All Chapters of MARRIED TO A MONSTER; HIS OBSESSION: Chapter 221 - Chapter 230
359 Chapters
221. Done Being Her Dog
Evie glanced at her phone vibrating on the table and her lips thinned. She had been avoiding his calls for a while now; not because she didn't want to pick but because she didn't know what to talk with him anymore. After contemplating for a while, she swiped the phone;“Hey Blake,”“Evie, how are you, it's been a while; ''"Mm, I'm fine, hope you're good.” Evie was surprised that he wasn't asking why she had not been picking his calls; maybe he already got the hint that she was avoiding him now.''Are you done with work?”She was about to leave for home but she knew if she said yes, he was going to ask to pick her, so she replied; ''No, not yet, still have a lot to do. Today's been very demanding.”''Oh, so sorry, don't overwork yourself, okay?”“Yeah, I won't; thank you.” Evie swallowed, it's been a while she told a lie, she wasn't sure if she sounded convincing. There was silence
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222. Nightmare
Lilian jumped up from the bed, her whole body sweaty. She wiped her face with her hands as she looked around the room, a sigh left her lips when she saw she was still in her room. Benjamin turned by her side and he creased his brows when he saw his wife sitting on the bed looking pale as though she had just seen a ghost.''Dear, what is wrong? '' He asked and she turned to look at him; she wanted to speak but she quickly shut her lips and shook her head instead.''Nothing, I think I had a nightmare but I can't remember what happened clearly.” She rubbed her face with her both hands, her eyes looking around the room again, she was still scared.Benjamin watched her for a moment, and then he said, ''Drink some water and you'll be fine, and cut down on coffee.” He scolded and she forced a smile and stepped down from the bed with a nod, going to the water dispenser in the room to have a drink.As she filled her cup, her mind went back to the dream
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223. I Will Not Forgive
On weekend…Evie walked into the private room in the restaurant, her eyes fell on the person sitting by the window side and she forced a smile.“Hey…” She said, sitting down beside him. She dropped her handbag by her side.''How are you?'' Blake asked and Evie smiled.“Fine thanks for asking.” ''Order anything you want.” Blake said and she nodded, picking the menu booklet, her eyes skimmed through the menu and she just ticked on red wine.The door creaked open after a moment and the waiter walked in with their orders; he placed the glass cup in front of them and filled it with wine. They were quiet for a long moment after the waiter had gone. Evie didn't even touch her drink.''Did I do anything wrong to upset you?”Evie’s hands shook slightly as the question filtered into her ears. She had partly expected this but she didn't think that he would ask it so suddenly. D
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224. Need Your Help
''Please, Evie, stay and hear me out, you heard wrongly.” Exactly what she had expected him to say. The anger in her heart tripled and she struggled to get herself out of his embrace but to no avail;“Blake Steels, let go of me this minute or I'm going to scream.” She scolded angrily but it seemed Blake was not having any of it.''Evie, please listen to me, I promise you'll understand once you listen to me.” Blake said in a calm voice but all it did was triple her anger.''I don't want to hear anything you have to say! I told you it will not change anything, I know you're going to tell another lie, so I beg you, let me go, I won't listen. I….”“Melinda Steels is not my real mom, I'm an adopted child.”  Blake cut in before she would actually scream; and as though a bucket of water was just emptied on her body, she stilled instantly.“Melinda has a son, Joshua whom she had been protecting fr
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225. Kidnapped.
