All Chapters of Rejected to be His Luna: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
291 Chapters
161. The banquet night-2
[Zeve’s POV] “Princess Hazel!” I walked to her and hugged her. Her sobbing stopped instantly. Everyone in the hall looked shocked. “Oh my, you don’t have to cry. I said it’s fine. Drinks get spilled on clothes in events like these…” I secretly held the base of the glass of wine she was holding her hand and jerked slightly to spill the wine on my gown near the waist. The drink was yellowish transparent, so it wasn’t visible from afar. I took out my handkerchief, and instead of wiping my dress, handed it to Hazel. “Please wipe your tears, princess. It’s ok.” I wiped my gown with my fingers. “What! Such a shameless woman.” “She stained our luna’s dress.” “How disrespectful! I am sure she did it deliberately.” “I am sure this is another of her cheap trickery.” “Huh! How insolent. Since she couldn’t become the luna, she is giving our luna a hard time.” “Really disgusting.” “I will go and get changed really quick, so you don’t need to feel guilty all night and spoil your mood
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162. Amor fetish(18+)
[Zeve’s POV] (The present time.) I woke up thinking I’d have to clean myself, but… I was clean. There was no stickiness in any part of my body. My hair was washed and had a faint jasmine aroma. For a second, I was confused whether last night was a dream or reality. But my weak legs and soreness in my body were proof that last night was as real as Amor, who was sleeping soundly beside me. I was in my white nightgown but wasn’t wearing anything under it. I got up and sat leaning against the headboard as I contemplated Amor. “Did you clean me?” I mumbled. I smiled, seeing him sleep so peacefully. His scent was still domineering and wild. Before I used to get restless around his scent, fidgeting and thinking all sorts of thoughts. But I had inhaled him so up close yesterday that my senses were still savouring his scent. I breathed him in, leaning closer to his neck. “My Amor.” I whispered. He groaned in his sleep. I flinched back, but the next moment, he grabbed my hand and
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163. Light of your eyes
[Zeve’s POV] Getting down from the bed, he picked me up in his arms. I was too exhausted to blink, yet I couldn’t take my eyes off him. He smiled faintly, making my heart skitter in my chest. “Am I so handsome that you can’t stop looking at me?” “Am I that beautiful? You haven’t taken your eyes off me either,” I said, and he smiled warmly. “You are. The light of your eyes shines brighter than the moon and the glory of the stars is dust before you.” I widened my eyes slightly at his words. I never imagined of him as a romantic, but his words just made my heart flutter like a teenager. “All I can say is… nothing I say will ever justify the depth you hide behind your ocean blue eyes.” “Then don’t say a word. Because you are already making me fall in love with myself with the way you are looking at me.” “How am I looking at you?” “Like I am someone worth loving.” “You are.” I said, averting my eyes just to find myself gazing at him again. He dropped his gaze, something warmer th
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164. The faulty law
[Zeve’s POV] He took off his robe and put on a white shirt that fit him in all the right places, especially around his chest and his biceps. I was getting distracted again. I need to concentrate. Instead of assuming, it’s better I ask him. He put on his pants and tucked his shirt, fastening a brown leather belt around it. “Are you concerned about having sex with me?” He asked, putting on a brown vest with golden thread work over his shirt. “I am your wife. You can do anything and everything you want to me.” “I am talking about your consent, your willingness to do it with me even when you aren’t under the aphrodisiac’s effect.” “Not even a bit. I don’t regret my yesterday with you, I won’t regret my today with you and I will never regret my tomorrow with you. As long as I am with you, I regret nothing, Amor.” “So, why do you look so sad? What is bothering you, tell me? You said that I am not alone. I will say the same. You are not facing anything alone from now on. We’ll face it
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165. Dressing him up
[Zeve’s POV] He raked his hair back with his hands, sweating. I held his hand and made him sit in front of his dressing table in his walk-in closet. He looked at me through the circular mirror in front of us. “I thought so. Her maids were lying. She was lying.” Amor already looked deeply troubled. I didn’t want to make things more difficult for him. “But why did they say that you were near the lover’s fountain…” “Hazel’s maids? I have never visited that place. It is a place that holds a lot of memories of Hikari and Mayu, so I completely avoid it.” “Oh! I didn’t know that…” I told him everything from the beginning till the end that happened on the banquet night. He completed the full story, telling me what happened after he found me with Hikari. He knew about mine and Hazel’s encounter in the hall, but he got to know that Hazel gave me that drink from Hikari who had questioned her maids. “But she drank the wine from the same teapot. She was just fine.” I said while I brushed
