All Chapters of Alpha Osiris: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
292 Chapters
Chapter 121
Osiris’ pov I had just put Asher down for his nap when Lily mindlinked me she and Meadow were coming to the office. I grabbed the baby monitor and headed there. “Hi Osiris,” Lily said as she gave me a kiss. Lily was wearing a big t-shirt and Meadow was wearing something similar, showing they had shifted and ran here. “Alpha,” Meadow said as she bowed down. I gave her a nod, “Meadow. So what brings you both here?” Lily explained what the rogue woman Samira had told them. I didn’t really see why a few missing rogues would be of any concern to us, but I was curious about the mention of humans. “Do you trust this woman Meadow? Could she be telling the truth?” I asked. “Samira is one of the oldest rogues out there. When I first were banished things were rough, she saved me in a way. There are no rules out there, it’s everyone for themselves. And especially the feral wolves can be really crazy, plus as a woman it’s a lot mor
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Chapter 122
Lily’s pov After meeting with Osiris yesterday I spend the rest of the day taking care of Asher, going to the gallery and paint. I had invited April to join us train today, it would be nice to have a group of women here. I was used to having my sisters growing up and Aubree and Sasha, having people to lean on and advise me. I knew that April had been going through a hard time before starting at the gallery, she was still dealing with the loss of her mate and she could use some more friends. While we were training Emma and I told Brooke, April and Meadow about Charlotte’s new love. “They both described feeling sparks. I am really happy for them, but I can’t imagine living my life with anyone other than Osiris.” I told them Meadow shrugged, “my mate rejected me, so the pain of losing him was different than if he had died. It’s still really painful though, like a part of me is missing. If I could find someone to ease that pain I might. But I am not read
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Chapter 123
Osiris’ pov It’s been a week now since Samira came here. I had promised her two men who would be monitoring the rogues, while posing as one. She thought it wasn’t enough, but she did say she expected me to do nothing. So this was something at least. That woman must have seen so much living as a rogue for so long. Not having gone feral after all these years must mean she is really strong and stubborn. “She sounded stubborn alright.” Santos said. I was curious if Emma had discussed things further with Jara. Lily did tell me she had been babysitting Oliver twice now and I couldn’t help but think she was doing this as a kind of practice run. She and Jara would make great parents if they were both ready and willing. I had sent out Patrick and Onkar, both didn’t have young kids and Jara said they were both really strong men and fine trackers. They reported back daily, but nothing happened so far besides some small fights between rogues for food. No one kne
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Chapter 124
Lily’s povI was worried sick about April. Should I have asked her more about her date? She looked so happy and I knew she was being careful. Osiris told me his men found her car, it had been towed. There was not sign of struggle inside. Ivan had traced the truck, but had to stop when the tracks reached an asphalt road. The only lead now was the man April had been seeing.We couldn’t just go and call, we didn’t even know his name and weren’t family. We would have to wait until he left the hospital and take him with us for questioning. If he survived his injuries in the first place.Emma had explained the situation to Oliver as best as she could. Oliver was staying with her and Jara until we found April. He was struggling with everything, but it helped that he really liked Emma.I had to do something, I felt so useless. So I decided to go to the hospital and try to see him anyway. I knew the staff would probably respond bet
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Chapter 125
Osiris’ pov I was impressed that Lily had found a way to talk to this Cyrus guy. I wasn’t ruling him out, but why would he help us if he was part of their group. I had someone stationed near the hospital to follow Cyrus around for a bit, see if was telling the truth. Just to be sure. I took Riker with me and we went to the town to question the people behind the bar. Two tall muscular scary looking guys asking questions, if this was like Lily’s show they would tell us everything they knew. “What about I try my charms first and then we threaten them if it doesn’t work? I don’t want to cause a scene.” Riker said. He was excellent with words and pretty charming, so I let him try while I waited outside for his signal. I waited for a while, until Riker came out laughing. “It works every time.” He handed me a piece of paper with a name. “What did you tell the person behind the bar.” I asked curiously. Riker smirked, “well, I
