All Chapters of MARRIED TO A MONSTER; HIS OBSESSION: Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
359 Chapters
201. Don't Touch Her…
The mere thought of it made her sick. She never in her whole life thought that she would kiss another man other than Liam, other than her husband. F*ck! Kate fought back the tears brewing in her eyes; she didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her in pain.''Oh love, I'll do more than just kissing when I come back, that is after I get you cleaned up and taken to the master bedroom.”Kate felt her stomach churn at his words, and she bit her tongue so tight that she felt the metallic taste in her mouth.Liam… where are you… please come to my rescue, please don't let this man touch me…Kate cried in her heart but she did her best to put up a relaxed expression; after a second of silence; she chuckled.“Haha, Joshua, I'll kill you myself, I promise.” Kate fumed in a calm but terrifying tone, her eyes dark with grave hatred; for a second, Joshua got scared, but remembering she was tied to a chair, he sm
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202. Let Her Go....
“I don't have any issues with you, it's with your mother, don't make yourself the most wanted on my hit list.”A loud laughter resonated in the room and Joshua shook his head; ''Oh dear brother, you make me laugh, what are you going to do? If you do anything funny, I promise to return her head on a platter, you can choose to have her head on a tray, or do as I want, the choice is yours.” He laughed mockingly.Liam shut his eyes, pain brewing at the back of his lids, he would never forgive himself if anything happened to Kate. She was all he had.''What are your condition?” Liam spoke after a moment of silence. Nothing was worth losing her for, even though he had sworn to protect the company, if it was what it takes to get her back then he would give it away. What was the company worth knowing that the woman he lived for was no more?''Hmm, more like it…” Joshua chuckled; in truth even if Liam does according to his wish
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203. Leave!!
Kate’s eyes fluttered and her brows creased when she looked up to the unfamiliar ceiling.Where am I?She asked herself, trying to lift her head from the bed, but she was met with a splitting headache which made her fall back on the bed.“Love… you're awake.” Liam who was sitting with his head bowed asked when he heard a slight shuffling on the bed, Kate turned to him and a smile washed her lips when she saw him.She was safe…“Hubby…” she called, trying to sit up from the bed but Liam stood up immediately and stopped her.“Don’t move recklessly, you are not feeling too well.”Kate blinked as the memories of what happened earlier came flooding back to her, she looked at him and when she saw the guilt in his eyes, she knew he was blaming himself for everything.“How are you feeling?” he asked, shifting her hair away from her face. Kate
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204. Anniversary
Kate lay back on the bed and tried to move her legs for the first time. It hurt but she could move it a little, seems she didn't break a bone after all. Sighing, she lay back on the bed and closed her eyes to sleep. She was awoken by some sounds in the room and she turned to see a male nurse fixing her drip bag.“You're awake,” he smiled and she nodded, her eyes looking around the room to know if Liam was there and when she did not see him, her heart sank. She turned to the nurse and forced a smile;''How are you feeling?” he asked her as he put the bag on the stand; Kate nodded,''I am better now.”“That's good.” the nurse took her hand and connected the drip, then checked the speed and when he confirmed it was okay, he nodded;''When will I get discharged?” she asked and the nurse smiled.''Why? this is the best ward in the hospital, you don't like it here?”Kate shook her head; well n
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205. My Husband Doesn't Love Me Anymore.
