All Chapters of Madam Winters’s Fight For Her Children: Chapter 1201 - Chapter 1210
1347 Chapters
Chapter 1201
“Hope for what?” Brooklyn looked at her nervously with expectation.“Hope to gain a connection with the Winters family?” Melody guessed before she quickly frowned. “But she should go to George about this.”Brooklyn hunched his shoulders again. He felt slightly dispirited.“Melody, haven’t you looked at it from another direction?” Brooklyn gazed at her. He wanted to blurt out so many things, but he was afraid that he would scare her. As such, he could just indirectly ask, “Haven’t you thought of getting married in the future?”“Getting married? I’ve never thought about it.” Melody’s face was filled with a grimace, and she asked, “Brooklyn, do you plan on getting married?”For some reason, when Melody imagined Brooklyn standing in the church and getting married to another person, she felt her heart clench.It was like… something that had been with her for a long time going missing all of a sudden. Her heart felt empty and gloomy.“I want to get married, but things haven’t even beg
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Chapter 1202
That night, Ninian received a mysterious call.Even her assistant and close friend did not know anything about the contents of the mysterious call.Everett also guessed a part of the content only through some of her words and certain discreet expressions, as well as gestures, while she gossiped.Just a part was sufficient for him to pity Brooklyn who was in Lusint.He had guarded his “baby” for many years, yet she had not come to realize it at all. She never guessed it no matter what.He could see her, but he could not touch, approach, or feel her.Was there anything else more miserable than that?Everett did not think so.His “baby” had met him officially a few times before she was taken by him, and she was devoted to him.That was the result of a man’s charm and confidence.Everett did not reveal his delusional self-confidence to Zayn.Otherwise, Zayn would tease him even if he bore the risk of getting killed.He was the one who refused to give up on Ninian. He had secret
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Chapter 1203
“Ninian, a handsome guy is looking for you outside!” A staff member walked in and said nosily. “He drives a luxurious car and is dressed in haute couture. He’s extremely good-looking! Who is he? Your suitor? Does Everett know about him?”As the staff spoke, he even carefully looked at the side as if he was afraid that Everett would hear him.“How does the person look like? Does he have a pair of almond eyes and an unrestrained look?” Ninian asked.“Yes! You really know him!” the staff said excitedly. “He’s so handsome!”“Lower your voice. If Everett hears you, all of us will be doomed.”“Exactly. The last time a suitor gave Ninian flowers, Everett got so angry. The crew was tense the whole day. Even the director dared not breathe heavily.”“Pfft!” Ninian felt speechless, and she said, “Why are you being so dramatic? Everett is really good-tempered.”Everyone instantly trembled, and they had goosebumps.Ninian continued. “The person outside is my brother. Everett knows him too,
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Chapter 1204
Ninian suppressed the strange feeling before she asked, “Hal, where are we going?”“I need a partner for a private banquet, so you’ll just act as my partner for the time being.” Harold grinned and answered.“What?” Ninian pouted unhappily. “You have so many women around you. Why do you need me for this? Besides, you should know that it’s not suitable for me to keep a high profile.”“It’s not high-profile.” Harold coaxed her as he said, “This is for the sake of your career and Everett’s.”“Huh?” Ninian instantly became curious. “What do you mean?”“I didn’t expose my identity, so the people at the banquet don’t know that I’m a member of the Winters family either,” Harold said. “I can see that you’re having fun in the entertainment industry, so I plan to invest some money and become the boss of your crew. Once that happens, I can take care of you and Everett too.”When Harold mentioned Everett, he smirked with a cunning look.That brat knew that Harold’s studio was doing new resea
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Chapter 1205
Almost everyone was stunned.Everyone in the banquet hall was fully made up. She was the only one dressed in such a simple and low-key manner.However, her face was unforgettable. She could not hide even if she wanted to, and although Harold stood next to her, he could mask her beauty.The experienced seniors of the entertainment industry subconsciously sighed with great emotion. Her face was a gift from God, and she was born to work in entertainment.Harold was very pleased with the people’s response.That was how impressive his little sister should be whenever she showed up.He had purposely booked a limited-edition gown, which was the latest design from Queen. It was luxurious and noble, a treasure that fitted her the best.Unfortunately, his sister had refused to wear it. She had insisted on dressing up in a simple manner, so Harold had felt slighted earlier.However, Harold flashed a smile as he led his sister toward the crowd at this moment. He easily interacted and socia
