All Chapters of MARRIED TO A MONSTER; HIS OBSESSION: Chapter 251 - Chapter 260
359 Chapters
251. Rightfully Belonged To Her
The next day, Kate woke up early. She had her breakfast and took her medications without any nagging. Liam was coming today so she didn't want him to complain about anything. She was very excited that she would see him again but her excitement turned to worry when by half-past noon he wasn't yet there, unfortunately, Evie and Irene became the receiving end of her nagging.''Didn't he say he would come? He isn't here yet, where is he?”“He is coming, maybe something came up.”“Oh, okay,” She paused; ''but it is 1:30 already, he should be here by now.”Evie sighed falling back on the couch; “maybe if you sleep and wake up, he'll appear.”Kate pouted, maybe she should calm herself down for a moment, she was getting too worked up. Resting back on the bed, she decided to watch a movie, when suddenly there was a knock on the door.Before Evie or Irene could even look towards the door Kate had dashed
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252. Miracle
Kate had been awake all through the meeting but now, she was getting tired, so she lay on Liam’s laps as she slept. His hands played with her hair as he listened to Blake speak.''I was uninformed of all these. I knew Melinda was wicked, but never would I ever have thought that she would have done that, and to think she went to the extent of raising me just for a stand-in for her son. So this was her grand plan all along, get the Smith Corporation and kill me off so I don't get any part of her son's company.” Blake’s voiced in shock. He had imagined a million wicked things she must have done to Liam, but he never imagined that she was capable of that. At that moment, he felt chills run down his spine; to actually be alive was is a miracle.''I don't even want to think about the wickedness living inside of that woman; the important thing is that we finally have a way to take her down. You know, now she thinks that I'm dead, she'll come after you before
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253. Scared Of Me?
''You're stubborn; '' Liam pinched her cheeks and Kate laughed.''What? I knew you wouldn't let me if I told you, besides I never planned for it to happen, I just didn't want to miss the opportunity if it ever came by, but I'm sorry for making you worry.” She said as she grinned and leaned close to him, her eyes fell to his lips and she gazed at it lasciviously.Liam swallowed as he waited for her to kiss him but instead, she took out her tongue and licked his lips;''I missed you,”Flames of hunger burned in his belly instantly as he wasn't expecting that. His hands went around her waist and pulled her to him.''You know how to get around things, don't you?” Liam breathed against her lips as he lifted her off the couch, earning a yelp from her. her legs went around him and she brushed his hair with her fingers.''I'm so glad. '' she smiled as Liam let her down on the bed and hovered over her.''Me too,”
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254. Make You Forget
Kate shook her head, ''No, I'm not, it's just… I didn't want you to worry, and you were already blaming yourself terribly at that time, I didn't want to make the matter worse by telling you. But as time passed, I realized maybe I should have told you earlier. I'm sorry for keeping it away from you.”''Was this why you were so scared? How can I be mad at you for this?” Liam asked, letting her go and staring into her eyes.''I'm mad, really mad but not at you. Never; you should have told me,” he caressed her cheeks with his thumb lovingly.Kate looked away; ''I couldn't, I…felt… dirty…” She said in a soft tone, loud enough for only him to hear.''He kissed me Liam, and I couldn't do anything. I watched him laugh at how pitiful I was and all I could do was stare at him, it broke me, I let another man touch me, I felt used. I wanted to kill him myself I promise, but I knew you wouldn't let me go with you.&rd
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255. Chance To Strike
She promised herself she would kill him herself. He was too wicked for the mercy of prison sentence; she wouldn't let him get away with this, not this time. Even if she was caught, she didn't have anything to lose anymore; she had been fighting for Bruno all along, and thankfully he doesn't know anything about her plans, so he would be safe.He would take over the Hub Corporation, and he would be fine. She would face whatever punishment came her way. It was her fault; she had married the wrong person. If she, for once, went against her parents' wishes, she wouldn't be in this mess right now.Maybe now, they would regret forcing her into this marriage. Not only did they lose their daughter, she was about to bring shame to them. She sounded a bitter laughter, shaking her head. What a sad wasted life she had lived. The door swung open, kicking her out of her thoughts, she blinked when she saw Benjamin.''Did you see the news? '' she asked and he nodded, for the fir
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256. You Can't Die…!
