All Chapters of My Werewolf System: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
855 Chapters
Chapter 161: A bloody mess
The beast in front of Gary was faster than him, and it looked like only his claws could do any real damage to it. Unfortunately, it cost a lot of Energy to use them, and they only lasted 2 seconds right now. The only way he could defeat it, would be if he had a way to prolong that time. Fortunately, his latest skill would allow him to do just that. With 50 Energy, Gary would be able to stay fully transformed for two entire minutes, yet there was a reason why he hadn’t used the skill yet. 
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Chapter 162: Main Quest Complete
At the time, each of them had just worried for their own lives, they honestly would have all done the same as Gary since the only way to survive seemed to be to kill the twins. Otherwise, they would have been the ones to be added to the corpse pile. As such, nobody blamed their leader for what he had done.While the teenagers might be okay with it, in the eyes of the law murder was nevertheless a major crime. In fact, the warehouse as a whole would be a major crime scene, since multiple members of the grey colour gang had been killed by the two beasts.
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Chapter 163: Select Your class
There was a lot on Gary's mind after he had killed the twins to the point he didn’t really have the time  to check up on his rewards. However, as the day continued on as normal, and he eventually saw Amy, his heart settled down somewhat from the events of today. After receiving the group message from Kai, he decided that he should continue on with what he needed to do.‘I remember it saying to select a Class, but what does it exactly do?’ Gary wondered.
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Chapter 164: An upgrade!
Apparently, selecting a Class was more than just some perks, because Gary could physically feel that his body was changing. It felt somewhat similar to when he would transform. ‘Seriously? Right here, right now? You didn’t tell me something like this was going to happen! What if Amy sees me? This is bad!’ Gary thought as sweat was running down his body and forehead. He quickly got out of his clothes, as he had gone through too many recently, and he didn’t want to waste money on buying more.
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Chapter 165: A change
After checking out everything the system had to offer, Gary couldn’t really say he was upset with his choice. For one, he had no way to find out what he would have gained, but the one thing he now did have was the skill called Controlled Transformation. In his mind, this was the biggest win out of them all. Honestly, Gary wanted to test everything there and then, but he thought that maybe it wasn’t the best idea for him to do so in the bathroom. What if he was to suddenly go from just controlling the change in one part of his body to then controll
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Chapter 166: Centre of Attention
Arriving at school, Gary was happy to see that everyone was okay. He was partially worried that perhaps Innu would have run away after seeing what happened. Sure, they were all somewhat involved in the underworld, but the green haired teenager knew exactly what it was like to see a dead body for the first time. It was a memory that not only wouldn’t, but one just couldn’t get out of one’s head, although perhaps Gary had it worse because he had directly been responsible for the corpses he had seen. Which was why, although Innu was in the class and
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Chapter 167: Growth spurt
School had ended, and for once, Gary didn’t need to go search for Kai to inform him about anything, nor did he have to look for Blake. Both of them had told him they would contact him in due time, which mean he was free to do what he wanted.Earlier, Marie had sent them an update in the Howlers group chat saying she would be taking the day off school, and all of them could understand why. If she came in before the swelling went down, she would be harassed with all sorts of questions. Perhaps the teacher might even misunderstand and assume it had been he
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Chapter 168: A missing brother
Amy and Stacy hadn’t quite been the same ever since they had been to the Kobo Karaoke Club that evening. The two were very thankful that theirs was an all-girls school, and the number of male teachers was only a handful. Otherwise, it would have been a lot harder for her to even deal with her day-to-day life.Amy was aware of her own condition. Whenever the high school girl would go to the convenience store, she could feel herself become extra nervous, even when jus
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Chapter 169: The young hunter
After school had ended, Blake was walking home following his usual path, but he was busy with his thoughts. For one, he was wondering what was happening to Gary. His body had clearly changed, and the young Altered Hunter had his suspicions as to why.‘It looks like his body hasn’t finished adjusting to whatever happened to him, so maybe he’s more complete now. Only… I don’t recall any of the books mentioning such transformations… Is he some new type of Werewolf?
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Chapter 170: Working with an enemy
When walking to school, there was a hop to Gary’s step. It was a strange feeling, and he didn’t even understand it himself right now. Rather than being scared or worried that he would most likely face Billy today, the high schooler felt excited. All this time, everything he had been doing, growing stronger by fighting the colour gang members, had all been, so he could beat Billy, and it was time to see if his hard work had paid off. 
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