All Chapters of THE ILLEGITIMATE SON: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
266 Chapters
Chapter 121: The Proposal
Mora became nervous because of the gaze she was getting, she hurriedly sat down before the piano.The band members looked at one another.“Pfft!” they burst into an uproar of laughter.Mora's face heated up because of embarrassment, the leader of the band would have chased her away.Due, to her appealing beauty, he leaned towards her, “Miss, this isn't the seat meant for the guests, go over there” he said, and pointed his finger towards the rows of chairs.Mora furrowed her eyebrows, and wore an unnatural smile, turning to him “um… I am the pianist” she confessed.The band members all wore an indescribable look on their faces, they were happy that Jim Kim the renowned pianist wasn't hired, but a newbie in his stead.They were all dumbstruck, they exchanged looks and swallowed the words that they wanted to say, the band leader was more pleased, he gloated over the situation.A sly smile appeared on his lips, he couldn't wait to see Jim Kim's face, when words will get out, that he is be
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Chapter 123: Stop The Car
The moment Boss Cool caught a glimpse of Jim Kim approaching them, he panicked and told Mama Sarah and Mora.“Excuse me”Jim Kim seeing his reaction sneered “you want to run?”His pace became quicker before Boss Cool could politely leave the mother and daughter, Jim Kim was already standing before them.Mora looked at the handsome man, and was amazed, he was truly handsome, with his tall figure, and noble temperament.Mama Sarah saw him too and chuckled, “Fatty, is that why you are panicking? You are frightened by his good looks” she joked.But to her surprise, nobody grasped her humour, it felt the temperature surrounding them have plummeted.Boss Cool tried to douse the tension “Jim Kim, I wasn't expecting you to make it here, I was thinking you are still in Country J, handling a few issues” he said sheepishly.Jim Kim's face fell, and he snorted coldly, “Cool, don't you think I deserve an explanation of what happened earlier?”The amiable smile on Boss Cool's face vanished, his fac
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Chapter 124: Jim Kim
The driver acted deaf and stepped on the accelerator, and the car shot forward, with greater speed.Mora cringed inwardly, realizing they were being kidnapped, she grabbed Mama Sarah in fright.Mama Sarah narrowed her eyes at the driver, who was stunned by her demeanour, but he was possessed by greed.“Don't worry, Mora, nothing will happen to you” Mama Sarah comforted, she didn't panic, and didn't strike the driver because she wanted to avoid an accident.The car came to a halt, and she stretched her hand, and the driver turned around.Smack!He stroked his face with a powerful slap, that made his head slam on the windshield, and he passed out with shock registered on his face.He didn't take precautions, believing that the old lady and the girl inside the car won't pose a challenge to him.Jim standing some meters away, with three cars, parked behind him, was smoking relentlessly.“Check, what is keeping him in the car?” he asked one of his lackeys standing by his side.“Yes, Boss”
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Chapter 125: The Girl In Distress
Boss Cool was surprised to see Mama Sarah, he heard they were kidnapped, his face creased with worry relaxed, and he exhaled in relief.Mama Sarah saw that Boss Cool looked disoriented, she was surprised, “Fatty, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be with your wife, making children”.Boss Cool's lips twitched, he was so worried about the daughter and mother pair, but she is busy picking on him.“I learned of your kidnap, I couldn't stay still, so, I decided to come and confirm by myself, before acting” he replied.Mama Sarah's face became serious, she opened the door wide, and ushered him in, Boss Cool doesn't look dashing as usual because he came without preparation.“Is Jim Kim, he was the one who paid the driver you assigned to us, to bring us over to him, you should be careful Fatty, he will surely attack you?” she said, her eyebrows furrowed.Boss Cool let out a brief laugh coldly, his face hardened“The Jim family isn't worth mentioning before me, the only thing that he
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Chapter 126: Old Messiah
Mama Sarah didn't react, she simply said blandly, “I don't see you as a worthy opponent"The crowd witnessing the exchange were stupefied, they gloated over it, but, made sure Ku Shi didn't catch them in the act.Ku Shi's face darkened, “it seems you don't know who I am, old woman,” he said sternly.Mama Sarah looked at him with contempt, “is there anything else apart from the person I am seeing right now? You are just a bully, and a rapist” she reposted.Ku Shi's face was red with anger, he waved his hand, ordering his lackeys to attack, and the two of them pounced forward.Mama Sarah made a move, a slap, kick, and punch, then, slammed their heads together.Bam!The two of them sprawled on the ground, without her breaking a sweat, the crowd clapped their hands, and cheered her, they all looked at her with admiration.Ku Shi, seeing his elite men lying on the ground, was surprised, he looked at Mama Sarah angrily.When he saw that the crowds were cheering her merrily, he barked, “shut