''Hey, Kate!” Tristin exclaimed as they walked into the ward, her arms open wide. ''What happened dear?” she asked embracing her in a hug; Liam had stepped out earlier, so they did not meet him.Kate chuckled; ''It was an accident, but it's nothing serious, I'm getting better now.”"Oh, I'm so sorry, was that why your phone wasn't reachable?”''Yeah, it got crushed, but Liam got me a new one.” Kate smiled, pointing at her phone.''Oh, where is he? '' she asked, looking around,''He stepped out for a while, he'll be back soon.”''Okay, ''''So sorry dear, we got you something to read while staying here.”  Tylor walked to her side of the bed and handed her a book.''You're welcome.”''And guess what? The first episode would air next week!”Kate’s eyes brightened at her words; “really? That's so great! Too bad I won't be in the compan
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206. Make Our Marriage Open
One week later…Kate was super excited; she was finally leaving the hospital. She had pestered Liam day and night but he didn't listen to her until she was perfectly healed. She was happy she was leaving but she was more excited because she would finally get to f*ck him.Kate could not believe he actually held himself from touching her in the hospital even with all the temptations she threw at him. She even faked quarrels with him but he didn't even give in, he was so mean!''Let's go already!” she muttered as she stood by the door, she had not left the four corners of the hospital for two weeks and he was still dillydallying.''Alright, I'm done, let's go.” Liam walked to her, kissing her lips lightly, before holding her hands as they left the ward. Guards stood in front of them and behind them. Kate had not seen this number of guards around Liam before, but she wasn't surprised, after what happened earlier, she knew Liam would not tak
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207. My Girlfriend.
 “Ty, I'm thinking of cutting my hair short.” Tristin said all of a sudden as they sat on the couch in his house watching a movie. In the movie the female lead had a short hair, so she teased him; Tylor turned to her in shock;''Don't even try that, you'll look really weird.”She laughed; ''No I won't, I would just look different, I'm not going to shave it off completely, just going to cut it to my shoulder-length, maintenance is a hard work.”Although it was work, she was just joking, she wouldn't cut her hair for anything.“You really want to cut it though, or you're just trying to pull my legs?”Tristin laughed; ''If the company would pay me maintenance allowance then I won't, if not, you won't see it this long the next time I come around.”Tylor thought she meant what she said asked; ''how much do you need for maintenance?”Tristin tilted her head with a grin; ''just twenty thou
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208. You Can Ask If You Want To Feel…
Evie stared at herself for thousand time in the mirror; Blake was coming over to her house for the first time. He had come before, the night of the dinner, but this was the first time he was actually coming inside her house. She made sure her maid cleaned the place over and over again, even when it was thoroughly clean.She prepared lunch this time since Blake was going to eat it. Even though she had warned herself a thousand times over from falling in the same pit over and over again, she couldn't help it with him. It made her happy to see him laugh or smile so she stopped beating herself about it.She had told her maid to go home to her family for the day or two, it was petty but she was already shameless. She wasn't imagining anything but she didn't want any disturbance. He said he would be there by two but he hadn't arrived yet by twenty minutes past two.Evie didn't want to seem like a clingy person, so she held herself from calling him. Finally, he drove i
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209. You Want Your Pictures On My Wall?
''So anomaly cold!” Evie breathed, turning up the heater.''Cover yourself with these… '' She passed him a blanket, as he lay on the couch, watching movie. Evie sat away from him on another couch, wrapping herself up.''You can come and lie with me if you're feeling too cold, I can warm you up.” Blake suggested after a long while, seeing how she wrapped herself up in the blankets. Her eyes turned to him and they widened. From everything she knew about him, it was obvious that he was just naturally kind and a little overly caring. He might not have any bad thoughts in mind as he said the words, but she couldn't help but feel twitchy in her tummy. Evie knew it was the wrong move, but she couldn't stop her legs from standing up and walking towards him as he lay on the couch. She wanted to know what it felt like, being hugged by a pair of big arms. Even though she knew he might not have such thoughts in his mind, she just wanted
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210. Karma Coming Back To Bite Her
''Yes, yes, I have all the time in the world! '' she exclaimed happily.Tylor felt his throat tighten, but he quickly pushed away from the pain before it would overwhelm him. Deep down he wished those words left the lips of some other person, but that was a forlorn hope.He was really ready to move on. Sophia liked him very much and he was going to love her as much. Even though it hurt him to take Tristin’s wallpaper off his wall, he knew it was the best thing to do. If the woman he was with didn't want it, then he would take it off.Sophia was beautiful; she was a mixed-race. She had blonde hair and brown eyes, although she wasn't model-beauty, she was cute enough to make heads turn. She was sweet too and he knew he would grow to love her. He just needed time to heal.***Tristin ticked what she had accomplished for the day on her schedule. A sigh left her lips when she saw she had almost accomplished all she had to do. She was about leaving
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