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166. The coronation meeting
[Zeve’s POV] Amor’s knights joined him as soon as he walked out of our room. Everyone he came across bowed and greeted him. But strangely, everyone he came across was only males. Usually those hallways were filled with maids, but when Amor walked around, it had butlers, knights or guards. Maybe everyone in the palace was aware of his repulsive nature towards women. Or maybe it was because of his rut. “Greeting alpha…” Morfan greeted Amor. His tone was more like he was talking to a friend rather than the alpha of the pack. He never spoke in that tone in front of me. I guess he had always been like that with Amor. I wondered what his story was and how he met Amor. “You don’t look so good today,” Amor said. “I fucked all night and in morning I got the news about what happened and I feel more fucked up now. I shouldn’t have gone to the courtesan’s court. I was needed here. Why didn’t you call me?” He whined. Are all men like this? Do they talk about such things so freely? “You r
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167. The overlord
[Zeve’s POV] Amor and Hikari walked out of the room together into the hallways. They didn’t talk. Awkward. My spy butterfly flew from Amor’s shoulder to Hikari’s. I wanted to see Amor. My heart needed no reason to flutter. Amor’s one glance was enough. I rolled on my belly, adoring Amor’s exceptionally sharp looks. “Your scent is still strong,” Hikari said. I let out a sigh of relief. At least someone broke the awkwardness. “Hmm, the second day of rut. What do you expect?” Amor said. I pouted. I told you to take a break. You are pushing yourself too much. “You should go back to your room and rest. If there is something you want me to take care of, let me know,” Hikari said, hesitating initially. “I need your spies…” Amor said, looking at Hikari. He tensed his brows, looking over Hikari’s shoulder. I got up with a jolt. I felt as if I made eye contact with him through my butterfly. But how is this possible? “What happened?” Hikari asked, looking over his shoulder. Can Amor
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168. Calmer pills
[Zeve’s POV] ‘Ria! Please help me! Please!’ I yelled in my mind. I felt a warm strength flow through my body. ‘Calm down, Zeve. Stop thinking about that conversation for now. Give it a break. Almost everything about that conversation confused me. Like, who is that overlord? And what is the real reason for the vampires to be after you? How is this related to your parents? There are so many questions erupting right now.’ She was right. With so many uncertainties, there was no use overthinking about it. But I couldn’t help it. ‘Look at the bright side of that conversation. A power like Hikari is on your side and now we know his true intentions. He doesn’t want to hurt you, rather all this time he was trying to protect you from the creep overlord or whatever. Everything will be fine, even if everyone leaves you. I am by your side. So calm down.’ ‘Right. I have to be in my right mind to get my answers. That overlord even sensed my butterfly’s presence.’ I thought to Ria. ‘Exactly.
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169. True loyalty
[Zeve’s POV] Lexi and the maids came in. “Do you have any orders for us, Luna?” I took a deep breath and looked at her. “I was hoping to take a stroll. It feels a bit stuffy in here.” Lexi’s eyes twinkled. She ordered the maids to draw all curtains, open all windows and restore the ventilation of the room. I sat back, blinking as all that happened in less than a second. “Change all these curtains too. They are too dark. Put light blue cotton curtains. Luna likes the scent of lavender. Bring the fresh flowers and scented candles. Change the carpets too. Lucy! Inform luna’s personal knights. Her highness wishes to take a walk. The royal garden is in full bloom. Will that be fine, your highness?” I nodded, blinking. “Right! Ask the guards to check the security. Inform gamma Nash about the walk!” Lexi looked at me. “Would you like to have some tea in the fresh air, your highness?” “S-sure!” “Arrange for luna’s tea and no food should reach her without being checked by me!” Pffft
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170. Equality doesn't exist
[Zeve’s POV] Did I add salt instead of sugar? Before I could guess what was wrong— “What are you doing here?” My skin prickled at the impassive, deep voice that came from behind me. I gulped and slowly turned around just to see Amor’s glowing blue eyes glaring at the knights and maids. “Amor. Why are you here? Is the meeting over?” I asked. He was still glaring at the knights. The gravity that fell around the garden with Amor’s knights eyeing my knights became more daunting. The knights gulped down my tea as if they were swallowing their last breaths. “Yeah. I heard luna injured her hands and was out on a walk, but I didn’t know her servants were bullying her…” I interrupted Amor. “No! No one bullied anyone here. You are getting it all wrong.” “So what is this? I have never seen a master prepare tea for her maids or her knights. This is getting on my nerves.” “I was playing with them.” Amor finally met my gaze, and his eyes stopped glowing. The harsh gaze they had seconds ag
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