s povI felt bad for not realizing how badly dad was really doing. I thought he was hanging in there, but Alpha Osiris was only here for thirty minutes before he realized dad needed more help. “You are not his parent. You were taking care of Eddie and Amelia, while handling most of your dad’s job. You can’t blame yourself,” Erica said comforting me.  The coffee date with Chris was weird and uncomfortable. It wasn’t like he was doing anything wrong, it was me. I felt awkward and out of place. When Chris went in for a hug when we said goodbye I felt nothing. I didn’t expect fireworks, but I thought I would feel something. Chris was handsome, he was nice and smart. He complimented me on my new hair and he was interested in my life.  “I don’t know if I would call it a compliment. He said you looked nice with short hair, but that luckily it would grow back.” Erica said annoyed. Clearly Erica wasn’t feeling Chris either. After lunch
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Chapter 107
Eros’ pov I’ve been keeping Charlotte away by being extra mean. I know it’s not fair to her, but when I spotted her on my first night here something happened to me. Something that made me want to avoid Charlotte. I wanted to explore the forest, I haven’t ran here since I was eighteen. So when the kids were asleep I shifted and ran. I smelled a familiar scent and Angelo followed it. It wasn’t until we were close to a lake that I  realized the scent belonged to Charlotte. She smelled like magnolia flowers. I wasn’t trying to spy on her, but when I saw her swimming in the moonlight I couldn’t look away. She looked like an angel and I felt something I didn’t feel for years. I tried to move closer, but she heard me and I ran away. Ever since then I did everything I could to push those feelings down. To feel something, even the tiniest amount of affection or desire, felt like I was betraying Suyin. It was better if Charlotte thought I hated her. We bot
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Chapter 108
Osiris’ pov “I think Beta Eros likes Charlotte,” Lily said as we went to bed. “Isn’t that what young boys used to do? Tease girls they like?” I replied. Lily laughed “yeah, although it doesn’t work at all and teaches girls the wrong message. But I don’t think he is treating Charlotte this way to get her in bed. I think the opposite. He probably feels bad for liking her and is trying to push her away.” Lily is probably right. I hope for Charlotte’s sake it isn’t true or that Eros fixes his attitude. Charlotte deserves someone who treats her right. Someone who values what she says instead of ignoring her or fighting with her. I was tired. The drive to and back from the facility was long. Alpha Edward didn’t say much in the car, he took a nap half way through the car ride. Before coming to the Moon Stone pack I had researched some places. I knew Alpha Edward couldn’t just take a break from his tasks or family at his pack. He would need t
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Chapter 109
Charlotte’s pov After telling Eros about killing Gabriel I was so angry. His behavior during dinner confused me even more. He stuck up for me. He complimented me. At night I couldn’t sleep, replaying the night I killed Gabriel in my mind. I tried so hard to forget about that night. Hearing Gabriel say those things about Amelia, ripping his heart out. I didn’t regret it, but it wasn’t a pleasant memory. I always wondered what else Gabriel said before I lost my cool. “I heard him. I didn’t want to tell you before, you were trying so hard to forget.” Erica said sounding ashamed keeping things from me. As soon as Erica told me, I knew I had to tell Alpha Osiris and Lily. I would want to know if it was my child. The next day I had a meeting with Eros and Alpha Osiris and it was weird. Eros was so nice to me and I didn’t know what to do. I was so used to shouting at him, used to him getting annoyed with me. His behavior confused me, how cou
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Chapter 110
Eros’ pov Charlotte was right,  no words would be enough for treating her badly. I would have to show her. This wasn’t because I liked Charlotte, “but you though” Angelo said. I ignored him. This wasn’t because I did or didn’t like Charlotte, this was because I was an ass to someone that was only trying to help. She was struggling with losing her mom, her mate and being a single mom, yet she stepped up and did most of Alpha Edward’s job for the last few months. And she had to do it while I was angry and shouting at her. “You really were an ass.” Angelo said. From now on I am going to try and make her life easier instead of harder. I started by having another talk with Mei. Instead of getting angry with her, I decided to tell her the truth. “I have been feeling really guilty since your mom died. Like it was my fault she died and I haven’t been doing enough to raise you kids. Instead of two parents you got half a dad. You helped me
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