All Chapters of Alpha Osiris: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
292 Chapters
Chapter 111
Charlotte’s pov Eros had feelings for someone. Hearing that was painful, even though I had no right to feel this way. I had been on three dates with Chris now, so who was I to tell Eros anything about his life. Plus he just told me he wanted to be friends with me. Yesterday was the second, or third if you count getting coffee, date with Chris. He was nice, he said the right things, but yet I felt nothing. It’s not like I have that many options, but that shouldn’t mean I should settle for the first guy that is nice to me right?  “No it doesn’t.”  Erica chimed in. Besides, he might not like me anymore if he knew the truth about Gabriel. Or that I was lying and actually doing my dad’s job, not my mom’s. Ugh, it didn’t matter anyway. I had no feelings for Chris and yesterday proved that. We had dinner together and when he walked me home, he kissed me.  It was a nice kiss, but I felt nothing. It felt like
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Chapter 112
Eros’ pov I was finished with work earlier than I expected, so I decided to pick Mei and Tao up from shopping. Maybe I could take all of them for dinner, continue the fun they hopefully were having. When I looked for them I spotted Mei and Tao first near the dressing room, but when Charlotte stepped out my mouth dropped. What a bombshell. I couldn’t imagine anyone looking better than she did at that moment. It was a good thing the kids were around, because I might have said something inappropriate otherwise. Instead I decided to mindlink her and let her know how good she looked. I don’t know if the kids did it on purpose, but Charlotte and I were seated together during dinner. When I grabbed the salt I purposefully touched Charlotte, wanting to know if the sparks were still there. She didn’t move back and we stayed like that for the entire dinner, until she was mindlinked by Chris. I just hoped she was meeting him to tell him
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Chapter 113
Charlotte’s pov After they all left I drove my car close to Chris’ house. He lived close to the forest on the other side of the pack. The restaurant we ate at was closer to his house anyway and I felt bad for forgetting the time. This way he wouldn’t have to drive back after I told him how I felt. I wasn’t used to that area. I was eighteen when I left to live with Gabriel, so the only times that I had explored the woods was when I came back here. I liked going to the lake and being close to the packhouse. It felt familiar and safe. I parked my car near Chris’ house and rang the doorbell. Chris come running to the door, with a big smile on his face and gave me a hug. “I am so happy you asked me to meet up after all. When I came to your office I was worried something was wrong.” I smiled back, not saying anything. Not wanting to tell him the truth immediately. We walked together to the forest and I apologized. “I
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Chapter 114
Lily’s pov Eros called Osiris, telling us Charlotte had been hurt. Emma had wanted to go out there anyway, to see how Eddie and Charlotte were doing without dad. She left right away, Jara would come a few days later, she needed to finish some work here. “Charlotte can’t seem to catch a break,” I told Osiris. “At least she is safe. It could have been much worse if they didn’t find her in time. I really hope Eros gives that Chris guy a beating for leaving her alone this close to the border.” Osiris sounded really angry. He and Charlotte had gotten closer on our trip there. I knew she meant a lot to him. I was upset too, but I mostly worried instead of angry. I just needed Charlotte to be okay. We had lost too much. She had lost too much. “Did Eros say anything else?” I asked. “No, but he sounded really concerned. Maybe you were right about him liking her. She is still sleeping, but healing well according to the doctor.”
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Chapter 115
Charlotte’s pov I woke up hearing voices in my room. I tried to open my eyes slowly and I looked around the room. I was in the hospital. My body was feeling sore, but I knew I was healing. My head and throat still heart like hell though. “You’re awake.” A familiar voice said. I tried to turn my head, but it felt impossible as if something was constricting my movement.  I tried to speak, but it hurt too much. “It’s okay Charlotte. The doctor said you might not be able to speak until your throat is fully healed. I am here to help.” the voice said again and she bend over to reveal it was Emma. I almost cried seeing her. She came to help and see me. “Beta Eros is here too. So you can mindlink him and he can tell me what you’re saying. And before you ask, Amelia is fine. Eddie and Beta Eros’ kids are keeping her busy. I will pick them up as soon as you want.” I smiled at Emma, letting her know I appreciated her.