''I should shut up?” He couldn't believe his ears;“Yes, shut up.”He was already mad about what was happening and she was there looking for trouble where there was none; maybe he should slap her and bring her back to her senses. He lifted his hand to slap her but strangely, his hands hung in the air, he tried to move it but it could not; a light chuckle left Lillian’s lips and she helped him bring down his hand.''Yeah, that's right, I just poisoned you;”His eyes widened with shock and he opened his mouth to scream at her but no words could leave his lips.“Ooh dear, don't bother trying, you can't talk too;” she laughed standing up from the couch, Benjamin could only move his eyeballs, every other part of him was paralyzed.''Very soon, your insides will start burning, you'll boil from inside out and yet you can't even scream, you'll die slowly but gruesomely, yes, I got the most gruesome poison yo
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257. Had An Affair 
Before she got to the house, Lillian had taken some cashew nuts, she was allergic to them and she knew if she consumed it, she was going to pass out. So when she passed out, she really fainted but it was because of her allergy and not because of Benjamin.They had a family doctor, so when she fainted, she was carried into a separate room and the doctor was called quickly. By the time she woke up, she had a drip on her arm. When Lillian woke up and saw the doctor, she burst into fake tears; the doctor consoled her and she calmed down after some time.''Where is my son? '' she asked, Bruno did not come home often, but she knew he must have heard the news by now and so he must have come.''He is not yet here,” the doctor breathed but before he could complete his sentence, the door was pushed open and Bruno walked in, looking crestfallen.''Mom…” he called as he walked to his mother on the bed,Lillian turned to the doctor sitting be
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258. I'll Punish You 
''The Bernard you know, Mary’s husband” She was no longer ashamed of anything; worse things had already happened to her, so this was nothing.''Mom… how could you?” Bruno was disappointed. Even if she wanted to cheat on her husband, she could have done it with any other person, why would she cheat on him with Bernard! It was all shades of wrong and besides, Mary was a very nice person; he didn't even want to think about how broken she would be when she hears the news.''I know it's wrong, I regret it, but I can't change a thing, it has already happened. He was the one I was supposed to marry, but,” she paused, remembering how her parents forced her into this sick marriage, ''your grandparents wouldn't hear of it, they wanted a Smith in-law, I think they should be glad now, they have gotten exactly what they wanted. I wish I followed my heart, I wish I didn't listen to them.”Bruno heaved a long sigh and fell back on the couch
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259. If We Weren't This Wealthy
“And I'm on fire, hubby;” she grinned, running her hands down his crotch, she laughed when she felt him getting hard against her hand.liam adjusted on the seat, trying to concentrate on the road;''Do you realize that someone died and we should be mourning?” He asked jokingly and Kate giggled.''Moaning, you mean? I can do that all day love, just need I little of this…” She teased making him laugh.“Damn it, this woman; ''Kate grinned as she undid his belt and sipped her hand into his pants; grabbing him with her hand she stroked him slowly.''We're going to have an accident at the rate, Wifey, wait; we can do this when we get home, alright.” He pleaded in a soft tone and Kate stroked him for the last time before she let him go and zipped his pants up.They didn't need to go out with dozens of guards anymore, she was so happy. She was not afraid to go out alone anymore.''We'll have
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260. My Boyfriend
Mary had a small and youthful figure, so even when she was in her early forties she looked very young.''And I don't want everyone to live in pain, so I'm letting him go so I can be with the one I love. The feeling is mutual, so there's no bad blood.” She smiled but the look on everyone's faces was the opposite.Dorothy was beyond shocked. Her eyes searched through everyone's faces and it seemed she was the only one oblivious of everything going on in her family.''You all won't kill me before my time;” after the longest time, she shook her head as tears clouded her eyes. Mary stood up and walked to her, hugging her tight.''I'm so sorry mom, I didn't plan for this to happen; things just happen and we have to live with it.” She patted Dorothy on her back.Lillian, who was quiet, finally found her voice. ''I did the unthinkable and I'm sorry, I wish I didn't hurt everyone this way, I regret my actions and I know I don't deserve for
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