Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 131 - Chapitre 140
Chapter 131: Full transformation?
Miss Degrace offered to drive everyone home, but Gary declined, claiming that just like Marie wanted, he would head straight to the hospital to get himself checked. Of course, there was no way the teenager was actually going there to waste his hard earned money when his body could naturally heal. Heck it would probably get even better than whatever a doctor would do, especially since there would be no wound by the time he would arrive.The group had agreed that they would meet up at the pool club tomorrow once classes and
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Chapter 132: No more Drama
In the end, Gary decided against the idea of testing it out, not now and not in this area against a person he didn’t even know. Sure gang members were mostly bad, but he had no right to punish a random person who might have similar circumstances to himself, especially if all he was currently doing was making sure that the neighbourhood was safe.
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Chapter 133: Everyone's Business
When Gary heard his name, his heart immediately started to beat more rapidly. It was making him worry that with all this added pressure that he might suffer from heart problems one day, but perhaps being a Werewolf would make him immune to that. It would have been one thing if they had been looking for a ‘green haired teenager’, but the two White Rose agents had specifically called him out by name, which of course had led to everyone turning around and staring
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Chapter 134: A Suspect
Having a White Rose agent read him his rights just stressed the fact that Gary was in a very serious situation. He wasn’t sure whether to be happy or not that the two were pursuing things the legal way and that included the recording in front of him. Just as Tom had said, they seemed to be treating him as a suspect… The only question was for what? Was this about Billy… or something else entirely?The two White Rose agents sat down, Sadie staring at him far more aggr
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Chapter 135: A guilty test
After Blake briefly deliberated whether he should try to use the vents to listen in, an idea which he quickly dropped due to the noise it would create, the young Altered Hunter decided to go with his original idea. He looked outside to make sure there were no students out there, but since the teachers’ lounge, as well as the printer room, were facing away from the main road he wouldn’t have to worry about people mistaking his actions for a suicide attempt, shouting out towards him, creating a scene that would reveal his location. 
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Chapter 136: An Altered Test
Kai had gone around the back of Gary and was gripping tightly onto the chair. It was a clear sign that he had been backed into a corner. This was the first time he had ever heard of something like the ‘Altered Investigation Force Act’, so of course he had nothing prepared to counter that. When coming in, he had been hoping that he could use his meagre legal knowledge to get his friend out of this situation. Seeing that Kai was speechless, Gary could only assume that what the White Rose agents claimed to be the truth. He wouldn’t be surprised if th
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Chapter 137: The result
Kai was watching his underclassman carefully, assuming that Gary might intend to switch the tube out or something at some point, but seeing him do nothing was causing sweat to run down his face. Seeing the blonde teenager so nervous only strengthened Sadie’s belief that they had caught their suspect. Since it needed his blood, Gary asked the two White Rose agents if they wanted something for him to prick his finger. When Sadie offered to do it with her claw, the green haired teenager naturally pulled back his hands. It was then that Kai pulled out
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Chapter 138: What's his story?
Gary’s head was sulking down and for some reason he was finding it incredibly hard to take another step forward. The teenager stood outside the boarded up place that the group had recently taken ownership of.As for why he was unable to walk forward, that was something Gary didn’t know himself. Perhaps it was because he was avoiding seeing a certain someone. 
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Chapter 139: The truth
Right now, Gary couldn’t help but feel a little awkward when trying to approach Kai. As such, he believed his next best bet would be to ask the two women that seemed to always be by his side. In a way, their background was just as mysterious as his.Slowly, Gary inched his way over to the bar, cleaning away from where Austin was. Here, Marie had taken a break and was currently sitting on a stool with a notepad out. The high school girl also had her phone out, and from what he could see, she was busy using the calculator function and writing down some th
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Chapter 140: The New Skill
A week has passed, and eventually the next weekend had arrived. There wasn’t as much worry on Gary's mind as there usually would be. For one, he had around three more weeks until the next full moon, then the condition of his mother had also stabilised, and while it hadn’t improved, at least it hadn’t worsened either. Progress on the business that Kai was planning to implement for the Howlers was going smoothly, and it would be ready to open soon. On top of that, the two of them had made up and cleared their ‘misunderstanding’, bringing them a litt
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