All Chapters of MARRIED TO A MONSTER; HIS OBSESSION: Chapter 241 - Chapter 250
359 Chapters
241. Loose Dog
Kate stood up but just when she was about walking to the door, the door flung open and Lilian walked in with elegant steps. When Kate saw her she smiled brightly, just the right person she was looking for.''Why are you smiling?” Lillian raged as she walked to her. Her husband just told her the outcome of their discussion and she came to laugh at her that the only man who gave her a voice was gone, and now she would return to the shanty town where she came out of, but Kate just smiled when she saw her, did she take her for a fool?Kate walked back to the couch and sat down; “Lillian, were you always this loud and a trouble maker?” she asked with a hint of mockery in her words, Lillian’s face turned a shade of red;''How dare you?” she shouted with anger, fume foaming through her nose. She never liked this woman, right from the first day Liam introduced her to the family she hated her.Benjamin told her to watch her tongue in
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242. Forced Your Way Out Of My House?
Kate laughed; '' don't worry, I'm not going to tell him, he's as bad as you and even worse, so what's the use of telling him, I just want to know where he is.”Lillian breathed out in relief; ''he said he was leaving for an important event, don't know where or when he would be back,”Kate smiled; “great, now listen carefully;'' she paused making sure she had Lillian’s attention;''I want you to get my car and my driver ready, I want to go home.”Lillian’s lips paled; ''Benjamin instructed that we shouldn't let you go… ““Eeh… did I ask of what your husband said? I just told you what I want, are you in or out?” Kate asked with a tone of finality and Lillian bit her tongue. She knew who Benjamin was and right now, Kate staying here was the topmost priority to him, but in comparison with what could happen to her if she didn't let Kate go, she didn't have a choice.”''Prom
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243. Dad Hit You Again?
Benjamin ended the call and before Lillian could say a word, a slap landed on her chin. She stumbled backward to steady herself, her eyes seeing stars.''How dare you?” He didn't bother asking her if it was true or not, because he knew what she was capable of.Lillian bit her lower lip but she could not even defend herself. When he came back, she told him that Kate had threatened to go against the deal if she wasn't let go, she told him that because she knew how he would react if he knew that she was the one that let her go; she had told Kate earlier to cooperate with her, and she had agreed, but it seemed she just made a fool out of her.''Get out!” Benjamin blasted and Lillian sauntered out of the room before he would descend on her. She stood outside the door and she tried to touch her cheeks but it stung badly so she retracted her hands, it fell weakly to her side, as her head bowed.At that moment, she didn't know who she hated more, the
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244. Death Befitting
Lillian mind had not left what Kate told her a few days ago. No matter how much she tried not to think about it, she found herself going back to it over and over again. Finally, she gave yield to her thoughts and decided to search through Benjamin’s stuff.She was scared but then, it was the only way she could get her mind of those thoughts. If she checked his things and didn't see anything relating to Leah, then it would be clear that Kate was just trying to sow discord between them, but if she found anything… She didn't want to even think about that. Her heart raced through the ride home, thankfully, Benjamin had things to attend to, and he wasn't going to come back immediately, so she had time to check through his stuff.Lillian didn't want to search his stuff, not because she was scared of him, but because she didn't want it to be true. She knew who she married, and she had lived with him for years, so she knew what he was capable of. But
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245. Shifting The Blame
''Mom, I don't think we should be rejoicing yet,” Joshua said as they walked into their house, Blake was nowhere to be found ever since Liam went missing and Kate was happily giving the company over to her husband's killer.Even though he wanted to feel happy that he would soon be accepted into the family, he could not bring himself to. Melinda didn't reply, she just walked to her room and Joshua followed her;''I'm very worried about Blake’s disappearance, how could he disappear all of a sudden, just when we should have killed him.” One thing Joshua wasn't comfortable about is the fact that Blake was still breathing somewhere on the surface of the earth, they've tried to find him, but they couldn't.''You should be more concerned about the look on that girl's face when she looks at you, she knows about what happened 21 years ago but why she is keeping quiet is beyond me.” Melinda said sitting down on a couch and taking out her shoes.
