All Chapters of Madam Winters’s Fight For Her Children: Chapter 1191 - Chapter 1200
1347 Chapters
Chapter 1191
Everett raised his eyebrows and softly asked, “What’s wrong?”“Um…” Ninian glanced outside and said, “This place is too eye-catching.”She stopped talking for a while before she resumed, “You’re too attractive!”She initially thought they could easily come to a lively place to have a meal and take a walk like a normal couple.But she was already so jealous before even having the meal.“I smell jealousy.” Everett quirked his eyebrows and said, “Babe, do you smell it?”“I’m not…” Ninian was a little embarrassed. She blushed, but she still sat up boldly and confidently. Her flushed face looked slightly overbearing. “I don’t care. My boyfriend can’t be seen by other people. Let’s go to a private room.”Everett took off his gloves. After he used a wet tissue to wipe off his long, slender fingers, he smiled and tousled her hair. “Let’s do what you say.”He took out his phone. Just as he was about to call and make an arrangement, those teenagers who passed by outside suddenly walked i
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Chapter 1192
She was selected as the most beautiful girl in the school abroad every year, and she also had her own fan base, but all of these were because of her appearance. She was truly excellent in academics. She was also very gifted in design, and she had won a lot of major awards before.But these achievements were suppressed by her siblings’ glory, so she never once felt that she had achieved anything substantial, nor did she have a strong ambition.Joining the entertainment industry had been an unintentional move, but she did not expect that her hard work would attract fans one day.A group of people actually silently supported her at the back, without her knowledge.Ninian’s heart became warm, and something warm and substantial flew across her limbs along the blood.Her small and delicate face also turned red. Her eyes shone slightly, and she looked at Everett with admiration.“So, is this why you asked me to wait?”He knew that she was feeling lost, so he took her to see through t
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Chapter 1193
Her gaze was very clear, and her eyes were also full of conviction and firmness.Everett looked at her for a while before he said, “But this path will be more difficult than you could ever imagine. Living under spotlights means all our words and actions will receive attention. We will barely have any privacy and freedom.“While we enjoy the compliment and honor, we will also face countless acts of maliciousness and defamation. Being insulted and surrounded by rumors are norms.“If you don’t have a strong and powerful spirit and a staunch heart, you will fall at any time and never get back up again.“Even so, are you also willing to continue?”Everett asked very seriously.Ninian looked into his eyes. His profound eyes seemed to look tired and fed up, as if he had been through a lot of hardships.She suddenly felt slightly sorry. She even ignored all his questions, but said, “How did you hold up then?”People might not know, but she was Everett’s die-hard fan. She had been with
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Chapter 1194
When Ninian heard that, she also smiled.No wonder her best friend, Nerola, had said that Amber was an agent with very good judgment as she had a precise and sharp judgment on people, and she indeed was.“Since you’ve made a long-term decision, then I’ll re-plan your career,” Amber said, “You said The Everett will give you some resources, so I’ll just communicate with Mr. Barnes. We will cooperate to put you on top. I also hope you’d work harder in order to be good enough for glory in the future.”“Please rest assured.” Ninian smiled and said.She was willing to put in 100% hard work, even if it was to be a better match with Everett in her accomplishment.Her communication with Amber went very well. After Amber hung up, she started arranging Ninian’s work.Ninian did not put down her phone. Instead, she logged into Twitter.Since she started acting, Amber had registered an official account on Twitter for her, but she never once logged in to that account. If the fans had not remi
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Chapter 1195
The top trend on Twitter was [Everett’s latest focus].Everett was the top celebrity in the entertainment industry. Any gossip related to him would be on the top trend, regardless of marketing account or fans.Everyone else in the entertainment industry was unable to be on par with his popularity.When the Twitter trend was clicked, the first pinned post was Ninian’s tweet last night.[It’s Ninian: I wish you happiness and safety every day and night.]At the bottom, it clearly showed Everett liking the tweet.Therefore, all the fans went crazy.The number of comments under Ninian’s tweet rose from a few thousand initially to hundreds of thousands. The popularity was shocking.It was only after Ninian clicked into it and read that she realized almost all the comments were made by Everett’s fans.[I’m Everett’s wife: Who’s this? Who is this woman? Why would my husband follow her? Have I been betrayed? Ah! Unbelievable!][Love Everett Deeply: This is the first time I’ve seen Eve
