All Chapters of Alpha Osiris: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
292 Chapters
Chapter 131
April's pov “Hi Cyrus, Lu- Lily.” I said, suddenly feeling really self-conscious about my appearance. By chance I had taken a shower and brushed my teeth, but I was dressed in shorts and a tank top. I wasn’t even wearing a bra or any make-up. My hair was flat on my head, while I usually styled my pixie cut with wax and other hair products. “O so that’s where the rest of your tattoos are.” Cyrus said looking at my legs and my chest. I had flowers on my upper legs and Oliver’s name written above my collarbone next to some butterflies. He looked over at my leg and I didn’t see pity or disgust in his eyes. “Your friend told me that these fuckers took you with them, but were caught by the police.  They had to amputate your leg due to the accident?” I nodded and looked at Luna Lily. “I told him they took you with them to sell you. That your leg turned gangrene, because they refused to get you to a hospital. But were caught by the police. I watc
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Chapter 132
Cyrus’ pov I have been going to April’s house once or twice a week for three weeks now, but April has still not stepped a foot outside her fucking house. I can see she is doing a bit better, she is wearing more make-up, is smiling more and sadly she is wearing a bra again. I kind of loved seeing her without, every time we kissed I saw her nipples through her shirt. We’ve been taking things slow, I have experience with going too fast. So I don’t mind it one fucking bit. If all I could do is kiss April for the rest of my life, I would be fucking fine. I feel she is holding back though, she isn’t sharing much and I can feel something is bothering her. I gave Snake and Bear some food and water before driving over to April’s town. I had to wait by the gate before I was let in, usually accompanied by either Lily or her sister Emma. I thought it was fucking strange, but anything to see April. This whole town was strange, so damn clean and no homeless people
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Chapter 133
April’s pov Crap. I am pretty sure Cyrus just saw me heal myself and after almost revealing the truth to him. I knew I was being selfish not telling him who I was. He deserved so much more. But seeing him made my day easier, it made me forget what happened. He was like medicine to me and when he was gone I was reminded who I was now. I did my best to hide my pain from Oliver. It wasn’t physical pain, my missing leg didn’t hurt. It was the loss of my previous life. I was pretty sure I could shift, but I hadn’t dared to try. I was scared to leave my house, scared to see how people would react to me. Honestly if I stepped outside and let the world see me, I had to admit to myself that this was the truth.  I needed to tell him. I wasn’t sure if him meeting Oliver would be smart before I got a chance to tell Cyrus. What if he didn’t want me afterwards? Then I would have hurt Oliver too. I had told Oliver I made a friend, but I hadn’t told him
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Chapter 134
Cyrus' pov Fuck. I shouldn’t have said I loved her, but she looked so god damn perfect on the bed. She felt so good and truth be told, I knew I loved her way before today. I was taking things slow, but that didn’t mean my feelings were going slow. But saying the words had fucking ruined my chances of tasting her right now.  After she was kidnapped I missed her. I fucking missed her, it was crazy, we had only been on two dates. When Lily called me to invite me to see April, I thought, this is my chance. I will see April and I am not letting her go again. Two weeks ago I told my friends about her and they knew. “You’re in love aren’t you?” Yvonne said. And I couldn’t deny it. I was. I am, in love with April.  I knew fucking something was up. This whole town, her wounds healing and I even remembered those fuckers saying, “leave him. He’s not one of them.” Before taking April away.  “I am a werewolf.” She
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Chapter 135
Cyrus’ pov I had to go back, because I had a late shift. Lily drove me back and I was freaking out. What the fuck. How do I even behave? Should I treat her like she’s the fucking queen? I went home and took Bear and Snake outside for a bit, before going to the shelter. Was I in shock? Why was I so calm before? April fucking told me she was a werewolf and I asked her to be my girlfriend? Was I fucking insane too?! I sure sounded like it, talking to myself. Maybe I should have a fucking wolf to talk to. I got to my job and my colleague knew something was up. “Are you okay Cyrus?” Robin asked. “You’ve been staring at Wolf for ten minutes now.” Wolf was a Siberian Husky, that looked like a wolf. You can guess who named him when he first got in. I honestly wanted to adopt him, but he had a hard time staying home alone like most Husky's do. Would April look like this? I shook my head, trying to snap myself out of my fucking head. “It’s April. She ju
