All Chapters of MARRIED TO A MONSTER; HIS OBSESSION: Chapter 211 - Chapter 220
359 Chapters
211. She's Just A Fling
''Wow! '' Kate’s lips gaped as she stared at the infinity pool. They just came back from a trip to the shopping mall. Liam had said she should pick anything she wanted, from clothes, shoes, bags, and jewelry. she already had a lot at home, so she just picked a few and then she shopped a lot of couple wears for them. They finally ate a sumptuous meal, after resting for a while, she opted to see the infinity pool.''This is gorgeous but damn scary!'' She laughed as her hand found his and she gripped it tight.Liam chuckled; ''yeah, and the island view is pretty too.”''Yeah, I just can't put my head around how this was built. '' Her eyes stared in wonder as they walked along the pathway;''Wanna swim? '' Kate turned to him in shock.''Hell no, not getting into that. “she laughed shaking her head. Liam chuckled.''Would be a shame to come here and not swim in the pool, don't you think?”''What shame? I'm not getti
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212. Engrossed With Another Woman…. Didn’t Exist
Blake held the phone against his ear for the longest time before he brought it down, stabling himself, he turned back to the kitchen.“Breakfast is ready…” Evie called from the dining when she saw him pass by, Blake turned to the dining with fear in his eyes as he wondered if she overheard their conversation, but she had a smile on her face, and she didn't look tensed in any way so he heaved a sigh of relief.They talked and chatted as they ate and no matter how much he observed her, she didn't look annoyed or angry, so he knew she didn't hear him.After breakfast, he rested a little before he finally left.Evie bade him farewell as she watched him drive out of her compound, after a while, the smile on her lips fell and her eyes flashed with pain.For a moment, she had been a little ahead of herself. How would someone like him be capable of loving? She was stupid, stupid again. He just saw her as someone who was vulnerable b
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213. Make Babies
“Wifey… “Liam called when he saw she was quiet but she didn't reply. He paused for a second before he leaned in and kissed her neck.“It would not repeat again okay?” He said but she didn't reply neither did she push him away. Liam took it as a 'go-ahead' so his hand slid into her clothes and he caressed her belly upwards, cupping her breasts in his palm, he placed wet kisses on her neck and up to her cheeks.Kate moaned inaudibly as his hands rubbed against her nipples; she turned around, her back against the bed, and her eyes stared at his face.''It won't happen again?”Liam nodded his head, “yes love, I promise,”“Sure?” Kate was already turned on, but she didn't want to give in easily so she asked with a frown on her face.''Yeah, I promise.” As soon as she heard his reply, she pulled him down and kissed his lips. It was slow and sloppy at first but in a few seconds, the
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214. Make Trouble
''No, we weren't dating, we are just friends.” she stretched her lips into what looked like a smile;''Hmm, but… '' The woman was about prying the more but thankfully, Tristin’s phone started ringing in her bag; she heaved a sigh of relief. “Excuse me, I have to take this.” She smiled at the woman and turned walking away from her; she peeked at her phone and saw it was Tylor calling; staring at it for a second, she picked the call;''Hey, Ty,”“Tristin, where are you? I just arrived.”''Oh, I'm at the VIP section, I'll see you when the party is over.” She said before Tylor would ask her to come to him. The last thing she wanted now was a truckload of questions about why she wasn't dating Tylor and how they looked perfect together.''Alright, we'll see when the party is over.”“Okay,” Tristin nodded and ended the call, she heaved a sigh of relief then turned
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215. Am I Just A Stand-In?