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Chapter 127: Little John
Before the spying boy could escape, Mama Sarah moved swiftly and grabbed his shoulder.Lifting his legs above the ground, made the boy look terrified, and he gulped nervously.“Who are you spying for, kid?” she sneered coldly.The boy shuddered, looking extremely flustered, he waved his hands frantically “n… no… nobody” he stuttered nervously.Mama Sarah glared at him coldly, and his entire body was covered with beads of sweat, she saw that he looked sincere, and wasn't hiding anything, and the kid was extremely terrified.And some passers-by in the open street, have started pointing fingers at them, Mama Sarah let the kid go.“You shouldn't be lurking around people's homes, head back home, quickly, your mom must be distressed about your whereabouts”The moment Mama Sarah mentioned 'mother', the kid's eyes teared up, and snots covered his face.“Help us, Ma, help us, Ma, my mother and I are in danger” he begged, holding her hand, looking pitiful.“Um…” Mama Sarah was stunned at the tu
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Chapter 128: Cowards
Boss Sun, hearing what Mama Sarah said, his face fell, and his subordinates all marched forward.“Old hag, you think you are impressive because of the two people you beat up, kill her” he ordered viciously.His refined out-look was contrary to the words coming out of his mouth, the mother, and son were stunnedEven Napoleon became nervous, he wasn't expecting the person he was dealing with to be so vicious, no wonder he didn't bother when he saw his brother's son and wife in such a miserable state.His subordinates encircled Mama Sarah, they all have profound skills, and they formed a formation.Mama Sarah was calm, she didn't look a bit tense while facing her assailants, “is that all you got?” she sneered.Boss Sun frowned, realizing that his men were hesitating to attack, are they afraid of the old woman? He pondered.Mama Sarah attacked her assailants, she slapped one, and his head collided with another, he palmed the remaining standing assailant's chest.Pa!His cheeks puffed, and
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Chapter 129: The Rich Boys
The people watching them from a safe distance were stupefied, wondering what was happening.Ku Shi and his gang didn't move a muscle until Mama Sarah was gone out of sight.“Fuck!” he cursed, and turned around, looking livid, but, his anger was just an expression of throwing tantrums.His comrades all stood still, without any attempt of chasing after Mama Sarah.The on-lookers roared in laughter, looking at them bashfully, Ku Shi and his gang were utterly embarrassed, they jogged away.Mama Sarah barely reached the gate when she saw a crowd gathered along the road.She paused briefly, and shook her head, ready to enter the house, at this time, someone pointed at her.Many pairs of eyes turned to her, Mama Sarah frowned, looking at their facial expressions, and their lips moving, she could deduce one or two.At that moment, Jon Jon, jogged over to where she is “Madam, it is good you are back, your daughter is in danger” he said, exhausted.Mama Sarah's eyes dimmed, and she briskly walk
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Chapter 130: Giant Jack
The nerd doctor was frightened by the fierce middle-aged woman, right away, another doctor ran in.“Madam Kira, our director is here” she announced.The fierce woman glared at her, before looking at the pot-belle man that looked like a scholar.“What happened to my son? And why is no one attending to him?” she asked sternly, her tone rigid.The director was flustered, a team of doctors swam at the young master, but he refused to be treated, insisting on seeing his mother before they could commence treatment.Biting the bullet, the Director said, “your son, insisted that we shouldn't treat him until…”“What!” Madam Kira was mad, she raised her hand.Smack!And a tight slap landed on the director's face, making him stumble backward, all the doctors present held their breaths, wondering what was the woman's background, to even consider the director a paperweight tiger.“Treat my son,” she said sonorously, the director, who was angry momentarily, quickly ordered.“Ahead” team of doctors s
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Chapter 131: Done
Mama Sarah, realizing that his earth-quaking voice will awake Mora, who was sleeping soundly inside the room, waved her right hand quickly.And the house was enveloped with airy wrap, Jack's eyelids twitched wildly, wondering if he could deal with the woman easily as he had thought.Having the thought in mind, he didn't act pretentiously anymore, using all his hidden strength all at once.His body was wrapped with iron clothes, and his entire body glimmered with dark light, Mama Sarah's face fell, and she sneered "it seems like, those who practice your kind of techniques, are all hoodlums”Jack propped his body forward, marching towards Mama Sarah at a terrifying pace.“What did you say, old hag?” he roared, his eyes bloodshot.Mama Sarah immediately activated the six-air dream walk, which enables her, to move extremely fast within six meters.Jack's eyes darted left and right, trying to figure out, Mama Sarah's position, he sneered and made a grabbing gesture.To his dismay, he caugh
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