All Chapters of Rejected to be His Luna: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
291 Chapters
171. Exploring us(16+)
[Zeve’s POV] “It’s ok if they like you and are loyal to you, but it’s not good if you get closer to them because they are there to protect you. I don’t want an incident like Arki to repeat itself. I oversaw once, but I will not keep overlooking your flaws.” He said. I dropped my head. “I am sorry. I just…” “It’s their duty to protect you and their choice to die for you. You don’t have to blame yourself if they die saving you. You should take their sacrifices bravely to your heart and protect that feeling of vengeance within. I know you have a soft heart. But you are my luna now… a soft heart will only hurt you more.” “I will keep that in mind. I apologise again.” I made him angry again. I thought if we get along well, we might get closer and work better. I was scratching my nails again. “Where did you get this bad habit?” Amor held my hand. “Stop destroying your beautiful nails!” Beautiful nails? Are my nails beautiful? I nodded, trying hard not to blush. “Take my words as a
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[Zeve’s POV]“Don’t be nervous, Zeve. It will all be ok. Stay calm and collected. Rest will happen like I told you. Finally, my daughter will wear the crown. I am so proud and happy for you,” mother patted my head.“Thank you, mother. You have helped me so much in my journey to become an ideal luna. I feel so anxious. Everyone will be there. Royal family, dukes, duchesses, pack public and all the rank holders. I pray everything works out smoothly.”“It will… remember, even if something adverse happens, which most likely happens during such huge ceremonies, stay calm and composed. If you panic, it’s ok, but don’t let that hamper your rationality, wisdom and thinking. Ok?” Mother said, and I nodded with determination.M
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[Amor’s POV]“It’s time to call her highness, alpha,” the priest said.I looked around the hall of the abbey, sitting on my throne in the centre of the coronation stage. The abbey had a grand hall that could accommodate over five hundred people. There was a coronation stage and oath podium in the centre of the hall.I had been busy making sure the security of the abbey was tight, but I had my doubts because it was a part of a ritual for selected people from the pack’s public to witness the coronation ceremony, too. Although everyone entered only after strict identification, I was still worried something might happen.The vicinity near the stage and podium was inaccessible for everyone except the royal family and the abbey’s priest only. After a very long time, I was wearing my imperial alpha crown intricately designed with gold, ruby and various gemstones.The entire hall was sparkling, with lights twinkling like stars. There were people outside the abbey waiting to cheer for their lu
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[Amor’s POV]The humongous flames erupted into the hall, demolishing the walls. The hall that was filled with cheers, praises and claps moments ago was filled with screeches, cries and panicked crowd.The black dense smoke quickly engulfed the hall. I couldn’t see what was happening. “Mother!” I cried out.“Alpha, we need to take you to a safer place! There can be more blasts…” The golden knights surrounded Zeve and me.“Mother! Morfan! Yule! Jade! Aunt Lozbi!” My heart kept sinking, clenching with every cry haunting the hall.“Alpha, we need to evacuate…” the golden knights said.“Take luna to safety!” I said, trying to part with Zeve, but she was clenching my tunic with her trembling fingers. She wasn’t leaving me. “It’s ok, I am here, relax, Zeve.”I squinted my eyes, using Rian’s vision. Morfan stood frozen in front of mother, looking in the air. Mother, too, had her eyes fixed on the air. Jade and Yule were crying, hugging aunt Lozbi, who looked in the air above her, dumbfounded.