Tristin had been avoiding looking at Sophia. Even without saying it, she knew she was hurt by what Isla had said. She had wanted to leave immediately but she decided to stay back and apologize for what Isla said. Even though she had feelings for Tylor, the last thing she would do was to come in between them. She was given a chance but she didn't take it, she wouldn't be so black-bellied as to destroy their relationship because of her newly discovered feelings. She engaged in the discussion until everyone dispersed, and then she smiled at Sophia.''Sophia, I'm so sorry for what that lady said earlier, I and Ty were a little close in the industry, I think that was the reason she said those things, there's really nothing between us.”Sophia smiled, but Tristin couldn't discern if she was faking it or not.“Don't worry, ha, rumors fly around in the industry, so I don't take everything I hear seriously.”“Good, Ty, I'll be
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216. A Fool In The Past
“Kate Evans?” Kate’s footsteps stilled when she heard a familiar voice call and she turned around in shock; her eyes shot open when she saw the last person that could ever come into her mind.“Ju...Justin?” The name sounded strange on her lips, she couldn't believe that someone whom she loved so deeply and even imagined a future with could feel this alien. Her brows creased as she watched him, not saying another word.Plausibly, she should have turned around and walked back to their table where Liam was waiting for her, but she didn't know why her legs pinned to a spot.Justin’s face filled with surprise and shock, first, this was Korea, what was she doing here? This was the least place he had expected to see her. He stood reluctantly for a minute before he walked towards her.“Kate, long time,” He smiled as his eyes admired her, Kate couldn't say, but she saw a flash of surprise in his eyes as though he was
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217. Avoiding Him
One month laterThere was an important meeting with the CEO and Tristin was already late, her phone was buzzing with calls and she cursed under her breath as she ran towards the building. Her steps slowed when she saw she wasn't the only one late, many others were running towards the elevator as the meeting was to be held upstairs.Tristin ran to the first elevator but it was filled already and she couldn't wait so she ran to the second, thankfully it was still half-empty, as she got in, she froze as she stood face to face with Tylor. She had been avoiding him for weeks now and the first time she was seeing him after so long was in an elevator with no escape. She blinked severally and quickly pulled her eyes from him, going to stand by his side.Just when the elevator was about to close, it flung open and a large number of people flooded in; and in the blink of an eye; Tristin was stuffed in between two people. She turned her head to the side so she could breath
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218. Not Worth Having As A Close Friend
A smile slanted her lips as she thanked him immediately; ''Oh, thank you. That was so thoughtful of you. I'll be out in a moment; give me a second.” Evie cut the call and turned to the others. She had finished her part for today, so she was free to leave; after telling the producer that she was leaving with a friend, she turned to the exit.Evie stood at the entrance, and she looked around the parking lot for a familiar-looking car, suddenly a car door pulled open and Blake stepped out with an umbrella in hand. He walked to her and put it over her head; his eyes glanced at her body and he frowned.''The weather is too cold, and you wore something so light?” He scolded, his eyes looking over what she wore.Evie swallowed. she was wearing a sweater but it wasn't thick, she did not know how cold the weather was because they were inside a heated room. It was when she stepped out of the hotel that the cold air hit her lungs.''I didn't realize the
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219. Dorothy’s Visit
Tristin called Kate to congratulate them on their marriage announcement. ''congrats baby!! Daaamn!! The whole internet is exploding! Congrats dear, I'm so happy for you.”Liam and Kate came back to the country a week ago, and Liam announced it a day ago. Kate’s following that was just a measly 10k skyrocketed to 100k in just one day, and the next day she was topping million followings.The internet was hot with the news because Liam Smith was one of the most handsome bachelors in the country. Some congratulated her, while some just followed to troll on her; and before long, they had already dug out her past and how she was from a poor background and called her a gold digger.Kate expected it, so she didn't think much of it; she just kept away from reading the comments and checking the news. Many companies were offering her contracts already, media stations asking for interviews, Kate didn't want to go to interviews or come out to the public now, so s
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220. Woman Instincts Again
Kate wondered. His grandma was very nice to her, but she was must have supported her husband right? Kate wondered as she wore something good and hurried downstairs. Her steps faltered when she saw Dorothy. She was eating from a plate of fruits and when she saw her she smiled sweetly.“Kate dear, come, come over here.” She called standing and opening her arms for a hug. Kate was surprised but she walked to her and let her embrace her.''No-one told me about the marriage, and where is that arrogant grandson of mine!'' Dorothy faked annoyance as she looked behind Kate.''He's at work.” Kate smiled, alright, it's settled, Dorothy was in support of them.“Okay I'm so happy to hear the news! But family should have been informed first, it isn't good to hear this first on the TV, we were so shocked.” Dorothy smiled, bringing Kate to sit beside her. ''We're so sorry, we're still planning on visiting home, I'm sorry we did
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