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Chapter 116
Eros’ pov When I came home the night Charlotte was hurt, I was so riled up, but I knew I had to take care of the kids first. I didn’t want to wake them up right away, I knew Eddie wouldn’t be able to sleep if he knew his big sister was hurt. I called Alpha Osiris to let him know what had happened. He could tell her sisters, who were all still dealing with their mom’s death. It would be better if they heard if from him. I tried to sleep myself, but it was hard. After tossing and turning for hours I finally fell asleep. I put Amelia’s baby monitor in my room, to make sure I would hear her before Eddie did. When Amelia woke up early in the morning I went to her bed and I woke up Eddie with her in my arms. “Now I don’t want to freak you out. But Charlotte was hurt last night and she is in the hospital to heal. She will be fine and we caught the guys that did it. I know you’re Amelia’s favorite, so maybe you could help me with her while I go visit your aun
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chapter 117
Charlotte’s povI’ve been home a few days now, Emma took over my job for the time being. I was healed enough to care for Amelia. I could talk, even though I sounded hoarse the first day back. I felt good, but Emma didn’t want to risk it.After two days behind a desk Emma was done. She absolutely hated the work. I had to hold in my laughter while she complained, “I can’t believe you have to sit behind a desk all day. All day staring at papers and the computer. Is this it?! Is this what being an Alpha is? It can’t be that boring.”It wasn’t exactually what being an Alpha was like, but since Emma and I weren’t allowed to do our dad’s work, the only things I did was the work that was done in the office. Being an Alpha was so much more, but the rest was done by Eros. And dad when he would come back. When I did leave my desk I usually did stuff Luna’s do. Like visit the school to read to the little kids, visit the hospital or talk to the older ladies of th
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Chapter 118
Eros’ pov I have been holding back, every time I see Charlotte I want to feel her. Her lips on mine, her hands on my skin. Everything feels so good. I can’t even imagine what having sex with her would feel like. “Well it’s been four years, so I imagine it won’t take long.” Angelo joked. “Thanks man, for the confidence boost.” I replied sarcastically. I wanted our first time to be special. I wanted to proof to Charlotte that she was important to me. Charlotte deserves all my attention, all my focus. And I want her to know she doesn’t have to live up to someone else. I just don’t know yet how to tell her. “Well, I know it’s not by pushing her away when she tried to do more than kiss,” Angelo’s smart mouth said. I will explain things to her, but I couldn’t be intimate with Charlotte in her office. People could walk in. It was my first time after four years too and I didn’t want to rush things. Like I told Charlotte, I am the roma
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Chapter 119
Charlotte’s pov Eros was the best lover I had ever had. Well, I only had Gabriel. The only thing he did was kiss me and I was already a puddle. I had no idea what I was missing, having sex is great, but there is so much more you can do together. I was brought back when I felt Eros place his mouth back on my core. This time he inserted a finger, which added another layer of pleasure. I arched my back as another wave of orgasm flood my senses. “You taste so good.” Eros voice came through the link. I wondered what Eros tasted like, although I was sure he wasn’t going to let me find out tonight. Tonight was about me. That is why he had held back before. Emma and Jara were right, I should just ask and not assume anything. Eros felt so good that I instinctively placed my hands through his hair and push his head closer. I had never felt so confident as I did with Eros right now. After four mind shattering orgasm I couldn’t take it an
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Chapter 120
Lily’s pov “So tell me all about Charlotte and her Beta!” I shouted as soon as Jara and Emma were back. They both started to laugh and Emma hugged me. “Where is my favorite nephew?” “He is your only nephew,” I replied with a wink. “He’s having breakfast with Osiris. So tell me!” “I didn’t know you liked to gossip so much.” Emma joked. “But Beta Eros and Charlotte are now officially together. They professes their love and they had some loud day time sex. It was a good thing all the kids were at school. O my Goddess, the sounds they were making. I take anything to forget those.” Emma said as she put her hands over her ears. Jara and I both laughed. “That bad huh?” Emma nodded, “yeah, I am happy we don’t share a house together. I wouldn’t be able to look at you if I heard you having sex with the Alpha.” I continued to laugh, the tears were now streaming from my eyes. “He is your brother in law and it’s not like you don’t
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