All Chapters of Rejected to be His Luna: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
291 Chapters
151. The royal duel-1
[Amor’s POV] Zeve and Hikari took ten steps away from one another, turned and then stood facing each other. The referee signalled. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. The fireworks shot into the sky one after the other. Boom! The fireworks exploded in the heights of the sky. The balls of colourful light sprayed the dark canvas of the sky with sparkling lights over the stadium. The ones following it lit the stadium with red, green, blue, yellow lights. But none of the fireworks were grand enough to make Zeve flinch as she stood glaring right into Hikari’s eyes. The last firework exploded. Before its bang could seize, their swords clicked out of their scabbards. The stadium was soon buzzing with the clanging of their swords. The two very important blades of my life were finally clashing against one another. The sound of steel slowly sliding on one another screeched in the stadium when they parried each other and stood feet apart, panting. Taking Hikari’s one slash was no joke
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152. The royal duel-2 (Finale)
[Amor’s POV] The audience was calming down from the elation their fight had put them on the edge of their seats. Hikari treaded away from her and stood facing the crater. His long hair fluttering now and then, revealing his glowing dark blue eyes. He had swords in both his hands. His demeanour wasn’t of a person who had won, but… “Don’t look down upon me…” a faint sound echoed in the stadium. Hikari immediately took his fighting stance. “... LOOK AT ME!” Zeve’s howl alarmed the whole stadium. I got goosebumps all over my body, feeling the immense pressure that overpowered Hikari’s bloodlust. My vision shifted from the crater to all over the ground, but she was nowhere. I looked at the sky. She shot at Hikari, crashing into him. Hikari had blocked her claws, crossing the swords in front of him. Zeve clenched Hikari’s hair and flipped him upside down with her. Hikari balanced his body in midair and landed on the ground. She kicked the back of his knees, making him kneel.
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153. Please don't look away
[Amor’s POV] After a break of one day, the stadium was set once again for Zeve’s awarding and introduction ceremony. But that was not it. It would be the first time the new luna of the Aurora pack would address her people. That would kick start the festivity and celebration in Arginieth for a week to welcome their luna. Mother helped Zeve prepare the speech. Her wounds hadn’t healed completely, but she was better after a day’s rest. As for Hikari, he had recovered already. He suffered no major damage to his body. “So, are you ready to answer my questions?” I asked Zeve. She sat on the bed; her back leaning against the headboard. She nodded. “What was that? Explain to me everything in detail…” She held my hand, leaning close to me. I was sitting on the chair beside her bed. “Before you get angry or doubt me, I want to tell you I didn’t intend to hide this from you.” “Hide what? Your wolf’s strength? Or the weird sword skill that defeated Hikari? Or how you just knew about Hik
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154. When she looks at you
[Amor’s POV] The stadium was alive once again. Zeve and I faced each other standing on the stage. The whole stadium was decorated with torches and lights to celebrate the historic victory of their luna. Our eyes met with fake smiles plastered on our faces. She bowed in front of me. I pinned the badge of victory on the sash she wore across her chest. She was wearing a golden gown with a white luna’s cloak embroidered with vines and thorn patterns. Her cloak rested on her shoulders and flowed all the way behind her, brushing the floor as she walked. Her hair was adorned with golden chains and a golden leaf crown. She proudly wore those bandages that symbolised her bravery and strength. Even with the tension between us, I couldn’t stop myself from smiling at how elegant and beautiful she looked. The stadium cheered for her at their full mirth. She smiled, bowing at the audience. Hikari gave the next award. I stepped back, and he stepped forward. That was the first time he was
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155. Who drugged Zeve?