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Chapter 1196
Nerola was not the only one worried. Lana thought about it too.She frowned slightly and asked, “What does Everett want? How should we wrap this up?”Ninian cast a glance at them to comfort them.She believed that Everett would not be reckless.When she answered the call, she said, “Hello.”“Baby, are you awake?”Everett’s deep and melodious voice came from the other end of the call, which was extremely pleasing to the ears.Nerola and Lana had been speaking righteously, but they instantly looked like fangirls at that moment. Their eyes shone brightly as they stared at the phone and flashed Ninian a motherly smile.Ninian was speechless. These women were immoral!She turned around, hummed obediently, and said, “How did you know I was sleeping? Did you call me?”“Yeah, I did, but your phone was off, so I did some checking,” Everett said in a relaxed manner, but Ninian could guess that he must have been very nervous at that time. He must have only calmed down after he discovere
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Chapter 1197
Ninian’s fans probably could not defeat Everett’s fans, so they opened up a new narrative and started promoting her.Even if she became famous for the wrong reason, she was still well known. It was most important for more people to see their treasure, Ninian!Soon, a sneakily-shot photo of Ninian on set was directly pushed until it started trending. Her gorgeous appearance directly blinded Everett’s fans.[Everett is the most handsome and coolest man in the world: Honestly, if Everett’s girlfriend looks like this, I’m willing to accept her. Sob!][My love for Everett is as deep as the ocean: She’s so gorgeous, isn’t she? Is this photoshopped? Or has she undergone cosmetic surgery? Oh, my goodness, I actually want to fangirl over her!][Semi-refined eyebrows: I’m just an audience member, but I actually fell for her as I watched the show! What kind of beautiful woman is she? Her beauty is shocking!][Custard Pie: She’s the Elliot White in my heart! Amazing actress! I love her!]Ni
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Chapter 1198
“What?” Everett was slightly stunned.Ninian chuckled and said, “If you weren’t afraid that they would get angry at me, you wouldn’t have to pave the way like this. Besides…” “Besides what?” Everett could not help but be led by her.“Besides, you want more people to like me too, don’t you? You want me to attract more fans and achieve my dream.” Ninian smiled and said, “So, the approach you’ve taken is to leak information about me in the entertainment industry and let my brothers see how well I’m living here and how great my achievements are. That way, they can be proud and supportive of me.“Baby, is that what you’re thinking?”Ninian’s laughter and words were filled with teasing, and she instantly hit Everett’s heart.He subconsciously held his phone more tightly and narrowed his profound eyes. His eyes revealed a little trace of loss.Did he really think that way?Was he really willing to let the world covet his “baby”?No, he was not willing.He could not wait to hide her
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Chapter 1199
It was replaced with Melody’s voice, which sounded slightly flustered.“Hello, Ninian?”“Mel, what’s wrong?” Ninian curiously asked.“No-Nothing. I just met some people who are extra friendly.” Melody seemed to gently exhale and ask, “Grapie, is something wrong? Do you need my help with anything?”When Ninian heard Melody’s soft words, she felt her face turn red from embarrassment.It seemed that she always caused trouble and came to her sister for help, so her sister’s first reaction after getting a call from her was to ask what happened.“Ahem, Mel, I just wanted to check in on you.” Ninian shamelessly asked, “Are you in Perthwick now?”“How did you know?” Melody asked in surprise, sounding a little strange. “I’m… I’m staying in my junior’s house.”“Your junior? Is it Brooklyn?” Ninian’s eyes instantly lit up. With a nosy gaze, she asked, “Are you in his house now? So, was that noise earlier from his family talking?”“Yes,” Melody said. “Luckily you called in time, or else,
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Chapter 1200
“Mel!”Brooklyn looked flustered as he moved forward and sized her up for a while. He sighed in relief only after he noticed that she seemed to be fine.“Are you alright? I heard that you were surrounded by my grandma and family just now.”Brooklyn knew how terrifying the female members of his family were. They had urged him to get married some time ago, and he dared not come home for a few years.Now the girl he liked had come over to stay for two days. But the group of women caught his innocent senior when he looked away. He was so scared that he put his work aside and ran over immediately.When Melody saw his hurried demeanor, she could not help but frown and say, “Why are you running? Take your time, I’m fine.”Brooklyn shook his head to acknowledge that he was fine. When he saw Melody hand him a handkerchief, his blue eyes filled with warmth, and a smile formed on his handsome face.“Thank you, Mel. My hands are tired from playing the piano, and they’re cramped. Could you h
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