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Chapter 1206
“Are you the newcomer who’s been trending recently?”A female celebrity walked over. She looked quite pretty, but her makeup was extremely heavy and exaggerated.Holding a glass of red wine, she glanced at the drink in Ninian’s hand and contemptuously said, “This should be your first time attending such a banquet, right? You don’t even know that red wine is the standard. Aren’t you being disrespectful toward Mr. Winters by just drinking juice?”“What?” Ninian raised her head and looked at her, puzzled.Why was it that some ignorant people still came and provoked her despite Harold’s warning? Ninian forced a smile without paying her any mind. Instead, she held her juice and took a sip indifferently.When the female celebrity saw Ninian ignoring her, she immediately felt disrespected. Her expression darkened as she asked, “Are you mute? Do you know the rules in the industry? Don’t you know you should respect your seniors?”Ninian leaned back on the couch and looked up at her. “Se
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Chapter 1207
Were they… Paul and Agnes?The former actor and actress of “In Full Bloom” appeared there at the same time.It was actually not strange for them to attend such an occasion together. However, it was strange that they looked very close as if they were discussing something.Ninian was very sensitive toward people’s emotions. She could clearly feel that the aura lingering between them was of sorrow and grief.It was obvious from their profound expressions and coldness that occasionally crossed their faces when they talked.Ninian’s heart sank slightly when she recalled the anxiety that she vaguely felt before she came over.She took out her phone and called Everett.After all, these two people held some grudges against Everett and her.She could rest assured since Harold was there with her, but she could not help but feel worried about Everett.Her call was not answered.Ninian’s heart rate increased slightly. She found Zayn’s contact number and made another call.It was answere
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Chapter 1208
“That person” did not just cause the death of Duncan and Everett’s parents, but he even pushed Everett into hell, nearly condemning him to eternal damnation.Everett’s current disease was closely related to that tragedy.That was why Duncan ordered Everett to go back as soon as he heard the news.But would Everett listen to Zayn?Before Zayn could answer, Duncan said, “Pass the phone to him. I’ll talk to him myself.”Zayn and the driver at the side instantly sighed in relief.They really could not do it.Luckily, Mr. Duncan was willing to do the talking personally.“Mr. Everett, Mr. Duncan would like to speak with you.” Zayn held his phone and reported.“Tell him to protect himself. He doesn’t need to interfere with this,” Everett spoke coldly without even looking up.The light on the screen illuminated his intense expression, and his eyes were red.“Everett!” When Duncan heard Everett’s words, he began to sound strict. He yelled, “Go back now! Listen to me!”Everett frowne
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Chapter 1209
“You—” Before Duncan could finish his sentence, Everett interrupted him.“I’ll catch that person, and… “ his skin off with my bare hands.”His tone was light yet ruthless, creeping the others out.Duncan remained silent for a while and finally stopped opposing.He said, “Since you want to make a move, feel free to do so. I’ll support you even if the sky is falling down.”“Okay.” Everett’s gaze turned dark, and his eyes were full of coldness.After he hung up, the car traveled speedily all the way toward the hotel.Meanwhile, in the hotel’s banquet hall, when Ninian raised her head after she talked to Zayn, she did not see Agnes and Paul standing in the same spot anymore.Her expression darkened slightly. She put her drink down and started looking for them by walking to the side.The area was near a side door, while the other side was connected to the main lobby and entrance. If the two of them had walked out through the main entrance, they would have definitely passed
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Chapter 1210
Ninian was not a selfish person who neglected the safety of others.After she sent an emergency text to Harold, she observed the movement on the other side.Once they took any action, she would immediately step out and shout. She was far away from them, so she was confident about getting away.Besides, in a banquet where famous people in the entertainment industry were gathered, she did not believe that anyone would be bold enough to do something wicked in public.Indeed, as expected, the drunk man was released not long after.A bodyguard even helped him to walk back as if he wanted to send the man back to the banquet.After some thought, Ninian lifted her gown and easily jumped over the railing in the corridor. She found a big tree and hid behind it.The bodyguard brought the man closer and closer. When they passed by her hiding place, she faintly heard the young man mumbling.“It was her. She asked me… to come and look for her friends… “She’s so… um… beautiful… like a fairy
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