All Chapters of Madam Winters’s Fight For Her Children: Chapter 1211 - Chapter 1220
1347 Chapters
Chapter 1211
She was not stupid. How could she walk out there on her own?Perhaps they were just testing the waters. Perhaps they knew that she was hiding there.Either way, they wanted to confirm her real location, and that would require some time. After all, the area was a good hiding spot.She could buy some time for her rescue.Everett should be arriving soon. She did not know what was going on with Harold, but she would not have to wait for too long either.Ninian exhaled lightly, and her gaze became resolute.Even if they could not arrive on time, she could at least deal with these people with her status and intelligence.The person clearly knew that she was Ms. Ninian Winters, and nobody dared to easily hurt the Winters family. His appearance and bloodline did not change that.Ninian came up with a theory when she saw that person’s appearance clearly.That person had to be aiming for Everett.She learned from Harold and Melody that there had been a big change in the Craig family ma
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Chapter 1212
Twenty minutes, as mentioned by Zayn in the call, had already passed, yet Everett had not arrived.Ninian’s heart became tightly clenched as a result.She obediently followed the bodyguards and walked toward the pavilion from the stone path in the garden.Soon, she stood in front of the man who resembled Everett.When she looked at him from a close distance, the 80% similar face gave her a visual impact as well.This man looked strangely young, like he was just in his thirties.He and Everett similarly owned handsome faces, but his features were not as noble and cold as Everett’s. His features were filled with ruthlessness, though.It was hard to cover up even with a friendly smile, thus it made him look more hypocritical.The two people behind him were considered Ninian’s old friends.Their gaze on her was filled with hatred and grievance too. The only difference was Agnes’ more cynical attitude and Paul’s heightened paranoia.But Ninian directly ignored them.She did not n
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Chapter 1213
However, she continued to look shy and said, “Thank… Thank you for the compliment.”When Rowan heard this, the contempt in his eyes became stronger.When he noticed that Ninian seemed to let her guard down slowly, he purposely chatted with her and complimented her. When she finally smiled, he opened up the main topic of their conversation.“I hear that you’re in a relationship with my nephew. Do you know about his disease?”Coldness crossed Ninian’s heart.He was truly aiming for Everett.“Do you mean his slight paranoia?” Ninian looked a little embarrassed and said, “I know about it, and I can accept it. But my family might have a different opinion, so we’re still working hard.”“Paranoia?” Rowan laughed out loud as if he had heard a joke.It was only after a while that he looked at Ninian’s anxious gaze and said, “So, you don’t know the truth, do you?”“The truth?” Ninian’s heart tightened. She thought that she could roughly ask about these matters. “What truth?” she asked f
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Chapter 1214
The voice attracted the attention of everyone in the pavilion.“Everett… Everett Craig!”When Paul saw Everett, it was like a mouse seeing a cat. His expression instantly changed, and he let go of Ninian’s hand hastily.Ninian moved out of his grasp and immediately looked at Everett. Her eyes could not help but become teary, and her vision became blurry.For some reason, the moment she saw him, she felt conflicted and wanted to cry.Perhaps she was happy that he was fine and had reached the place safely. Perhaps she was happy that he had shown up in time and protected her once again. Perhaps she could imagine how cruel the past was when she only heard a part of it.At that moment, she felt extremely gloomy, but she also felt joy, grief, and sympathy for him.“Don’t cry.” By then, Everett had already walked up to her. His gaze was affectionate as he held her in his arms and gently kissed her soft hair.“Baby, I’m sorry! I’m late!”Harold, who had rushed over together with him,
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Chapter 1215
He quirked his eyebrows and said in surprise, “What? How could this happen? Mr. Winters, don’t be anxious. I’ll help you to ask about it.”As he spoke, he turned sideways and asked the bodyguard, “What happened to Mr. Winters?”The bodyguard respectfully answered, “We don’t know.”Rowan turned back and looked at Harold. He flashed an apologetic smile and said, “Mr. Winters, you see… Did you misunderstand anything?”“You!” Harold’s expression instantly changed. When he wanted to move forward, he was pulled by someone.When he turned around, he saw a pair of cold and profound eyes, and the hatred in the eyes could nearly burn people.“I’ll leave Ninian to you,” Everett said indifferently. After he pushed Ninian into Harold’s arms, he directly walked up to Rowan.Ninian looked slightly anxious.However, Harold just glanced at Everett coldly and frowned. He did not object. Instead, he held Ninian’s shoulders, moved backward, and took her to a safe zone.At the pavilion, two men
