All Chapters of THE ILLEGITIMATE SON: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
266 Chapters
Chapter 111: Singer May
One of the urchins turned around, and his eyes widened in shock, looking like someone who has seen a ghost.The one at the door turned around and was petrified, Mama Sarah didn't take their reactions seriously.She simply put her hands behind her with an expressionless face, “what are you all doing here?” she asked coldly.The one at the door, hurriedly, ran towards the fence and escaped through, directly.Mama Sarah's corners of her lips twitched, and the other two, who were not far from her, also have the same thoughts.The both of them wanted to run, but Mama Sarah grabbed them “so fast, I am not done with you two, what are you two doing here?” she asked curiously, wondering why they came to mess around in her house.The one she held started sweating bucket, feeling petrified, “he… he…” his lips trembled while he stuttered incoherently.Mama Sarah turned to the other, and he also looked horrified, “what are you doing here?” she asked coldly.The young man started wetting his pant i
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Chapter 112: The Hotel Guards
Mama Sarah went to get the door, before continuing the discussion.She was surprised that Jon Jon was the one standing at the door, looking extremely anxious.“Can I come in?” he asked, Mama Sarah, nodded, and let him in.“Jon Jon, I thought you have fixed the door, why are you here all of a sudden?” she asked, wondering.Jon Jon sat on a chair, looking serious “I was about to return home when I heard that the Mayor's son, Shane Lin has contracted The Win Brothers…” he said and paused.Mora and Mama Sarah were confused, Jon Jon explained briefly “you have forgotten about the fight with Mayor Son, the other day?” he told Mama Sarah.Mama Sarah exclaimed, “Oh!”And replied, “I forgot about it, who are The Win Brothers that made you come over here, this late?”Jon Jon frowned “they are a group of martial artists, they are very famous in this area, and they have an academy with few geniuses, and they rule the district”Mama Sarah shrugged her shoulders, as long they don't rule the Capital
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Chapter 113: Boss Cool's friends
The security man's face was proud, he didn't bother turning around, and he yelled “don't blame me for being rude, it is because…”He barely completed what he was saying, when his entire body started trembling, a flurry of footsteps approached him.Six people came from behind, and they were all powerful figures in the Capital slum district, they are tycoons running the show in the little corner.Boss Cool and his five friends' faces were cold.“A mere security guard in my hotel, now have the power to throw my friends out, how impressive” one of Boss Cool's friend commented.The two guards that stopped Mama Sarah's earlier, faces became paler when they heard that comment.Plop! Plop!The two of them dropped to their knees, looking extremely regretful, “Boss Sima, we were saying nonsense earlier, we don't know what we are saying, please don't sack us”The two of them grovelled on the floor, begging seriously, Boss Cool with an ingratiating smile walked over to Mama Sarah.“It is my own n
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Chapter 114: The Car Attack
The six of them sent her off, and even the workers in the hotel were surprised.“Who is that old woman? She must be a big shot to be accompanied by all the district big shots” one of them say.Another commented, “she dressed so shabbily, I was almost tricked”Mama Sarah came out of the opened hotel gate, and stood at a waiting point, for a taxi.A car stationed some meters away started and sped towards her crazily.The car was very close to knocking her down when she suddenly moved, she moved very fast, even leaving an afterimage.The car tyres screeched, and the driver quickly reversed without giving a second thought.The on-lookers were watching the entire scene like it is a movie screening, they craned their heads searching for the director and his team.The car quickly zoomed off, Mama Sarah stood some meters away, and pursed her lips, wondering who wanted her death desperately.She stopped a taxi, and got to the hospital, Mora came out and entered the car, her face was sullen.Ma
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Chapter 115: Ten Million Dollars
Peter didn't realized Lucas plan earlier, he wanted to push Lucas to the wall, and used the opportunity to win Lucas's faction over in the pack.He came to realization that Lucas was about to beat him to his game, he was very tensed, that he quickly interjected."who said I won't fight for the pack? our pack have always being the leading pack in Coal city, and it will remain so, but, Lucas isn't fit to be an Alpha of the pack" he sounded convincing.Lucas folded his arms and looked at his brother amusingly, before regained his senses, he saw that, the Twin pack members, and their Alphas were all facing him with hostility.Lucas spread his arms "we don't know if you are saying the truth, Peter, how about you prove to us, you are not merely spouting ordinary words, with some actions" he said and chuckled.Peter was furious, he saw that Diana was surrounded by few werewolves from Twin Pack, his plans against Lucas was used against him.His eyes turned yellow, his muscles enlarged "let he
