All Chapters of MARRIED TO A MONSTER; HIS OBSESSION: Chapter 231 - Chapter 240
359 Chapters
231. To Hell With It…
Tylor smiled and hit the road. Before long they drove into a famous bar in the city. She smiled as they stepped out of the car and walked into the bar. ''A bottle of Catoctin Creek Roundstone Rye and two glasses please.” Tristin ordered and Tylor sat beside her, it was obvious she was out to get drunk. The bar attendant brought her order and placed it in front of them.''Your new hairstyle look good on you,” she smiled as she poured the drink onto the glasses and passed Tylor his.''Thank you;” she watched as the hair strands he had brushed backward fall forward again in a sexy way; it made her swallow and look away, every single time she looked at him he appeared more irresistible than the last.''I was surprised when you agreed to go out since you've been avoiding me for some time now.” he said, drinking from the cup.Tristin sighed, licking her lower lip which was already red from the alcohol; ''you can't blame me,
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232. Don't Leave
They were panting as they ravaged each other's mouths, Tristin’s eyes watered as she kissed him back with every emotion she had piled up for months. She didn't know kissing someone would feel so good and yet so painful, lord, she wanted him; she needed him badly.What she was doing was wrong but she could not stop herself, not now. Her hands started unbuttoning his shirt, right in the compound against the car. Her face was flushed and her breath still raspy, she would just do it and get it over with. He was someone else's; she couldn't have him forever, so she would let herself be selfish today.Tylor was shocked by her action and he quickly held her hands.“Tristin,” His breath was hot and his eyes were filled with lust and desire but that didn't mean that he didn't have any atom of reasoning, he couldn't let her do something she didn't want to do, she might have been influenced by alcohol, so she was not thinking straight.Suddenly as
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233. Feels Like A Dream
Just that moment, he saw Tristin hurrying out of the house with her luggage. His feet froze at a spot as he panted, his hair looking messy and his eyes staring straight at the woman in front of him.Tristin’s eyes widened when she saw him and she turned around instantly to run back into the house but this time Tylor was faster; he quickly grabbed her hand stopping her.''Let go of me!” she screamed as she vibrated as though he was a serial killer, the only thing she wanted now was to be as far away from him as possible. She didn't want to look at his face, no, no …''Tristin, please listen to me,”“What do you want?” she cut him off; ''what the hell do you want! I'm going to scream if you don't let me go this minute,” He knew what she was trying to do, she wanted to scare him away, but he wasn't going to let her.“Leave me alone Tylor, I told you, the kiss did not mean anything if that's what you are
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234. I'm Here… I Love You
Tristin turned around; her eyes flapped open and her lips smiled, Tylor was gazing at her with love written in his eyes; her hands itched on her side and she raised it to hold his face, his beards tickling her palm.''It's real ty, I'm here and I love you. I think I've loved you since forever, but I didn't realize it was love until you started seeing…” the words hung on her throat when she realized she they just cheated on Sophia or rather, he just cheated on Sophia.Her hand shook and she quickly retracted it from his face but Tylor stopped her and brought it back to his face, his hand over hers. Tristin’s eyes looked to him.''I'm going to end things with her today, I've been lying to her but she deserves better.”Tristin gulped, ''you… you don't love her?''''No, I don’t,” he answered fervently, he had not been surer about anything else in his whole life. A faint blush stained her cheeks.''I'm
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235. Evil Won.