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[Amor’s POV]I rushed Zeve to the hospital.Zeve was just standing there, hugging me. She was right in my arms when her condition worsened and I couldn’t do a thing to help her. I didn’t even understand how her body was damaged, as if the blast had affected it.“Alpha. Prince Hikari requested an audience with you,” a knight said.“Send him here,” I said.Hikari came after a few minutes. He was covered in blood and ashes. I sprung to my feet. “Hiri! This… how did this happen?”Hikari was breathing slowly. “Alpha. There were twenty-eight blasts planned throughout Arginieth. Three of them were cases of suicide bombing. We could prevent the twenty-five blasts, but failed to prevent the three. Aural hospital’s military branch came under the impact. I tried my best, but…” tears trailed down Hikari’s face, leaving behind their trace between the ashes and blood on Hikari’s face. “I am sorry…”His unwavering composure was a mess that day. He was clutching his stomach with his hands. “What are
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[Amor’s POV]“Total fifty-three people lost their lives and over two hundred were injured. As per your orders, doctors from north and east have come and are constantly working to cure the injured. The bombs that prince Hikari and the emergency squad found are sent to the military base. The reports on them will arrive by tomorrow. The abbey, the mall, and the Aural hospital have suffered severe property damage…” Morfan said.“Quickly renovate the hospital and leave the abbey and mall for now. Concentrate on people who have suffered during the attack. Announce compensation for all the families who lost someone in this attack. Keep the security on high alert. Leave no corner of Arginieth unguarded,” I said, sitting on my throne, facing the court. On one side were the dukes or the members of the alpha cabinet and facing them were the heads of the werewolf public council. Morfan bowed. “About the ones who were behind this attack, we are still finding them. Some victims have claimed to ha
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[Amor’s POV]“Zahir!” Hikari and Zahir looked at me, nonplussed. Zahir was dressed in the same black robe that I saw earlier. My eyes travelled from Hikari to Zahir.I clenched my fists. My whole time with Zahir, Venus, and Polaris flashed in front of my eyes.“What is going on here?” I asked, blankly staring at both of them.Hikari dropped his gaze. Zahir kept peering into my eyes, then turned around. Before he could run away again, I seized his hand. “Let’s talk, Zahir.”“Alpha…”“I can take you into custody right now, lock you up and torture you until you vomit the truth. You are standing on my land, in my pack. Don’t test my patience anymore. If… you ever considered Zeve as your friend — even for a second — let’s talk.” I said, looking right into his eyes.Zahir looked to the other side, taking a deep breath.“Friend? Overlord is luna’s friend? You know each other from before?” Hikari asked. But why was he addressing Zahir as an overlord?I looked at Hikari’s abdomen. He tried t
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[Amor’s POV]The doctor came out of Hikari’s room right before we entered. “Doctor, how is brother?” Altan asked.The doctor had a concerned look on his face. “Prince Hikari is being careless with his wounds. His wounds opened. I sutured it again, but it would be better if Prince Hikari rested completely for two to three days without getting up. Such wounds shouldn’t be taken lightly, even if one’s healing power is strong. It puts a lot of strain on the body.” He bowed and left.I remained rooted in my place. Asking Hikari for help when he himself was in the worst condition. At that point, I wondered if I ever had a conscience.What the hell am I doing? I lowered my head, feeling my le
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[Amor’s POV]Walking up the stairs, Hikari got out of the pool. I turned around. Hikari’s eyes were shut. His body was hidden behind the veil of the fog. The steam rose from the pool, suffusing in every corner of the room. I wrinkled my eyebrows, peering at Hikari.Using Rian’s vision, I looked at Hikari’s abdomen, which had healed as if he never received a severe wound.“You created the fog?” I asked.Hikari nodded once. “I will keep my eyes shut. I swear upon my clan, I will not be disrespectful to her highness in any way. I will not break your trust, Mor.” I smiled, kissing Zeve’s hair. Hikari’s words and actions were reassuring to a certain extent. Yet, I held Zeve with
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[Amor’s POV]Hikari swam to the stairs when I said, “Hikari, wait!”I was ready to be pushed away by Zeve, but not willing to let go of her. He stopped and looked at me, and so did Zeve. “Let’s talk things through. You are misunderstanding, Zeve. It’s not what it looks like…” I told Zeve everything that happened after she passed out. I knew she would understand.Hikari had left the pool and dressed up, facing his back to us, but didn’t leave.“He saved your life, Zeve. Please don’t disrespect his goodwill and generosity. It wasn’t easy for him either. He was hurt badly during the blast. The doctor asked him to rest for two days, yet he dragged his torn body to
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