All Chapters of Rejected to be His Luna: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
291 Chapters
141. Warm breeze in the sea
[Zeve’s POV] Hikari’s voice completely cut off the whispers I was hearing. Maybe I was seeing things because of asphyxiation. A white dragon that felt like a warm breeze snaked around my whole body as I hovered in the sea’s depth. Hikari? I reached out my hand to him. Hikari held my wrist that floated away from my body and yanked me. My body floated to him as he blanketed his arms around my waist and pulled me to his chest. His hands slid on my back and under my knees. His warmth blanketed my cold body. He was warm, serene, like a warm blanket near a bonfire on a snowy night. Something so surreal, as if the life I had given up on was returning to me. My heavy eyelids slowly shut as Hikari’s face blurred. It felt — safe. My eyes opened to a quiet sound of water dripping on a calm water surface, like nature played a lullaby. The water was the harp, and the winds were the fingers that tenderly plucked its strings. Hikari’s kimono coat was wrapped around my body while he c
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142. A curse called love
[Amor’s POV] I wiped off the sweats over my lips and nose. “No. She can’t… she’s ok. She has to be…” I mumbled. Maybe she evacuated with the others. Maybe I am overthinking. Yeah. She must have reached the shore by now. Yes. But why can’t I feel her scent? Even if she was on the shore, I should get her scent… I could barely breathe when all my senses were looking for her. Her scent. Her voice. Her breaths. Her heartbeats. Anything… anything that could help me find her. That could assure me she was safe. “Zeve!” I cried out. I kept calling out to her frantically, searching for her everywhere on the ship. I even looked among the dead, but soon shook off those grim thoughts. “ZEVE!” I roared. I tried to mind-link her. It failed. My frenzied steps halted as a thought hit. “Who created the firestorm?” It was then I met Arki and the other knights. They informed me about Zeve’s orders. I almost killed them for not following my orders, but I didn’t have time to waste on t
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143. I can't be your luna
[Amor’s POV] Lucella checked on Zeve. She said that Zeve wasn’t in a condition to travel and we should stop by the seaside palace near the harbor. Everyone was tired and needed rest. I myself was not in a condition to carry out a journey to the capital smoothly. With Zeve still unconscious, I wasn’t feeling good about nothing at all. I knew she created the firestorm and maybe the magic took a toll on her body like any other power. On that she drowned and I don’t know what manipulating voice Hikari was talking about, but it surely contributed to Zeve’s current state. Our ship reached the shore. I ordered a royal cremation of the dead through mind-link. The royal family was already in the palace, resting. All the excitement had turned into a grim atmosphere. Everyone was recovering from the attack. We were still on the ship. I reluctantly looked around the ship matters and the report on the death of the knights, the injured, and the survivors. Once Lucella had checked on Zev
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144. You are my happiness
[Amor’s POV] Her words fell on me like a downpour in a flood-sick city. I was planning to tell her about what happened between me and Hikari. About the curse. But I didn’t know what to say anymore. I licked my lips — no — biting them until the corner of my lips started bleeding. “Amor… blood…” she reached out to touch my lips, but I stepped back, still biting on my lips. Should I fall on my knees and beg her to never leave me? To keep on loving me even when I wouldn’t return her love, even when I wanted to. But even if I was dying, I would never beg to be respected, loved, or needed. Everything was going back to how it was before Zeve came into my life. So be it! The reason her words were like shards of shattering glass was because I had expected too much from her, more than she could give me. It wasn’t her fault, but mine to expect anything at all. Expectations? I am Amor Blaze. I don’t expect; I get what I want. But often we expect the most from the person we expect nothi
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145. Deliver the food, alpha
[Amor’s POV] I took Zeve to an eatery I frequented whenever I was there. But… for very obvious reasons, Hikari was there, too. The problem wasn’t us being present in the same eatery as Hikari to eat; the problem was Zeve’s curiosity about the cuisine and chopsticks Hikari was using. There were two things Hikari absolutely hated — first, sharing food, and second, someone disturbing him during his meals. From the daunting expression he wore, when Zeve stared at him, it was sending chills down my spine. How do I control this girl when her curiosity kicks in? She becomes like a child hungry to learn about new things she was seeing, not caring about the consequences at all. Fortunately or unfortunately, Hikari was on the adjacent table as ours. I was sitting in front of Zeve and beside Hikari, with the aisle dividing our tables. Hikari picked the sushi with his chopsticks then kept it back on the plate, sighing as he leaned back in his chair, glaring into nothingness. “Zeve…” I w