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Chapter 1216
Everett’s eyes were already red at the moment. He was like a beast that had targeted his prey, totally irrational.He moved forward again and lifted Rowan who was lying on the ground motionlessly. Then, he raised his hand and held it like a knife in an attempt to ruthlessly hit Rowan’s neck artery.“Everett! Be careful!”Everett turned back, and his pupils instantly shrank.The bodyguards rushed forward from the side, and all of them held sharp knives.Everett curled his lips into a sneer. “You’re finally here.”He knew it. Why would a timid person like Rowan make such a desperate attempt to fight him alone?He neatly avoided them, while Rowan also took this opportunity to run back to the bodyguards’ protection.Everett spat out some blood.He was also hit during the fight, but compared to Rowan’s injuries, his injuries did not matter.Everett raised his hand to wipe the blood off the corners of his lips before he snorted and said, “Rowan Craig, you’re still shameless as usua
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Chapter 1217
But this was different.Her anxiety reminded her that she could not leave!Once she left, the subsequent situation would go out of control.Everett would do anything to catch Rowan.And Rowan would also fight him with death.Thinking of these, her teeth could not help but tremble.She looked at Everett and stared at his cold expression across the crowd. “No, I’m not leaving,” she said firmly.As if Everett heard her words, his expression changed slightly. He turned back and looked at her.“Go back,” he said.Ninian shook her head. She stared at him and asked, “Everett, what are you planning to do?”Everett did not answer, but he quickly gulped.“Tsk! What a beautiful love. You can go hand in hand in life and death.” They heard a sarcastic voice as Rowan sneered.His expression was distorted, and he said, “This is really disgusting! Hypocritical! Fake!”Everett turned back and glared at Rowan. His gaze was completely cold.“When someone is disgusting, his love is naturally
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Chapter 1218
“Rowan Craig.” Everett stared at him coldly and said, “I want to challenge you as a member of the Craig family.”Right after he said that, all the bodyguards on the site were shocked.Even Rowan was in disbelief.“What did you say? Are you challenging me as a Craig family member?” Rowan nearly chuckled. “Little brat, do you know what you’re talking about?”Zayn’s expression instantly darkened. “Mr. Craig, please remain calm!”Yet, Everett ignored him. Instead, he stared into Rowan’s eyes unrelentingly.He said, “I’m very clear about my actions. So, are you brave enough to accept?”His words ticked Rowan off. He had an intense look and even seemed to be thinking in depth.Ninian looked at Harold helplessly.What did this mean? She did not understand at all.Did Everett just place a huge bet?Harold’s expression was profound. He stared at Everett and Rowan who were in a stalemate before he softly explained, “There’s a rule in the Craig family. When family members have argument
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Chapter 1219
But Everett remained calm.Rowan narrowed his eyes and coldly said, “Go ahead. Be quick. Don’t delay my gathering with my nephew.”The implication was clear. He wanted his bodyguards to remove the bombs.The bodyguards behind him seemed unwilling, but they dared not say another word. All of them just left.Soon, the initially crowded pavilion became empty.Even Agnes and Paul, who had been lying on the ground, were dragged out by the bodyguards to make more space.Other than Everett and Rowan, only Harold and Ninian were left there.Everett finally looked at Ninian with a gentle expression. “Baby, I need you to keep an eye on them for me.”However, Ninian shook her head, her big almond eyes becoming watery.She knew that Everett wanted to dismiss her.But how could she leave?Rowan had given up his own undercard to gamble with Everett in this duel. Was Everett’s chances of winning really high?What if something happened to him?What should she do?“Be a good girl. I’ll be
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Chapter 1220
Outside the hotel, arrangements were made for Ninian to get into a car.The car had been modified with special materials, and it was bulletproof, being able to withstand all kinds of hot weapons.Although the bombs in the hotel were cleared, Rowan had come prepared. Nobody knew whether he had secretly done anything else.Harold naturally would not let his sister face such a risk.The people in the hotel did not know what kind of life-threatening disaster they had just survived. When they walked out of the hotel, they seemed to be in good spirits.They got into their luxurious cars and left.Zayn had initially wanted to wait at the entrance, but since there were too many familiar people, he felt helpless and could only hide in the Winters family’s car.Harold asked, “Are you sure that Rowan will keep his promise?”“We’re not sure.” Zayn took off his golden-framed glasses and massaged his eyebrows impatiently. “Mr. Craig can only make this gamble. He’s betting on the fact that Ro
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