The door creaked open and someone who looked like her stepped in; Evie didn't know Kate had a sister until yesterday when she came. They looked much alike; the only difference was that Irene had a subtler and innocent look. It's hard to tell what she's thinking, unlike Kate.“Irene? '' Kate’s eyes widened when she saw her, and a smile broke out on her lips; ''you came? ''Irene strode to the bed and embraced her in a hug; ''why wouldn't I come, I'm so sorry.”''I'm fine, how are you? Have you seen Liam?” She was happy that her sister came but she was happier because Liam was alive, that was the only reason she tried to talk even when she was still weak.''Liam?” Irene asked, a light crease of her brows; ''he stepped out… he was here all day; he just went out to have dinner, he'll be back soon.”Evie had already told her what to say before Kate woke up; they would only tell her the truth when she was well e
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236. We’re Not Promise Tomorrow…
Firstly, she was her sister; the last thing she would want was for her to be dead, although it crossed her mind sometimes because of how she won her most times, yet, she didn't want her to die. And more importantly, she didn't want to stop competing with her, she wanted to win and watch the look on her face, knowing that she had finally won. “Irene, how is she?” Evie asked, kicking her out of her thoughts. She blinked and turned back to the room. ''She's been eating as though nothing is wrong.” Evie peeked into the room and as Irene had said, she was eating normally as though there was nothing wrong, that only made them worry the more. If she cried, at least they knew what was in her mind, her silence was frightening. After eating, she squeezed herself on the bed; lying quietly without a word. evie badly wanted to know what she was doing, so she was so thankful when a guard came to her with kate’s phone and the earphones she had asked for. She slowly pushed t
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237. Messed With The Wrong Person
The room reduced to pin drop silence after the words left his lips. Sophia could hear her lashes blink. She had always suspected that he was in love with that person but he denied it over and over again.'' It is Tristin right?” she asked after a few minutes of silence, Tylor did not respond but he did not deny it either. she took in a deep breath, her hands fisting on her thighs.''I asked you several times…”''I'm so sorry, I didn't think I would ever be with her, I never wished to hurt you this way, I'm so sorry.”She stared at him for a long while, and then she chuckled; “so why are you telling me now? You should have just ended things without telling me, it would have been easier to deal with, Tylor.”Tylor’s heart shattered, he wished he didn't have to hurt her this way.“I'm so sorry; '' that was the only thing he could say, that he was sorry, nothing else.Sophia did not speak,
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238. Making An Appearance
Dropping her phone on the seat, a smirk tugged on her lips, she would teach him a lesson, so next time he wouldn't mess with people's feelings. When she got to the company, she walked straight to the elevator, the guards already knew her so they allowed her in when they saw her. They only stopped her when perhaps their boss's wife was around.Sophia pushed the door open without knocking, a brilliant smile on her lips;“Honey, I've missed you!”Benjamin rolled his eyes; she never had manners, ''why don't you ever knock, what if I was with someone?” he asked, trying to look angry, but he couldn't since his eyes were fixated on her boobs which she had purposely propped up.Sophia bit her lip as she walked to him, kissing his lips;''You would have told me if there was someone here;” she smiled and turned his seat, then squatted to her knees;Although Benjamin had a son, he got married quite early, so he was still young,
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239. Who To Choose
Melinda rubbed her forehead; ''I adopted Blake Steels, and I kept him hidden until now because I knew someone was after Liam and if he knew about my son, he would try to kill him too,” her eyes turned to Benjamin who was staring back at her murderously, this was the first time he had ever been taken unawares.She chuckled; ''but now I see he has finally killed Liam, I decided to show my son to the family,”The room erupted in chaos again.“How sure are you that he killed Liam? Don't place accusations you aren't sure of!” Lillian exclaimed, venom seething through her nose, even if she didn't like Benjamin, she already had a plan of her own, so she didn't want one strange woman destroying her plans.''Well, who knows, don't you want an investigation done? Perhaps, something can be found?” She tilted her head to the side and stared at Benjamin pointedly as though she was extremely sure that he was the one that killed Liam.
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240. Didn't Know His Place
''We don't have time for questions Miss, we'll kill your driver and take you with us if you don't comply.”Kate was not scared, she knew they wouldn't hurt her, but she was afraid for her driver; ''I'll follow you, but don't harm him.” She said, stepping out of the car.''Right, we won't but he is coming with us.” The man said and Kate breathed but she did not refute. She just came out of the car and followed him got into one of the cars and they drove off.Kate came out of the car as they held the door open for her, her eyes glanced at the building and her brows creased as she wondered who lived there, Benjamin or Melinda Steels?She was led into the house and to a beautiful room; ''stay here.” one of the guards said and left the room, locking it behind him. Kate walked to the couch and sat down, her eyes looking around the room.Although she was kidnapped, they didn't treat her like a prisoner, and well, she wasn't surpris
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