All Chapters of My Werewolf System: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
855 Chapters
Chapter 151: Marie's struggle
The building used to be a dock for ships. However, it had been ages since it had been used for that purpose, so these days it was just another abandoned building. The only things reminding anyone of its past function would be the many empty shipping containers that had been left behind.Those were one of the reasons why the grey colour gang had chosen to use it as their base. Many of their members were runaways, homeless, or just had nothing else to do, so they used the shipping containers as their sleeping quarters. They were filled with quilts, sheets
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Chapter 152: The Howlers attack
“Hey… that guy isn’t coming up… I think the masked guy just knocked him out with one punch!” One of the grey coloured members reported, as he shook his friend, who was on the ground.“Come on, he’s not bald, how is that possible!” Another claimed looking at the small figure who had hit his friend.[You have successfully knocked out a grey colour gang member]
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Chapter 153: One at a time
Gary let out a powerful shout that seemed to come from deep within his belly. If the high schooler had been in his right mind, he would have also noticed that this yell was incredibly loud, but at that moment he only cared about one thing.His little war cry had done exactly what he had expected it to do. Several gang members came out from the containers inside the warehouse, and they were now all looking at the intruder. 
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Chapter 154: Meet again
The strange teenager had surprised them since he had appeared. The thirty or so grey colour gang members had been hitting him for a while now, yet he still hadn’t fallen. What’s more, Gary hadn’t shown them any signs that he was getting tired or any weaker than when he had arrived.Nevertheless, common sense told them that he had to have been hurt, so it was just a question of time when the intruder would succumb to them. Yet that never happened, which was why a few of them had gotten fed up.
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Chapter 155: Secret out!
Straight away, as soon as the container door at the very back was opened, the smell wafted into Gary’s nose. When he turned his head, he could see a person standing outside with the door open. What was worse though, just like in the pool club, Gary could smell blood. ‘No…no… not again! Why am I always too late!’ Gary blamed himself. 
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Chapter 156: Incomplete
The amount of liquid that had been in the syringe that the twins had injected into themselves had been small. Honestly, Raven wasn’t sure what exactly it would do, but as a leader of the Grey Elephant gang, he just knew that testing it out on their loyal followers would be a terrible gamble. If those things worked as Sin had alluded to, he could always use the syringe on himself or someone else later, but first he had to know their effects… especially the side effects.
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Chapter 157: Don't touch my gang!
‘Do I just cover her with my body and charge out? No, they have weapons, so she might get seriously hurt.’ Gary thought what to do, now that he had found Marie.[42/120 Energy]Being low on Energy meant that the green haired teenager couldn’t afford to waste much time in the container thinking about what to do next. He had untied Marie, allowing the high school girl to move on
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Chapter 158: Black Blood
Inside the warehouse, no one could comprehend the situation they were in. People who they had never seen before entered the warehouse and all of them since their leader had been defeated had given up fighting, yet there seemed to be a new problem. Looking around, Austin quickly found a metal pipe lying on the floor. Perhaps a weapon from one of the other members. Picking it up, he placed it through the door, and using all his strength the teenager managed to make it bend, which should make it harder for the twins to open it. 
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Chapter 159: Low Energy
The beast who still had the pocket knife stuck in the back of its head went after Kai, who had attacked it. There was currently no one around him but just him, and there were still a few grey colour members. Seeing how the beast had decided to focus on someone else though, they decided to make a run for it, some of them even running out of the door where the others had come in from.‘Of course that would happen, but the only way for all of us to survive was for someone to have sacrificed themselves or become the bait, and none of them were going to do a
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Chapter 160: A sacrifice
Gary had never imagined himself willingly chomping down on a person's body. They might be dead, but it still felt wrong. The fact that he could still feel residual body heat, didn’t help in any way, yet right now his life was literally on the line, as well as that of others.If he didn’t defeat those beasts that were chasing after, then who would? Perhaps White Rose or some other Altered might be able to do something about them, but how long would it take for them to arrive and deal with the twins? How many more lives would be lost because of their ramp
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