They talked for another one hour before they finally left the restaurant. Evie did not want them to leave yet, she had missed out on him for weeks, she didn't want to leave him so soon, but she also didn't want to look like she was all over him too, so she held herself. They walked to the parking lot as the cold wind blew against their faces.She was a little absent-minded that she did not realize the car driving towards them with speed, Blake quickly pulled her away from the road, hugging her tight. Her eyes were wide in shock as the car swept past them with great speed, her heart pounding on her chest.''Are you okay?” Blake raised her face to look at her, fear written in his eyes; he looked down her body as though searching for where she was hurt.''I'm fine. I'm not hurt.” Evie was still scarred from the shock, that was the first time she had been in a near accident. Blake heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that she was fine.''You got me
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226. Something Bad Is Going To Happen…
Blake’s hands gripped his steering tightly as he drove away from the dark path with great speed. He only breathed properly when he was kilometers away. If he had said just one wrong word, he would have been dead by now.  He raised his hands to rub on his face as his whole body was overridden with shock; now he would be careful on how he spoke with evie. What if they were tracking his phone too?His knuckles turned white as he rammed his thoughts on what to do. Thankfully he had a spare phone at home, and there were no CCTV cameras in the basement, so in case she hacked his CCTV, she won't be able to know what he was doing in the basement.Blake’s heart pounded louder; things were going to be bad real soon and he needed to very careful. He pulled up in his garage and walked into his house quietly; taking his CCTV remote, he disconnected the cameras and took his spare phone to the basement and then connected the cameras back.Quickly he switched t
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227. Can You Concentrate
''I thought you wouldn't listen, I've been worrying so much lately, so I thought you would just tell me not to worry.” She said meekly, her head in his chest.“Love, I'll always listen to you, if you have a bad feeling about today, then I'll stay home, I don't want you getting unnecessarily bothered, okay?”“Thank you, I love you.” Kate smiled and hugged him again;''Love you too, now go shower so we can have breakfast.” Liam said and she nodded, standing up from the bed she hurried into the bathroom happily.Now she felt so relieved. After the shower, they had breakfast and Liam offered to teach her how to handle a gun.''Wow, this is amazing, I can't believe this is happening!” she giggled as they walked outside, with him carrying the gun bag;“You seem very excited; it's not as easy as you think.” He laughed when she saw how excited she looked. The last thing he wanted was for her to h
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228. Choose How We Are Going To Die
''What is happening here?” She asked, as she approached them, she wanted to look calm, but she couldn't hide the frightening look in her eyes. The guards paused in their steps as they turned to look at one another, as though contemplating on what to tell her.''Did you not hear me? Tell me now! what is going on?” Tears fell from her eyes as she watched them, even if they didn't want to tell her, the sad look on their faces already told her something bad had happened to him,''Madam, Boss was in an accident.”Kate froze at a spot as she stared at the men in front of her for a whole minute. They were afraid of how quiet she was.“Take me where he is now…” she said and started walking to the car. The guards cast worried look at themselves as pain-filled their eyes, none of them could bring themselves to tell her***One hours ago.Liam walked out of the company, his phone in his hand. He's been callin
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229. Most Wanted Person
 “Is my granddaughter up yet?” Dorothy, who was sitting with Evie and Mary outside the emergency ward stood up from the chair when they saw a doctor come out of the ward. The doctor's eyes scanned through their dismayed faces and he sighed and shook his head.''No, she's not awake yet.”She collapsed back to the bench; she had cried so much that her eyes ached, but she couldn't stop the tears from flowing. How would she lose two children in one day? No, no, this was not happening to her. Her head twirled but she forced herself to remain sane, Mary held onto her hand, telling her it's going to be fine.“Liam has not been found, it's been a whole day and he has not been found, is he dead? Liam… my baby…” The pain was too much to bear; she didn't want to dwell on the pain but she didn't have any control over her thoughts.Evie was sitting opposite them; her head supported with her both hands as she stared blan
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230. Selfish?
Tristin’s phone rang in her pocket, and she took it out and when she saw the caller she hesitated for a moment then she swiped the screen.“Ty?” she guessed he must have called because of Kate and Liam.“Tristin? Did you hear what happened? I heard that Kate was hospitalized because of the news.”''Yes, I just left the hospital now. It's sad, she doesn't want to wake up, the doctors say there's nothing wrong with her.”''Damn, I'm almost there, can you wait for me? Have you left?”Tristin’s hands which were about to open her car hung in the air. They had not spoken, neither had she seen him for many weeks now, Tylor tried contacting her but when she didn't respond to his calls, he guessed she wanted to give him space, so he quit.Today, she only picked the call because of Kate, she didn't expect that he would ask her to wait. Her hands trembled and she fisted them. To hell, she wanted to see hi
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