[Amor’s POV] Lucella checked Zeve while I sat in a corner trying to comprehend what was going on. I prohibited the exit from the palace and doubled the security. I don’t know what the hell happened while I was gone, but my priority was Zeve. Lucella finished administering medicines. “What happened?” I asked impatiently. “She wasn’t poisoned. She was given an artificial aphrodisiac that quickly induced symptoms like heat in a female werewolf. It shows mild effects in males, so is used as a medicine. I have given her medicines to nullify most of its effects, but she will still show heat symptoms for a few days,” Lucella said. “Does it affect her health in any way?” “No, it shouldn’t, because I think she threw up most of it already. It’s present in her body in traces. Yeah, but her next heat might be delayed because of this. Other than that, there should be no problem.” Lucella looked at the door. “Hikari?” she mumbled, and I swiftly turned back. “Lucella, can I request you to e
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156. Fixing friendship
[Amor’s POV] My rage soon turned into disgust. The things I feel when I hear Hazel’s name didn’t fit in the mould of a man created by the society, so I tried to throw them away because I had no place to put them, but… Those hands still clawed in the shadows of my mind. That unfathomable revulsion, helplessness and rage still hooked themselves to my body. I always thought they were something external I could get rid of, but I was wrong. It was a part of me — a part of me I hated. The part of me that made me hate women. It wasn’t the conscious state of knowledge that she could have raped that haunted me; it was the unconscious awareness that made me relive that vulgar day of my life more than I wished to. If it wasn’t for my shadows, I don’t know what would have happened that day. It happened after I became the alpha of the pack. Hazel mixed something into my drink and I lost my consciousness. I don’t explicitly remember what happened while I was unconscious, but I knew my shadows
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157. Undress me(16+)
[Amor’s POV] To punish Hazel, I had to wait for Zeve to regain her consciousness. I took Zeve back to our bedchamber and made her lie on the bed. I was about to leave her when she held my hand. I looked at her. “Amor…” she mumbled in her sleep. Her face was red. She winced, her chest heaving faster as if she was having a nightmare. I contemplated her expressions. “Please don’t go… I won’t ask you to love me… don’t look away… I love you, Amor…” Blinking the blurriness off my eyes, I licked my lips. Taking a deep breath, I slid off her fingers wrapped around my fingers. I sat on the bed beside her. I leaned in to kiss her. I stopped before our lips could touch. I kissed her forehead. I got down from the bed. “You are burning. Let’s take you to the bath, ok? You will feel better.” I stripped and draped myself in my black silk bathrobe. It was ok until then; I was ok until then. I was a little feverish, but not a lust dazed werewolf in rut. But everything went downhill the mo
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158. Game's over(18+)
[Amor’s POV] “With all my consciousness, very respectfully, I want those clothes off your body, amoris. You are wearing them, yet I feel the discomfort in my body…” I trailed my hand up her thighs. She bit her lower lip. Her gaze dropped between her legs and then at my hand, which was slowly making its way to exactly where she wanted them. Propping myself on my elbow next to her ear, I leaned over her face. “Anger and hatred, huh? I will show you what exactly I have for you—” Gliding my hand up the curves of her body, I grabbed her neck, lifting her chin. I kissed her. Intensely. Fervently. Deeply. Wildly. She knit her brows. Her one hand ran through my hair, gripping and loosening. I intertwined my fingers with her free hand and pinned it beside her ear. She gasped for air when I slid down her neck, her chest heaving faster and faster. Damn! No one deserved to be kissed in this world except her. No one kissed like her. It was a crime, a sin, a deal with the devil. It was th
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159. You are mine(18+)
[Amor’s POV] I reach to the drawer of the nightstand near my bed and pull out a jar of pills. I peeped from under the blindfold. I got the right jar. “Eat this,” I commanded her. “What’s this?” “Contraceptives.” She was silent. “Zeve?” No reply again. I took off my blindfold. She glared at the jar and then looked into my eyes. Don’t tell me she wants to get pregnant. That thought was racy and erogenous in its own way, but I was not ready to be a father. The time… the time was just not right. “You don’t want to eat it?” I asked. She looked at me, “do you want me to eat it?” “I do.” I nodded. “And these are completely organic, with no side effects. Lucella gave them to me as our marriage gift. Umm… they don’t harm your body in any way. Rather, they are good for your sexual health.” “You know that’s not what I mean…” She stared at me, and I sighed. “Fine, I… I… I don’t think I am ready to be a father yet.” She lowered her eyes thoughtfully. “And I want to give us… and o
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160. The banquet night-1
[Zeve’s POV] (The banquet night after Amor left with Morfan.) “So luna, what kind of dresses do you like?” A duchess asked. Royally dressed in her furry gown. She was from the North, so her dress was winter inspired. “I like furry capes. They hold an aesthetic royalty like no other dresses. Just like your dress. It fits in all perfect places and the colour is settled, not too vibrant. I really like how elegantly you are dressed up,” I sugarcoated every word I said. Yeah, her gown was fine, but did we really need those furs in such hot weather? One should know how to adjust their dresses according to the climate of the place they were visiting. “Oh my, you flatter me. But honestly, no one at this party is shining as bright as you, luna. Our alpha has really found a rare jewel,” she said. I chuckled, “I am humbled to receive such kind words from you, duchess Nier.” “Greetings to her highness, the luna,” the duchess from the south, duchess Lenkov, said, kissing my fingers. “Gre
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