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246. Bear To See That Person Happy
Melinda laughed lightly; ''Oh, I'm sure about this. You are questioning the wrong person right now, and no matter how much you question me you aren't going to get anything from me because I'm not the killer and even if you go ahead and charge me, I'll be acquitted because all the evidence you have now is merely hearsay, and circumstantial, so I implore you to channel your grievance to the right person.” She concluded in one breath, leaving the police officers staring at her speechlessly.Melinda spoke confidently as though she was sure of what she was saying. And she actually made sense, but they weren't going to conclude until they looked into it.“Do you have any further questions for my client, officer?” the lawyer who a was sitting by her side quietly, spoke and the police officer gritted his teeth. ''No further questions, you can leave now.”“Thank you,” Melinda smiled and they stood up to leave, she had
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247. Unapologetic
Three days later…Melinda was sleeping when she heard some footsteps in her room; she creased her brows and pushed her sleep mask from her eyes, turning the light on in the room; all color drained from her face when she saw the person sitting on the couch in front of her;''Hello, Mrs. Steels,”His voice as cold as midwinter breezed through the room kicking every atom of sleep from Melinda’s eyes; she shook on her bed, her face as pale as the snow.He was wearing all black with black gloves on his hands, if not that she didn't believe in ghosts she would have thought he was a ghost.''You are dead… you…how are you alive…” she stuttered in shock as she stared at him, not even in her wildest dreams did she imagine that he would be alive.''Yea, I am dead. And you know one thing about dead people?  We haunt the living; the fun part is that when we commit murder can never be traced to us.”
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248. Let's Go Home
Melinda prepared her ears for the sound of the gun but instead a light funny sound came out. Her face paled as she pressed the trigger again but nothing happened; this gun was always loaded for emergencies like this, so how…Her eyes turned to him and the relaxed expression on his face told her that he had unloaded it.''You… how….” She shook with the gun in her hand as she let it fall to the ground.''You really have no remorse in you, Melinda.” Liam chuckled at her pitiful state, shaking his head.''You want the company so bad, but it's a pity you aren't going to come close to it because you're going to die soon, like a weakling. See how far you went just to have what does not belong to you, too bad, not only are you not going to have it, you're going to watch from hell how Blake takes everything you have.”  He smiled devilishly making her pale the more.“Bl... Blake…” she said her ch
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249. Appetite Is Back
Liam took a step forward, but before he could walk to her, Kate ran towards him, leaping up, she embraced him in a hug, her arms going around his neck.''I've missed you, sooo much hubby!” she cried as she held him tightly.''I missed you too, damn, I nearly died,” Liam laughed as she released him a little and kissed his lips hungrily. lord, she had missed this, she missed him. It had been terrible sleeping alone these weeks, and she couldn't wait for all these to finally be over.Her hands gripped his hair, as they deepened the kiss not minding the guards who were still standing around, well it wasn't long before they awkwardly walked away giving the lovebirds some privacy.After the longest time, they let go of each other. Kate took her time to admire his face as he held her in his arms.''You look more handsome,” she smiled at him, rubbing his face with her hands. The workers who had stepped out for their morning functions were
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250. Plan
Li…Liam? he was alive!He slowly let go of her mouth and she turned to him in shock.“Hubby… '' Her hands held his face as she felt him in the darkness, even if she wasn't seeing him, she knew what he felt like, and just one touch of his face, she knew it was him. ''you're alive, ooh my, you're alive.” Tears flowed from her eyes and she leaned to him, kissing him all over his face.''Do you know how worried I was? You made me cry! You made me cry a lot!” Kate whimpered as she kissed him. Liam hugged her, kissing her cheeks.''I'm so sorry; I wish I could come earlier, but I just woke up this afternoon in a little house, owned by an old man. He had saved me from the water, while he was fishing, I don't think he knew who I was, that is why no-one knew I was still alive.”Kate turned to put on the light so she could see his face but he stopped her hand.''I don't want anyone to know that I'm alive yet.&rdqu
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