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146. Magical butterflies
[Amor’s POV] Sensing my presence, Hikari got up. He was completely wasted. With an unstable footing, he walked past me. “Stay,” I said. He halted. His back faced me. I turned and walked closer to him, encountering a powerful stench of wine. I presented him with the food. “Luna sent this asking you to finish it. She said she doesn’t like people who waste food. She also apologised for staring at you. It was for no other reason than her curiosity about your culture and chopsticks. But if it made you uncomfortable, then she said she was sorry.” I said in a monotonous tone, constantly repeating just one sentence in my head — what the hell am I even doing! I peered at Hikari, waiting for a response. He stared at the food in my hand blankly. “Look, I know you don’t like my presence around you, but Zeve becomes scary when food is wasted. You witnessed it yourself at the family dinner. That is why I had to come.” Hikari still stood there silently. I knew it would be futile. He was th
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147. Better than love(16+)
[Zeve’s POV] When I thought I wanted to spy on the vampires, blue butterflies made of light appeared all around me. Somehow, I was conscious within all of them. They were like parts of my consciousness. I could see, feel, and hear what they were experiencing. But there were so many and all at the same time, it caused a complete chaos in my head. A sharp pain ran through my head. I could see the beach clearly, as if I was the one flying over them and not those butterflies. I could see everyone in every room of the palace as if I was gliding through the palace and not those butterflies. But the vision of one butterfly fluttering in my room froze my body. Amor was sitting in the room, hiding his presence. Did he hear everything I talked to myself? I thought he was with Hikari… No. Hikari was in his room, fast asleep on his bed. I could see him from the vision of those spy butterflies. Spy butterflies — that was what I named them. I snapped my finger, visualising those but
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148. Arginieth, the paradise
[Zeve’s POV] The attack had put the entire pack in chaos. The news spread like a wildfire and hundreds of opinions started circulating in the pack. The major highlights of the attack were the enemy who could fly, hybrids coming in limelight after hiding in darkness for years, and the firestorm appearing in the middle of the sea out of nowhere that defeated the enemy. That wasn’t the first attack on Amor, so no one was shocked, but suspicions started revolving around me because no attacks on Amor had ever been that mysterious and unnatural. People became opinionated about me. The curiosity about my origin and my background started overtaking the articles in the werewolf daily newspapers. No section of the pack was left untouched by the arrival of a mysterious luna. My fears were all turning into reality. Even Amor couldn’t put a leash on such rumours that hit the headlines. We needed a bigger news to cover it all up. So, Amor publicly announced my fight with Hikari. It was to b
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149. Hikari's warning
[Zeve’s POV] I clenched the hilt in my fist, waiting for him to speak up. He hadn’t disclosed the truth about my magical powers to anyone, and I didn’t know why. We weren’t close enough for him to keep my secrets. I smiled faintly. “I didn’t get a chance to thank you for saving me back then. So please accept my gratitude.” “I express my gratitude for your concern in the eatery. I received your message with the food.” He said formally. “I don’t know how to weave webs of words, so let me come straight to the point. I wanted to ask why you were restraining your powers during the attack?” I tensed my brows. Powers? Was he talking about my magic? “What do you mean?” “Why were you trying to hold back?” He asked. “I am sorry. I cannot comprehend the context of your questions.” “During the attack on the ship, you were hiding your powers. More than the enemy, you were scared to be caught by someone from the Aurora pack. It was as if you knew you could take care of all those hybrids
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150. The duel day
[Amor’s POV] I taught her meditation. I didn’t know how effective it would be to realise her powers and accept them. But her panicking would definitely make everything even worse. To stop her panic attacks and calm her mind and body, meditation was the only solution I had. But maybe it was more effective than I thought it to be. Since I taught her meditation, most of the time of a day she would spend being lost within her consciousness. She didn’t even eat, drink, and sleep properly. It took us one more day to reach Aura palace. With only seven days left for the duel, my concerns were brimming. I didn’t know how I could help her. She asked me to leave her alone for those seven days. Not to disturb her for anything. Not even food. As a luna, she should have greeted the palace and its people on arrival, but she didn’t and it was ok. I knew she had many more things to worry about. I asked mother and aunt Lozbi to handle all that stuff for the time being. I tried talking to Hik
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