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Chapter 136
April’s pov Something was different about Cyrus when he came here. He looked so nervous and the whole week he had been texting me in a different way than normal. I was really scared I had just lost him, because I told him the truth. “Yeah, but he deserved to know.” Thea said. She was right, he did deserve to know. He deserved a lot more than he was getting now. I had been so scared to go outside, but if he could handle the truth. Then I could handle going outside. I had Oliver with me, another way I was trying to show Cyrus I trusted him. I felt guilty for lying to him for so long and Oliver really wanted to meet Cyrus and his dogs. Snake and Bear were really cute and energetic. I watched Snake walk as if nothing had happened to his leg. “I could do that. I’m sure.” Thea said. Right now I wasn’t sure if I wanted to shift. I just wanted Cyrus to see someone shift, so he knew I was telling the truth. Maybe seeing it would make t
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Chapter 137
April’s pov I ran back and saw Emma run passed me with Oliver and Cyrus’ dogs. It was strange, but I felt really free. At least I could run as a werewolf, it made me feel more like I used to be. I ran towards the lake and jumped in. Cyrus was right, it felt really nice in the water. Like being weightless. After swimming for a while I went back. I saw Oliver, Emma and Cyrus laughing while Snake had fallen asleep on Emma’s lap and Bear was on Oliver’s. “So I have this dog Wolf, that I think would be perfect for your dad. You said it’s colder where you came from? At least part of the year? He’s a great companion and will get your dad out off the house for sure, they need a lot of walks and movement.” Cyrus said to Emma. I noticed Cyrus didn’t say one curse word in the presence of Oliver, which I really appreciated. Emma nodded, “I will talk it over with the rest of my sisters. But it might be nice for him to have some company. He got hom
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Chapter 138
Cyrus’ pov It was still a lot to get used to, especially when I was at home I was thinking how fucking crazy my life had gotten. Every time I saw or talked to April I was reminded why I did this. I didn’t care one bit what she was, just that she was mine. Fuck she was so cool and beautiful and Oliver was like the cutest little dude. Well little, all these damn werewolves are fucking tall. So he’ll outgrow me in a few years probably. I never really had an issue with my height, I am not that tall, but I’m no Tom Cruise. But damn these wolves are making me feel so short. Fuck and they’re all so fucking pretty, even the guys. I count my lucky stars April likes me every day. I really hope it turns into love for her, but I will wait. She’s going through so much and she lost her mate. She isn’t stringing me on, she just isn’t ready yet. We still haven’t had sex either, but not due to lack of trying. We both just felt awkward doing anything with Oliver in the house a
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Chapter 139
April’s pov Cyrus and I would be leaving tomorrow to get fitted for my prosthetic,  but Cyrus told me his brother and niece live nearby the city the hospital is at. He has visited his once or twice brother in ten years, but they talk and FaceTime. It’s not that far away, but I guess they both had a busy life. He asked if we could go one day sooner and I couldn’t say no. He is doing so much for me and the least I can do is go to meet his brother. Luna Lily and Alpha Osiris don’t feel comfortable with me going by myself. It’s not that they don’t trust Cyrus, they clearly do or they wouldn’t let him in. But after what happened they think it’s not save for one werewolf to go out alone. To my surprise Luna Lily and Alpha Osiris have said they’d join us, together with two soldiers. They are actually looking forward to some time with each other, Lily has been working hard on herself. She found it really hard in the past to let Asher be with anyone other than he
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Chapter 140
Cyrus’ pov Fuck fuck fuck. My parents could be so fucking mean. I could handle it by myself, but I really didn’t want them to say anything to April. Growing up they were so strict. Every grade had to be an A and I had to look and act perfect. They made everything into a fucking competition and me being the youngest, I usually lost. There were no emotions allowed growing up, you couldn’t get mad or sad. We had to be fucking perfect robots. Seeing how April was raising Oliver reminded me of how differently I was raised. There was no love, only expectations and image. Fuck, why were they here? I walked in, April besides me. Joshua smiled at my parents. “This is April, Cyrus’ girlfriend. My parents walked over to me and my dad shook my hand. “So I guess you switches hairstyles.” He said as he looked at my long hair and April’s pixie cut. My mom stood next to him and nudged him, “don’t be rude. Can’t you tell she’s hurt. Who know if she had cancer
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