All Chapters of My Werewolf System: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
855 Chapters
Chapter 141: A new state
The preparations were complete and with a few tugs it looked like Gary was secure.“I’m not so sure about this, Gary, you broke out of my parents' storage unit with ease. I’m worried you might be able to break out of this one as well.” Tom shared his concerns. “It won't be like last time.” Gary stated confidently. “I’m not sure how to explain it, but I feel
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Chapter 142: An enemy is a friend
Coming back after a short while, Tom was surprised to see that the chains were all still intact and that his best friend stood there butt naked. He deliberately avoided gazing around a certain area of Gary’s, instead hurrying to unlock all the locks. “So what happened?” Tom asked. “Wait, before you tell me, please change into these!”
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Chapter 143: The Grand Day
Today was Sunday, and in the past, Gary would have slept in until close to noon. However, today he had woken up at 7 AM sharp. The teenager had gotten used to waking up early ever since his mother got hospitalised, so that he could prepare Amy some breakfast… even though it was usually just a sandwich or some cereal. As usual, the first thing on his morning ritual’s agenda was to check his Status.
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Chapter 144: A Real Gentleman
The Wolf’s Pool Club was finally open for business, yet it was hard to say whether it was a success. The place was busy, and Gary was hardly able to catch a break as he was busy serving people and answering their questions. There was a good flow of income coming in at the same time. The reason Gary found it difficult to call it a successful opening or not, was because ninety percent of the customers were from Austin’s school. At first, when some of them arrived, they had a worried look on their faces. They had even asked who they were facing and w
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Chapter 145: A Monster
However, before Gary could ask about that day, Marie surprised him with a question of her own.“Are you an idiot?” Now the high schooler was really confused. One moment, Marie had been thanking him, yet the very next she was insulting him?
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Chapter 146: The Hunters Trouble
Hanging outside the school window sill wasn’t exactly a normal thing that students did these days, yet Blake had done exactly that. The high schooler had done so out of great concern for his fel- …No, he had done so because it was his duty as an Altered Hunter who was worried about an Altered possibly being at his school!Seeing White Rose agents at their school meant that there could be even worse things roaming around the school than Gary. Which was why he needed to act fast. However, after listening in to their entire investigation, the only thing th
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Chapter 147: Tracking the Omega
After Gary had told Blake that the two of them needed to talk about something, they had made their way outside to the bench next to the art block. This time, the green haired teenager was the only one to sit down, while the young Altered Hunter insisted on standing. “Oi! Earth to Blake, are you here with me?” Gary waved his hand in front of the other high schooler’s face. “Is everything alright with you? Were you out and about with your Dad yesterday or something? You seem a bit out of it.”
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Chapter 148: Better Together
Gary was hesitating on whether he should accept Blake’s offer. Billy was his responsibility, and he hated the thought that his friends might get involved. The fact that the Omega wolf had attacked them still haunted the teenager, especially since it had boiled down to dumb luck that none of them had gotten killed that night.However, Blake was different from the rest. In the first place, he was an Altered Hunter, belonging to a group of people who risked their lives to kill Altered on the daily. Even if he were to refuse, chances were that Blake and his
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Chapter 149: What now?
Innu was clearly letting out his frustration by shouting and yelling at the scene in front of him. The other two boys were left too shocked to even say anything, while Tom remained silent. He had never seen this look on Gary before, who was beyond mad. His hands were clenched so tightly that the veins on the front of his hand were showing. “Who did all of this? Screw me, this place might look even worse than before!” Innu continued to yell, and rightly so. The
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Chapter 150: Kai's gift
 Gary had been ready to go on his own in the worst case scenario. He wouldn’t have blamed any of them, since what they were about to do was crazy for any normal teenager, yet not a single member of the Howlers hesitated. They were all willing to go along with their leader’s decision, and go rescue one of their own. In the short amount of time that the group had spent together, they had formed a bond that couldn’t be explained with just words. On top of th
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