All Chapters of Rejected to be His Luna: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
291 Chapters
[Zeve’s POV] My mind was blank for a few seconds, wondering what I just heard and if what I heard was real or not. My body felt his every word sensitively and thoroughly. ‘Say you love him too, stupid!’ Ria howled in my mind. ‘Hug him! Kiss him! Tell him what he means to you! Just don’t blink like a fool. Do something!’ ‘What?’ I thought to Ria. ‘Anything, idiot!’ She yelled, getting impatient to take over me, but she didn’t want to ruin our moment, so she held back. I wanted to do something as well but had no idea, so my magic made it snow. Snow leisurely fluttered all around us. Snow was something that I found most romantic after marrying Amor on the snowy mountain, after confessing my love to him on a snowy night, after kissing him for the first time when it snowed. My first night after marriage, his first touch on my body — it was all in the snow. Maybe, my mind forgot, but my body remembered that most of the first times in my life were with Amor in the snow. I hope you unde
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[Zeve’s POV]When I opened my eyes, I was hovering somewhere that looked like a massive, endless ocean of stars and night. I didn’t feel the need to breathe. Even though it was pitch black with a twinkling of a galaxy of stars, I could see everything clearly.I was dressed in a dress made of white and canary light that originated with dense light around my chest and flowed to my ankle; the light became thinner. The hem of the dress was constantly dissolving into millions of scintillas.I looked around for Amor, but I was the only soul in the place that looked like space. I opened my mouth, but I couldn’t speak. I looked around frantically.I remember I was in the Healer Stagnum with Amor, then there was a burst of light, and then…‘Fear not.’ My heart forgot to beat when the harmoniously warm and gentle voice suffused in my ears. I looked around, but there was no one. ‘This is your origin.’My origin? Does she mean the origin of my magic? Two lights shot towards one another like shoot
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[Zeve’s POV]“Zeve!” Amor rushed into my wardrobe room, hearing my scream. “What’s wrong?”I swiftly grabbed his biceps, “Amor… what happened to me? M-my hair and my eyes…”His tensed expressions relaxed. He placed his hand on my hair and said in a sympathetic tone, “it was because of the shock your body went through when your magic unlocked.”I stepped away from him and looked at myself in the mirror again. “My face. Amor… what should I do now? How will I show my face to others?” Amor held my hand, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. “Zeve. Calm down. You are still the same Zeve — no — better version of yourself
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[Zeve’s POV]The last memory I had before passing out was — Amor’s reflection in my silver eyes as he made me stand in front of the huge mirror in his wardrobe. The whole time he made me look at myself in the mirror, bracing my neck from behind, while he took me without mercy. The white strands of my hair dangled in front of my face, making it difficult to look into my eyes. I wasn’t allowed to touch them, only he could. But he touched them only to obscure my vision even more.“Look at yourself, my amoris. Don’t you think I am the luckiest person in this world to receive the honour to have you? Just look at what I get to see every time I am inside you. Tell me, isn’t my wife the most beautiful lady in this world?”My hands were ag
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[Zeve’s POV]The court got on their feet as I walked on the red carpet that led to the platform where Amor resided on his throne. Amor was dressed in his alpha’s uniform. His hair ruffled and roughly brushed backward. As usual, a few strands of his hair dangled on his forehead.I walked in with my knights in the court. “Alpha…” gamma Nash said, peering at me as I entered the courtroom.“Yes, gamma?” Amor asked. Gamma Nash shook his head. “Uh! Pardon me, alpha. I thought the figure entering the court was of alpha…” He looked dazed. He let out a silent breath. “I might have seen something wrong because of old age. I thought alpha… entered the court when I
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[Zeve’s POV]I concentrated on the court again.“What about the inactive bombs that were retrieved by Prince Hikari?” Amor asked. Gamma Nash’s guards presented to us the reports on the bombs.“The bombs comprise a special element found only in the caves of Phantoria’s Pire Peaks,” gamma Nash said. “That made the bombs more dangerous.”Pire Peaks were the highest mountain range in the world. Located in Phantoria, which was directly under the control of the vampires. The rumble in the court was a sign that things were going to get complicated politically soon.“Does that mean Prince Lynx is involved with the vampires?”
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[Zeve’s POV]“I will never mentor him!” “I will never let him mentor me!”Hikari and Morfan yelled at the same time.Amor sighed and then looked at his and my knights, signalling them to wait outside the courtroom. Vance bowed and joined the knights as they left.“Luna, I will request you to reconsider the last candidate…” Hikari couldn’t even complete what he was saying when I said—“My decision is final, Prince Hikari. Teaching them and keeping your words is your choice.”Hikari swiftly licked his lower lips and looked to the other side in annoyance. This didn’t go unnoticed by Amor, nor did Morfan’s obnoxious scoff. Well. I expected such reactions.“The two of you. Behave yourselves. Don’t forget who you are addressing,” Amor’s voice and his eyes darkened with daunting rage. “I tolerate your misbehaviour around me, but I will not tolerate your obnoxious behaviour in front of my luna.”A heavy gravity fell between the four of us in the courtroom. Ok, I didn’t expect Amor to react l
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[Zeve’s POV]“Luna. With all due respect, I would like to decline the thoughtful honour you gave me,” Morfan said, and I almost spat out my tea. That was the sweetest I had ever heard him talk. I cleared my throat and blinked at my tea. God, even when Amor wasn’t around, I felt his presence everywhere.“May I know your reason?” I asked, looking at Morfan. Hikari sipped on his rose tea and I slid the plate of cookies in front of him. He bowed slightly and took a cookie. “I am the beta of the pack, your highness. As you already know, the workload on me is quite high at the moment. If I train in a situation like this, alpha and gamma will have to overwork themselves. I can’t leave my responsibilities,” Morfan said, accepting the cake I offered him.
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[Zeve’s POV]I was standing in the clouds.I always imagined them to be like cotton — fluffy and soft, but they were just vapours — fragile and fleeting. They felt like nothing, smelt like nothing.But to my eyes, it was a sight I wanted to store in my memories forever if I could.Excited, I took another step and my leg passed right through the clouds.If Hikari didn’t wrap his arms around my waist, I would have fallen to my death.“Careful, your highness,” Hikari said.I was looking around every corner of the horizons around me. I wanted to store every detail of the picturesque scenery in my eyes. It was so beau
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[Zeve’s POV]Hikari put on his coat, saying nothing else.“When I was young, my grandfather took me to Jiyushu. There I came to know about a vow my clan made with a species that once dominated this world. They weren’t werewolves or vampires, they were far stronger — people with mana. They were known as sorcizens.”Sorcizens. Something about that word sped up my heartbeats. The strange familiarity I felt with that word was unfathomable.“Thousands of years ago, the Kazumi pack had a wolfless alpha — alpha Ren. He was the only heir to the title, but couldn’t be accepted by elders because he didn’t have a wolf. All the packs that existed in the world at that time knew about our undefeatable military power. So, they were all trying to
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