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Chapter 126
Lily’s pov Oliver was really upset, we tried to keep up his spirts and distract him as best as we could.  As long as we didn’t feel the packlink break there was still hope she was alive somewhere. We just had to hurry and figure out what the hell was going on. If these humans hated werewolves, why was April taken and not killed? Osiris asked me to meet Samira instead of him, he was following another lead. I went to the border and she was already there, waiting for me impatiently. “So you finally believe me?!” She said as she rolled her eyes at me. I growled, “our pack did more to help you than most would. We are missing one of our members, one of my friends. I’d advice you not to cross me right now.” Samira put her hands up in defeat, “I apologize Luna. I am just so fed up with this whole thing. As if living as a rogue isn’t dangerous enough, now we have to deal with humans. “ “You are more than welcome to stay he
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Chapter 127
Osiris’ pov Honestly, I would have never said yes to helping the rogues before I met Lily. She changed me for the better and I was curious which of the rogues would want our help. Or would want to join us. It wouldn’t be easy, but if they were banished  for ridiculous reasons like Meadow, then it would be worth it. Right now I had other things on my mind though. Brooke had spotted Harvey and Karen in the bar where April had gone missing from. She had mind linked and I came right over. I wanted to be the one to catch them in the act. I could always just kill them, but I needed to find April first. I haven’t killed humans before, would it be different? It’s not really an honest fight and I normally wouldn’t even consider it. But taken so many of my kind made my skin crawl. They needed to be stopped. I drove behind their truck, keeping some distance as not to alert hem. Behind me was Brooke’s car. We might needed more people to stop them, but right now I ha
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Chapter 128
Lily’s pov “Luna?” “April?! You got out?!” “No,” April said and my heart sank. I lost my link to Osiris, so he must have been taken too. The rest of the wolves were on their way, but they didn’t want to attack right away. Osiris had told them how the hunters ambushed Brooke and seemed to come from everywhere. So they were searching the area for the best point of entry. “Are you okay? Osiris and Brooke have been taken, but more are on their way. Ready to attack. What can you tell me that might help them?” “I’m being kept in a facility, it’s pretty big and there are five wolves here. I think they killed the rest. I’m okay.” I was pretty sure she wasn’t doing okay, but putting on a brave face. “How are you able to mindlink me?” “There are doctors here and hunters. The hunters use the wolfsbane to make sure none can attack, but the wolfsbane is bad for the doctor’s experiment. So they lowered the dose. At least that’s what the othe
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Chapter 129
Osiris’ pov I was slowly regaining consciousness, getting aware of my surrounding at a slow pace. I could hear cries around me and whispers. My leg still hurt, I could feel every single silver pellet was still there, the wolfsbane was making it impossible to heal myself. On my other leg another thing was burning me and both my wrists hurt, not to mention my face, where I was kicked by that fucker Harvey. My eyes were starting to work and I saw I was in a cell with a bunch of other werewolves. Most were chained up with silver chains to the wall. Brooke was still unconscious next to me on the ground. I guess they were extra careful with me, I was not only chained at my leg, but my wrists were also handcuffed. Some of the people however weren’t chained up, they were sitting on the floor staring ahead like zombies. One of the rogues saw me staring, “the doctors were trying to find where our wolves resides. The fools, our wolves can’t be found in a piece
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Chapter 130
April’s pov I was shopping for paint supplies in the human town, when I ran into Cyrus. He reminded me of my mate, he looked like a biker with his leather jacket and long hair. I have no idea why I said yes to him when he asked me out. I wasn’t even thinking of dating someone, but it had felt so nice to be noticed by someone. It had been two years now and I missed being close to someone. I missed how it felt when someone looked at you and really saw you. I missed talking to someone before going to bed and watching tv together. I know it sounds silly, I have a full life. I have Oliver and my job, my friends. But it’s nice to have someone to come home to. I miss Richard every day, but the day I met Cyrus it hurt a little less. When Emma offered to watch Oliver I had no excuses left why I couldn’t meet Cyrus. It was just a coffee date. I could always go home. It wasn’t a big deal. “Yeah, keep telling yourself that.” Thea, my wolf said jokingly.
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