All Chapters of My Werewolf System: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
855 Chapters
Chapter 171: Others like you
‘What kind of tests is he going to do on me?’ Gary felt apprehensive, and backed away, placing his hand in front of him. It was at that moment, he realised that he didn’t really know Blake that well. Perhaps this was his trap, then again the system hadn’t popped up with any type of message saying that he had broken his promise, but he was sure there would be loopholes to his system's bond.Pressing the button again, the spikes went away, and the baton-like bat w
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Chapter 172: A past
After Blake's shout it didn’t take long for Gary to zoom to where he was and that’s when he could see that the other teenager was digging through the leaves. They were being hurled, thrown everywhere. Now looking at the spot, although Gary couldn’t see it, he could smell it. “There’s blood there, right?” Gary asked for confirmation. 
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Chapter 173: Black rock
It had been a while since Innu had been able to catch a break. Lately, he had felt as if there had always been something to do. His new school was a little further away than his old one, so it was quite a walk to get to the place he was heading to at the moment. 'Hahaha, all those suckers will love these.' Innu smiled to himself, carrying around two heavy carrier bags in his hands that were filled to the top. 'It's been a while since I visited them, even before I joined the Howlers. I was always busy trying to make money, but it seems like things
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Chapter 174: Save them all!
Innu wanted to do whatever he could to help Suzan, and he had a plan. Once he got enough money, he would change this place and hire someone to help her. Right now, he would help them out now and again."You know you didn't have to do this," Suzan said, smiling at him. "Your visit is honestly enough for the kids, and they love just seeing you.""No, I like presents more!" One of
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Chapter 175: The Bigger Wolf
When Gary and Blake had reached the orphanage, the two of them were debating about what to do. Whether they should head inside the place and try to find Billy. Although Gary felt like this might cause an awkward situation if Innu was inside, there was also the chance that them coming to the scene would scare Billy away.However, they thought it was unlikely that he would be inside anyway. The place looked quite large, and he was sure there would be multiple people, especially at an orphanage.
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Chapter 176: A monster I created
In his full Werewolf form, Billy was fast, and for some reason, once again, no matter what Gary tried doing, the marking wouldn't work on him. He wondered if it could even work on others like him in the first place. Still, he could smell Billy's scent and follow that instead.This time he made sure to remember what it smelt like. Transformed into a Werewolf, his smell was actually different from when he was a human. The Werewolf smell was a lot stronger and distinctive co
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Chapter 177: Tag Team Werewolf
If someone were to see him, they might call Gary’s fighting reckless, yet the teenager had actually been really careful. He hadn’t used his Full Transformation skill yet because he knew it would be better used at a later time.First he wanted to wear Billy down, then fight him once he could even overwhelm him with strength. This was what Gary had planned, as he felt confident that he had more Energy at his disposal than the other Omega wolf thanks to his Warrior
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Chapter 178: Fighting like a Wolf
It was clear to both Gary and Blake that the woman was done for. Using his large jaws, Billy took a bite out of her neck, leaving her with barely a few seconds to regret her decision of having gone out for a walk that day.While Blake was staring at what a monster Billy was, who had just snapped her head off, for some reason, Gary was more concerned about the woman’s eyes. Before life left her, a look of absolute, sheer fright had been ingrained in them, and she had helplessly reached out with a hand to the two teenagers, hoping for some sort of help.
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Chapter 179: Double trouble
When Amy came to school the next day, she couldn’t help but replay yesterday’s incident. She and Stacy had been stopped by a stranger just outside their school, who had asked them about his brother, the scumbag who had invited them to the Kobe Karaoke Club. However, the two girls weren’t completely unrelated to the matter, and they both knew that. Amy had asked Stacy for a few details, as her memory of that day was hazy. She could remember up until the point they had taken out the drugs, but her best friend just told her that she didn’t know what
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Chapter 180: The meeting (Part 1)
The vehicle was already on the move and the two of them could tell straight away as they felt the rumbling of the ground through the floor and the sound of the old engine. As for where they were going, it was impossible to tell, but right now, fear was going through both of the girls' minds as to what might happen to them. Amy wanted to reach into her pocket to grab her phone but thought that would be too obvious. She was wearing a skirt in the first place and too much movement might cause it to drop it. 
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