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Chapter 116: Top Officer
He didn't expect Mama Sarah to be that shrewd, he gritted his teeth and bellowed, “old hag, what nonsense are you saying? You were the one who forced me to give you the money, I didn't want to”. Mama Sarah's lips curled up, and one or two tears slipped from her eyes, the police officers were both dumbfounded by her dramatic prowess.She retorted sharply with a hoarse voice, “how did I force you Mayor son? Was it with a gun, and how was I able to get close to you, and make you transfer a whopping sum of ten million dollars”.She acted like someone who was wronged, the police officers looked at each other, and they realized, that the old woman is quite dramatic, and they could attract the public attention if they stay any longer.Shane Li puffed his cheeks, he wanted to speak, but he couldn't even say anything, the questions sallied forth by Mama Sarah are too targeting, admitting any, means he will open up an investigation, which it will show that he was in the wrong.He flew into a
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Chapter 117: Musical Instruments
The two junior officers, hearing their superior requesting their names, both of them became paler.Boss Emma looked at their chests searchingly for their name tags, the both of them turned around abruptly, and scurried away before Boss Emma could see their name tags.“The both of-” Boss Emma was left speechless, by the way, the two of them fled from his eyesight.The voice from the speaker knew what had happened and comforted Boss Emma “you don't have to worry, Brother Emma, I will surely, look for their two, and deal with them decisively”Boss Emma was satisfied, and he ended the call, Shane Li have regained his senses.He wore an ingratiating smile, that made him look ugly, he walked toward Boss Emma in a subservient manner “Boss Emma, I don't know it was you, disregard all I have said earlier, I was merely spouting nonsense” he apologized.Boss Emma was unmoved by his antics, he replied coldly “so, if it were not me, you would have gone ahead, and use the police officers for your v
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Chapter 118: Sneaky Figures
Boss Cool, ignored Mama Sarah, who was surprised to see him and rushed towards the direction of the piano's tone.Mama Sarah shook her head, feeling helpless, she locked the door and followed Boss Cool.But to her surprise, he merely stood at the door, humming to the sound, relishing in the euphoria of the tones played by Mora.Mama Sarah didn't want to end Boss Cool's moment, she turned around, and returned to the kitchen.Mora tapped at the last key, ending the melodious tone, Boss Cool rushed in without knocking.Mora nearly fell off the chair in fright, she took a deep breath, when her eyes landed on Boss Cool who was applauding her with a big smile etched on his face.She was surprised, and asked the only question that came to her mind, “what are you doing here?”When she realized the question wasn't appropriate, she hurriedly wanted to explain, “I do-”Boss Cool interjected, “I apologize for barging in like that, you play the piano very well, I couldn't control myself, have you
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Chapter 119: At The Mercy Of Mama Sarah
Quin was furious after Mama Sarah reminded them of their disgraceful sacking, Lu Shi was angrier.He looked voracious, and he had the urge to tear Mama Sarah into several pieces, Mama Sarah wasn't a bit intimidated by their furious facial expressions, she was calm, looking at them pensively.“Old Hag, you think you are impressive, Boss Shima isn't here to save you, we are going to teach you a lesson,” Lu Shi said angrily.Mama Sarah arched her eyebrows, “Really?” she taunted, unmoved by their hostility.The two of them gritted their teeth “Surname Kong, you think we are joking, I will tear you into pieces, you have angered me” Quin yelled angrily.Mama Sarah smiled mysteriously, “just the two of you?” she asked while shaking her head.“If you know what is good for you two, you better scram, don't anger me” she retorted.Quin was very impulsive and prideful, being looked down on by a frail old woman triggered him, he rushed at Mama Sarah, to grab her and subdue her at once.But to his
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Chapter 120: What A Beauty
Lu Shi was frightened, his throat dried up of a sudden.“Quin, it isn't my fault, you can't even face the old woman, talk more of me, I was trying to get some help, that is why I wanted to escape earlier” he responded exasperatedly.Quin tightened his grip, glared at Lu Shi and growled, “how dare you lie to me? I know you will never come back, and you don't know anyone in this area”.Lu Shi snatched Quin's hand from grabbing his shirt, he yelled “are you stupid Quin,? you can't even fight an old woman, and you are here venting all your frustrations on me”Quin was sulking realizing he was reprimanded by Lu Shi, he punched his face.Lu Shi staggered backwards, he was enraged, he jumped on Quin, but he was beaten to the ground, and kicked and punched by Quin.Mama Sarah after sending off the two perpetrators, returned to her room, and slept soundly, the next morning, a beautiful piano tone woke her up from sleep.She smiled, and went to the kitchen to prepare, Boss Emma and his friend c
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